Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Mercury will be in planetary transit on May 9th.,

Heads Up! Mercury enters spotlight on May 9
It happens only a little more than once a decade – and the next chance to see it is Monday, May 9. Throughout the U.S., sky watchers can watch Mercury pass between Earth and the sun in a rare astronomical event known as a planetary transit. Mercury will appear as a tiny black dot as it glides in front of the sun’s blazing disk over a period of seven and a half hours. Three NASA satellites will be providing images of the transit and one of them will have a near-live feed.

Although Mercury zooms around the sun every 88 days, Earth, the sun and Mercury rarely align. And because Mercury orbits in a plane that is tilted from Earth’s orbit, it usually moves above or below our line of sight to the sun. As a result, Mercury transits occur only about 13 times a century.

Transits provide a great opportunity to study the way planets and stars move in space – information that has been used throughout the ages to better understand the solar system and which still helps scientists today calibrate their instruments. Three of NASA's solar telescopes will watch the transit for just that reason.

Source & further reading:

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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Gentle People:
 If we are forced to leave this Earth because of climate change, there is hope! 

 Earth Blog | Read new posts: “Three Potentially Habitable Worlds Found Around Nearby Ultracool Dwarf Star - Currently the best place to search for life beyond the Solar System” and 3 more




Arctic Death Spiral Update: What Happens In The Arctic Affects Weather Everywhere Else

 MAY 3, 2016 2:52 PM


This was the hottest four-month start (January to April) of any year on record, according to newly-released satellite data.
The Arctic continues its multi-month trend of off-the-charts warmth. So it’s no surprise that Arctic sea ice continues to melt at a record pace. New research, however, finds that warming-driven Arctic sea ice loss causes high-pressure systems to get stuck in places like Greenland, leading to accelerated melt of the land-locked ice that drives sea level rise worldwide.
Let’s start with the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH) satellite data, which show that the lowest part of the atmosphere (the lower troposphere) was an impressive 1.3°F (0.71°C) above the historical (1981-2010) average — a baseline that is itself 0.8°F (0.45°C) hotter than pre-industrial levels.
UAH temps
The lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly, via UAH scientist Roy Spencer.
April just about tied the record for hottest April in the satellite record (which was 0.73°C). It follows the hottest March, hottest February, and “warmest January in satellite record.”
So it’s easily been the hottest start to any year in the satellite record. Sorry Ted Cruzand other climate science deniers — we are observing human-caused global warming in every single dataset, including the satellites.
This year has also set records for loss of Arctic sea ice. Here is a chart of Arctic sea ice extent from the Danish Meteorological Institute (2016 is in black):
You can see an Arctic “death spiral” chart here. Leading cryo-scientists discuss whether 2016 will beat the record lowest sea ice extent that we saw in 2012 in this video.
Climate models have always predicted that human-caused warming would be at least twice as fast in the Arctic as in the planet as a whole thanks to Arctic Amplification — a process that includes higher temperatures melting highly reflective white ice and snow, which is replaced by the dark blue sea or dark land, both of which absorb more solar energy and lead to more melting. And that means some winters are going to see truly astonishing Arctic warmth, such as we’ve already observed this year (see myMarch post, “Record-Shattering February Warmth Bakes Alaska, Arctic 18°F Above Normal”).
The record Arctic warming has continued, as indicated by freezing degree days (FDD), “a measure of how cold it has been for how long. The cumulative FDD is simply daily degrees below freezing summed over the total number of days the temperature was below freezing.”
This chart from cryo-scientist Andrew Slater shows how unusually warm 2016 has been compared to other years (at 80 degrees North latitude). I realize we expect charts to show warmth with a rising line. In this case, though, since the (lower) lines measure lack of cold — i.e. how anomalously few freezing degree days there have been — the lower a line on the chart is, the warmer it has been.
Arctic FDDs
In the Arctic, 2016 (bottom red line) has had anomalously few freezing degree days. In short, it has been off-the-charts warm.
Considerable research finds that rapid Arctic warming, driven in part by sea ice loss, is already worsening extreme weather. And a new study links that extreme weather — in the form of high pressure systems that get stuck and act like a brick wall, “blocking” the weather from changing — to the accelerating loss of land-locked Greenland ice scientists have observed. The study, “Has Arctic Sea Ice Loss Contributed to Increased Surface Melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet?” explains why: “Reduced summer sea ice favors stronger and more frequent occurrences of blocking-high pressure events over Greenland.”
The researchers found “a positive feedback between the variability in the extent of summer Arctic sea ice and melt area of the summer Greenland ice sheet, which affects the Greenland ice sheet mass balance.” That’s why we have been seeing both more blocking events over Greenland and faster ice melt.
I asked co-author Professor Jennifer Francis of Rutgers, a leading expert on the connection between Arctic amplification and extreme weather, to summarize the findings. She explained:
Our new study does indeed add to the growing pile of evidence that amplified Arctic warming and sea-ice loss favor the formation of blocking high pressure features in the North Atlantic. These blocks can cause all sorts of trouble, including additional surface melt on Greenland’s ice sheet (the primary focus of this study) as well as persistent weather patterns both upstream (North America) and downstream (Europe) of the block. Persistent weather can result in extreme events, such as prolonged heat waves, flooding, and droughts, all of which have repeatedly reared their heads more frequently in recent years.
What happens in the Arctic does not stay in the Arctic.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Gentle People:
  Today, education boils down to what we desire for our future. Do we desire to continue an industrial society based on Oil pollution and Gas burning cars? How about genetically modified plants tolerant to deadly pesticides but the pesticides kill everything else, including Bees and Birds? How many chemicals do we need to ingest before we decide enough is enough?

