Monday, October 6, 2014

A Skip-A-Rope Poem.

Big machine, Big machine,
Please go away!
Don't kill the small trees
Where kids like to play!

Don't squash the mouse house
Mice make from dried hay!
Big machine, Big machine,
Please go away!

You do it for money...
You do it for cash...
You're really not funny!
You just like to smash!

Big machine, Big machine
Please go away!
Don't chase the birds and squirrels
And children away!


You do it for money
You do it for cash,
You're really not funny
You just like to smash!

We play in the forest...
We play in the Trees...
We children beg you on our
Small bended knees...

Don't go in our forest,
Stay away from our Trees!
We beg  you on our
Small bended knees...


We play in the Forest,
We play in the Trees,
We children beg  you on
Small bended knees...


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Gentle Readers, did you know that almost every pharmacy within North America sells products laden with Salt? If you don't believe me simply read the label on facial creams and hair products and dish washing products. Use a magnifying glass because the ingredients are written for blind Lilliputians in an unknown language, however, in almost every product you will find the word Sodium and variations of Sodium. In other words: Salt. You or your loved one may be spending a fortune buying Salt and if you did not know please allow me to inform you that Salt basically dries out your skin. When skin is dry it itches and that often sends you back to the Pharmacy to buy another product which will, you hope, "fix" the problem. A vicious cycle indeed but Salt is not today's topic. Cancer producing chemicals is today's topic! Read this message from the "Story of Stuff" people.
Dear JOSEPH Raglione,
Procter & Gamble, the largest personal care product company in the world, spends millions using Breast Cancer Awareness Month to advertise its Stuff while refusing to remove cancer-causing chemicals from those same products. Major brands such as Tide, Pantene, Herbal Essence, and CoverGirl are packed with carcinogens and sold to customers without so much as a warning on the label.
Meanwhile, the multi-billion dollar company will only donate $100,000 this year to fighting breast cancer. For P&G this is a marketing gimmick – the company has never made a commitment to protecting its customers from the known carcinogens in its own products and has hidden the danger from them. This month, while the spotlight is on breast cancer, we can hghlight P&G's role in contributing to it and other cancers, ensuring that the company makes a real commitment to protecting its customer's health.

Tell Procter & Gamble to stop its pink ribbon hypocrisy by removing chemicals linked to breast cancer from its products!

Dozens of potentially dangerous chemicals can be found across the spectrum of P&G products. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), recognized as a carcinogen by the state of California, is one such chemical used worldwide. The US National Institutes of Health reports that BHA is "reasonably anticipated" to be a human carcinogen. By putting chemicals linked to cancer in P&G products, the corporation is running a dangerous experiment on human health.
The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics has reviewed the scientific literature on carcinogens and found cancer-causing chemicals in Procter & Gamble products including shampoos, lotions, cosmetics, and hair dyes. The CSC cross-referenced this research with authoritative bodies, including the California Proposition 65 list of chemicals, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), and the National Toxicology Program (NTP).
Many of the chemicals P&G uses are banned in various places around the world, but the company simply ships its old, dangerous formula to countries with poor regulations. We are calling on P&G to take action now to end the health threat to people worldwide. There is no reason for Procter & Gamble to put cancer-causing chemicals in its personal beauty products when safer alternatives exist.

Tell Procter & Gamble to remove chemicals classified as carcinogens from its personal care products!

P&G has enormous influence over the market -- when Procter and Gamble makes a move on a carcinogen, the rest of the industry moves with it. P&G’s month-long promotion of breast cancer awareness allows it to rake in millions of dollars, which gives us an incredible opportunity.
P&G plasters its products in pink because that signals a powerful Story: the company cares about the health of its consumers, and that it’s on the right side of one of the major health battles of our time. By getting the Story out about P&G’s hypocrisy, we can pressure P&G into cleaning up its act for good. Together, we can help remove tons of toxins annually from the wastestream -- and from our bodies.

Tell Procter & Gamble to put people’s health first by removing carcinogens from its cosmetics!

Thank you for taking action today!
Emma Cape, on behalf of The Story of Stuff team
Breast Cancer Fund: Chemicals in Cosmetics
The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics: European Laws
Report on Carcinogens: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2011
State of California Environmental Protection Agency: Chemicals Known to the State to Cause Cancer or Reproductive Toxicity, Jan 3, 2014
Last week at the United Nations, President Obama laid out a forceful case that in an uncertain world, American strength and leadership is the one constant.
The United States is leading an international coalition in the fight to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL, to counter Russian aggression in Ukraine, and to contain and combat the Ebola epidemic in West Africa.
As the President said on Sunday night: That's how we roll.
This Thursday, speaking to Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, the President will make the case for what has always fueled America's leadership -- and that's America's economic greatness. He'll take a step back from the rush of current events to explain what we've done to recover from the Great Recession and what we need to do to ensure that more middle-class Americans feel that progress in their own lives.
The fact is, the President's policies and the hard work of the American people have helped America come back farther and faster from recession than almost any other advanced nation. The economy is stronger today than it was before President Obama took office. But he didn't run for office to get us back to where we were; he ran to get us where we need to be -- to rebuild an economy that creates not only good jobs, but broad-based prosperity.
Right after the President took office -- in the face of a global recession -- he laid out his vision for building a New Foundation for the American economy based not on the cycle of bubble-and-bust that led to the crisis, but rather on shared, durable growth that creates good, middle-class jobs. We focused on reforming our financial and health care systems, investing in education, unleashing new jobs in new industries like clean energy and high-tech manufacturing, and bringing down the deficit for future generations.
From the toughest reforms of Wall Street since the Great Depression, to the Affordable Care Act, to cutting our deficits in half, to ten million new private sector jobs over the past four and a half years, we've made significant, measurable progress on each element of this New Foundation. Today, our economy is on a stronger footing for the future.
There's no quick fix, but there are commonsense things Washington can do right now to help create jobs and raise wages. The President will detail the strategy we need to follow to ensure that this century is the American century and that the benefits of our growth are shared broadly with the middle class and all who hope to join it.
More soon,
Dan Pfeiffer
Senior Advisor
The White House


