Monday, November 11, 2013

Gentle readers of this blog. Festering anger is an emotion I intensely dislike. It is an anger I am feeling towards my Canadian government and towards all politicians and business people involved with the production and delivery of fossil fuels. It is what I feel when I see the horrible deaths of thousands of helpless Philippino people created by a destructive Typhoon the size and strength of which has not been recorded in human history. This festering anger burns inside of me every time I see a car commercial on television and every time I am forced to watch a government sponsored commercial depicting how creating oil pipelines will help develop our Canadian economy. I connected the dots years ago. Fossil fuels create warm air and that in turn creates warm Ocean waters and that creates extremely dangerous Hurricanes and Cyclones. Our so called political and economic leaders pretend they do not believe in global warming. I honestly wish they all lived in the Philippines. What feeds my anger is the certain knowledge that these cold blooded commercial human beings are the indirect cause of the most horrific climate disasters ever to curse our lives! My anger burns deep! It is the absolute knowledge that we could have slowed climate change years ago when U.S. Senator Al Gore first provided us with solid science based evidence of man made global warming. For his honest efforts, Al Gore was chastised and dismissed by global warming deniers who today continue to deride and obstruct any efforts to slow climate change. Why? Because it is not in their economic best interests to allow alternative energy systems to exist! The proof of that became evident when the first efficient Electric Cars produced by the General Motors company, were literally forced off the market by Oil rich Republican president Bush and his new pro Oil government. The U.S. Electric cars were completely destroyed but the concept was not killed. Today, the honourable Japanese have brought back the Electric Cars and more than a few international companies have followed suit; but is it too little too late? Has time run out on all of us? Within the last ten years C02 emissions in the atmosphere have jumped up and off the science charts. CO2 emissions are created almost completely by burning fossil fuels into the atmosphere. With warmer air the Arctic ice has melted and our Oceans have become a birthing ground for Hurricanes and Cyclones the size of continents. Today I am pointing the finger directly at every human being who is creating and pumping Carbon pollution into our atmosphere and sadly, that includes myself. I could have made stronger efforts to stop the pollution! Signed: Joseph Raglione Executive Director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement. P.S. Hello President Putin! Please free your Greenpeace political prisoners. Eleven Nobel prize winners believe in Greenpeace and they also believe you should free the Greenpeace crew as an Olympic games goodwill gesture. The Olympic games are a world peace movement and you are creating a negative image for yourself and for Russia by keeping Greenpeace members locked in your prison. Don't allow the Sochi Olympic games to become a laughing stock for the world.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

I owe the Canadian Broadcasting Company and all it's members an apology. I once called them cowards for not standing up to Canadian federal prime minister Harper when he threatened to cut their budget. I also worried, with good reason, that the CBC was not providing enough coverage on global warming! The reason I worried pertains to my information from NASA which was not correlating with anything the CBC was providing over the last few years. That of course has changed with the proliferation of deadly hurricanes such as "Super Typhoon Haiyan which has hit Guiuan, on the Philippine island of Samar, at 4:40 a.m. local time Friday. Three hours before landfall, the Joint Typhoon Warning Centre assessed Haiyan's sustained winds at 195 mph, gusting to 235 mph, making it the fourth-strongest tropical cyclone in world history" and the C.B.C, along with many international NEWS services, finally provided sufficient if not prolific information after the fact. Ten thousand people are presumed dead because of hurricane Haiyan. How many of these people could have been saved with enough advanced warning? What if global warming deniers were fewer and far between and television commercials sold millions more Electric Cars? Meanwhile, my friend in Washington would like you to read this ....> SUPPORT THE EPA'S NEW CLEAN ENERGY STANDARDS. "Climate change is real, man-made, and dangerous -- and a lot of that is due to carbon pollution from power plants. It threatens the health of our communities, and is already leading to more frequent and damaging storms, wildfires, droughts, and heat waves. I strongly support the EPA's standards to clean up carbon pollution from new and existing power plants because it will protect Americans' health, spur investment in clean energy, and unleash American innovation." BARACK OBAMA.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Gentle readers of this Google Blog: In Canada we have a Medicare system that works fast! On October 2, 2013, a friend of mine broke her leg. I brought her to the Montreal General Hospital and they examined and X rayed her leg. A doctor then adjusted her leg and applied a temporary Plaster cast. She was sent home for a week and we waited for the swelling to reduce. She was prescribed over the counter pain reducing pills. A week later we returned to the hospital for an operation where a small metal plate was screwed into her leg. She was not put to sleep and the surgeons used only a pain blocking local anesthetic. She did not feel pain during the operation and we went home the same night. Today, in lieu of a Plaster cast she is wearing a special hard plastic boot that she can remove when she feels the need to scratch. Her physiotherapy at a local clinic has begun and my friend is on the road to a full recovery. Today is October 30, 2013. It took less than four weeks from break to recovery and that includes the paper work for the insurance and the hospital. Her work insurance plan in combination with our Canadian national medicare plan helped pass her quickly through the system. My friend paid for the plastic boot but she could have opted for the free Plaster cast. If you want the same kind of service then I recommend you help your president Obama create your national medicare system. Pass this message along to friends and family. P.S. Don't be fooled by those who want to destroy Obamacare because they are motivated by economic interests that are not based on your personal health and welfare. Signed: Joseph Raglione Executive director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement. Reply | Menu From: Lindsay Siler, Subject: Tricking people into not getting health care... Date: Wed 10/30/13 8:58 PM Show details View in plain text Friend -- When the facts aren't on your side, and you don't have good ideas of your own, there's only one thing left to do: Pass out free beer and koozies. That's not really true, but it does happen to be exactly what the Koch brothers' group has been doing at college campuses across the country -- all to try to convince young people not to get health insurance. That's right -- they're setting up booths, right next to the organizations helping students get covered, and handing out free stuff. The bad news is these guys have millions of dollars to spend -- the anti-Obamacare crowd has already spent more than $400 million against us. It's going to take real, on-the-ground organizing to beat them. The good news is that's what OFA does best. The facts aren't that complicated -- no matter how much noise the other side makes, Obamacare is here to stay, and it's helping millions of people get better, more affordable care as I write this. The thing is, there's no Koch brothers-recommended alternative to Obamacare here. They're saying just risk it -- and hope you (or your kids) don't get sick. We won't be able to outspend them, but we can help shut this cynical campaign down with OFA's brand of organizing, which just happens to specialize in actually trying to help people. So if you're tired of the Kochs' cynicism, donate whatever you can to help us figh back today: Thanks, Lindsay Lindsay Siler National Director of Issue Campaigns Organizing for Action ---------------- The other side will spend millions to maintain the status quo. We're fighting for change -- chip in $5 or more to support OFA today. PAID FOR BY ORGANIZING FOR ACTION Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible. This email was sent to: If that is not your preferred email address, you can update your information here. We believe that emails are a vital way to stay in direct contact with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Organizing for Action, P.O. Box 66732 Washington, D.C. 20035 Sign out | Help (C)2013 Microsoft Privacy | Legal