 Do we honestly want to condemn our ageing population to spend the rest of their lives aimlessly wandering inside giant mind numbing noisy shopping malls?  How many land grabbing shopping malls do we need? These humongous stores use and abuse the advertising media in order to sell useless products to people they have labelled "consumers" and then lock their doors at night?

  How about giant sky-scraping office buildings that serve no other purpose except as monoliths of industrial greed? They also lock their doors at night!
 How about schools and colleges and universities that promise success to students but never define success and they also lock their doors at night? Does success mean leaving school with the ability to dominate the desperate poor and the lower working class? Is success for graduate students the idea of doing less hard labour and more social manipulation? Will they be hired to work within office buildings and shopping malls? Will they find work within the industrial banking system and learn how to accumulate money and then hide the money in places like Panama for their industrial corporate bosses?

  There are alternative definitions of success! Success is having millions of students working and planting Trees in government sponsored national parks for a few weeks and then later helping farmers work on pesticide free farms for a few more weeks while learning how plants survive and thrive on this planet. Success is graduating millions of Doctors and Nurses and Biologists and Scientists and Ecologists and Artists and Musicians who have the absolute desire to save the planet from environmental destruction. Success is the use of technology for the betterment of life on Earth and not for the current Madison Avenue brain washing that works night and day to create new "consumers" for the industrial "system" and basically steals our freedom one credit card at a time! Success is finding love and raising a family without years of hard labour degrading the planet and accumulating over-whelming interest filled Bank debts!

  Success includes roof-top gardens and Apple and Pear and Plum Trees planted everywhere within a city. Success is when millions of roof-tops hold cheap but powerful Solar Panels and when wind power and Electric cars and Bicycle paths run parallel to streets and high-ways. Success is the creation of clean and quick and inexpensive easily accessible small Electric bus transportation systems for the elderly. Success delivers clean water and clean air free to the people of the world. Success is when millions of people read these words and happily agree to change the current industrial system for a better co-operative quality of life.  Success is the realization that life is great and rare in the universe and we are all alive to enjoy it!
Thanks for reading!
Signed: Joseph Raglione: Executive director. The world humanitarian peace and ecology movement.
The White House, Washington
Education is my life's work.
When the President and Vice President were first elected to the White House in 2008, I told my husband Joe that I wanted to continue teaching. Nearly eight years later, here I am - still teaching English full-time at a community college in northern Virginia.
As a lifelong educator, I am proud to be part of an administration that is committed to investing in our students and restoring the promise of the American education system.
From day one, we have made education a priority - from investing in early childhood education to ensuring that more students graduate high school, and from making college more affordable to strengthening partnerships between community colleges and employers to create the next generation of skilled workers.
Today, Joe and I are visiting the Community College of Philadelphia as part of the#HeadsUpAmerica day of action to highlight the progress we've made on free community college programs nationwide and to announce new grants to create and expand tuition-free training at community colleges.
Heads Up
At least 27 new free community college programs have launched in states, communities, and individual community colleges since the President's 2015 State of the Union address. And 17 other states have introduced legislation to make community college free statewide. These programs will help to provide millions of responsible students with access to higher education and the opportunity for a more prosperous life.
We'll also celebrate the strides we've made together to increase the number of college graduates, make college more affordable, and expand college opportunities for all students. Tomorrow, as part of her Reach Higher initiative, the First Lady will be celebrating College Signing Day in New York City, joining in the 1,000 College Signing Day events happening around the country.
To talk about the progress we've made together to make student loans more affordable, like helping more Americans cap monthly loan payments through plans like the President's Pay As You Earn plan, we'll host student reporters from around the nation for our first-ever White House College Reporter Day.
On Friday, as part of my Joining Forces initiative, I'll visit a high school in Florida to announce the completion of a commitment to support military-connected children and improve STEM education in military-connected schools.
And next week, the President will host the National Teacher of the Year and great educators from classrooms across the country to thank them for their hard work and dedication and celebrate their contributions to the progress we've made in improving education over the last seven years. I've also invited the 2016 State Teachers of the Year to the Vice President's Residence at the Naval Observatory for a reception in honor of this accomplished group of teachers.
As a teacher, I believe education is the foundation for building a better life. While our administration has made strides to make education a reality for more Americans, we're going to keep working (and teaching) to make sure all Americans have the opportunity to learn the skills they need to succeed, grow into careers they love, and provide a brighter future for their families.
Dr. Jill Biden
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