Monday, September 29, 2014

Gentle People at Tesla:
I am surviving below the poverty line and I would love to own a Tesla but cannot afford it on my pension.
 For over twenty years I have been informing and providing details of climate change to major political figures. Barack Obama paid attention and so did his opposition. I once sent an email and asked new president Obama to help fund Tesla. To his credit he over-hauled General Motors and then he funded Tesla. Today, I believe the next question is how and where to provide accessible charging stations for Electric vehicles doing long distance travel. The solution is as close as your nearest Telephone pole.

 You can use modified Electricity directly from the power wires on the Telephone Pole or you can wrap Solar Panels around Telephone Poles and provide plug in Super-chargers that can be utilized with a special credit card at the bottom of the Pole. Electric Cars will then be able to stop and charge their vehicles almost anywhere in North America.
  Attention Tesla sales people! This idea is now free for you to take and push up the social ladder. Please ask Elon Musk not to visit Mars until  millions of Electric Cars have replaced gas burning engines. Grin!

 As for buying a Tesla think of all the Baby Boomers now barely surviving on pensions. They are bombarded with Television advertising attempting to sell them gas burning vehicles. Many will buy cheap gas burning cars at second hand dealerships and will not buy an expensive Electric Car, even if it means mitigating climate change for their children and grand children. This is because your Oil and Gas selling enemies are highly intelligent and super rich and without social conscience. They also own the Media.
Signed: Joseph Raglione
Ex/Dir: The world humanitarian peace and ecology movement.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Joseph --

Right now, the EPA is collecting public comments about President Obama's Clean Power Plan.

Add your name to make sure your voice is part of it -- and we'll make sure the EPA gets it.

The New York Times called this plan the "strongest action ever taken by an American president to tackle climate change." It will reduce carbon pollution from power plants 30 percent by 2030.

That's a HUGE deal.

Of course, that means it's also under attack from pretty much every polluter and climate change denier you can imagine.

The status quo works pretty well for them, after all.

It shouldn't surprise anyone that groups like the Koch brothers are going all out, spending millions to try to tear down the President's plan. They recently organized rallies around the EPA's public hearings to try to drown out the voices of ordinary Americans who support getting serious on this issue.

There's no telling what they have left up their sleeve.

We're fighting back the best way we know how -- showing just how many Americans support the President's Clean Power Plan.

The EPA's public comment period is a huge way to do just that.

Every single name makes a difference -- make sure yours is part of it:



Lindsay Siler
National Director of Issue Campaigns
Organizing for Action.
Dear Lindsay Siler:
 I would add my name if Barack Obama's plan was updated for 2020. The fact his plan is for the year 2030, which is so far away it makes me believe this is just another stalling tactic for a government filled with Republicans and Democrats controlled by the fossil fuel industry. What I can say is this: the Canadian federal government under prime minister Stephen Harper is losing power and his U.S. and multi-national friends who have invested heavily in the Tar Sands and Oil Pipeline projects are universally hated. They will be losing their investments. The next Canadian election will shift the balance of power away from the Fossil Fuel Industry and no amount of money is going to stop this process. What is sad and worse is that it is almost too late to slow down global warming. Signed: Joseph Raglione.

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.

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Organizing for Action, P.O. Box 618120 Chicago, IL 60661

September, 24.  2014

The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology International

Web Site Index.

Laval, West,
Quebec, Canada.
Freedom with honesty and justice and courage…
Compassion with dignity, tolerance and humour…
Peace with love and harmony towards all life on Earth.

"All that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the universe and the only constant is constant change. Author: Joseph Raglione."

Gentle People:
Welcome to my index of fun web sites and return as often as you like. Joseph Raglione/
18. =
30.=  How to greatly improve our school systems.
31. =
32. =
33. =
34. =
35. =
36. =
37. =  

Monday, September 15, 2014

                          A JOKE or TWO or THREE.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him
shall not perish but shall have ever lasting life."
 He then got back into his space ship and flew home where Mrs.God immediately divorced Him.

 The holidays are coming and once again people will celebrate their religious beliefs and that is wonderful because I enjoy celebrations! Monday for example was created to celebrate the Moon. Of course in those days the Moon was spelled Mon and then it changed to Money and going to work on Money day became a tradition.

George Carlin never rode on a plane because it was too dangerous. He rode in a plane.
George also believed that WHAMO was a terrible name for an airline.
For George a near miss between two air planes was unbelievable. It was a near  hit!

        A BABY'S POEM.
 I can live for months in life with a smile and a kiss,
And I won't create a ripple...
But what I really need in life is this,
Momma and her nipple.
Samuel Clemens alias Mark Twain made people laugh around the world. His humor and philosophy and ideas can be found on this site.

From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...