Sunday, October 27, 2013

----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Mauser
Ex/Dir: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 5:56 PM
Subject: My son Daniel

Joseph --

My son, Daniel, was a smart, quiet kid.

He'd just become a straight-A student, and he was overcoming his shyness as a new member of the debate team.

On April 20th, 1999, my beautiful and bright 15-year-old son was killed by two teenagers with guns in the library of Columbine High School -- one of 12 innocent kids who lost their lives for no reason at all.

It's been 14 years since that horrible day -- 14 years of fighting so no family has to grieve like ours did.

These tragedies keep happening, and so far, Congress has failed to take common-sense action to stop them -- even though nine in 10 Americans have agreed that it's time to act by expanding background checks to close the loopholes that put guns in the hands of dangerous people.

This Wednesday, OFA and allied organizations are standing up for a national Day of Action to ask members of Congress: What will it take to finally act to prevent gun violence?

I hope you'll join in -- say you'll do one thing this week to show Congress you want action to prevent gun violence.

The last questions you ever want to hear as a parent are: "What was your child wearing, and do you have any dental records?"

That's what the police asked me the evening of the shooting at Columbine High, as they tried to establish who had been killed.

It was the most hopeless I'd ever felt.

Since Daniel's death, I've found a way to honor him: by trying to prevent other families from feeling this pain. I've advocated locally and nationally for smarter gun laws -- even helping achieve a statewide ballot victory here in Colorado.

In December, when I heard about the shooting in Newtown, I sat in my office and broke down. I was watching another community torn apart by guns -- more parents grieving, more kids who would never see graduation, or a wedding, or a family of their own.

And in the wake of another tragedy, nine in 10 Americans agreed that it was time to act -- expand background checks to close the loopholes that put guns in the hands of dangerous people.

But Congress disappointed us, putting politics above the safety of our kids.

That's why this week, we're asking: How many parents will have to go through what I did before we say "enough"?

You should be a part of this, too. Tell Congress you're going to keep asking until they act:

Thank you,


Tom Mauser
Littleton, Colorado
Dear Tom Mauser:
 There are no words I can write that will help you alleviate the pain of your loss. I can, however, inform you that I've been on the world wide web from it's inception and that I will continue to use my computer to fight for you and for others like yourself who have suffered great personal loss.
Your letter will be delivered to the millions of AVAAZ readers who make up Al Gore's powerful organization and to as many readers as I can reach with my old computer.
 I've not heard from Michael Moore in a while but he was a champion for your cause.  I am hoping he has not given up.
  The second amendment of the United States is all that stands in the way of gun reform. The NRA loves to hide behind the second amendment! They hold it up like a sacred shield from the past
 but that ancient law was not meant to protect modern day psychopathic killers of children. It was meant to protect a struggling new nation from invasion by a dangerous foreign government. I suggested to your president Obama that he hold a national referendum asking U.S. citizens if the second amendment should be changed to exclude automatic weapons. When the second amendment was created by the founding fathers of your country, they were talking about one shot rifles and squirrel guns and certainly not about modern day assault rifles or even multi-bullet hand guns for that matter. For that reason alone the second amendment must be changed.
 I suggest you contact as many radio and television stations as possible and ask for their help creating a referendum. The politicians will almost certainly jump in on the action once the ball is rolling.
Thank you for your letter and yes, I will help you keep the media ball rolling even if there is not a large
Media response at the beginning. Truth always wins in the end.
Signed: Joseph Raglione
Executive director: The world humanitarian peace and ecology movement.


Thank you so much for the encouraging comments you left for the activists that were detained by the Russian Coast Guard, we really appreciate your support. However, I'm writing now to update you on some disturbing developments.

It’s a tense and dramatic moment on the high seas of the Russian Arctic.

Just hours ago, a helicopter descended suddenly on the Greenpeace International ship Arctic Sunrise, where we were protesting against Gazprom’s plans to drill for oil in these pristine and remote waters. Armed officials of the Russian Coast Guard stormed the ship, holding 25 activists - including two Canadians - on their knees at gunpoint. Seconds later, communications from the ship were cut off. We are seriously concerned for their safety, and are demanding that the Russian authorities free all the activists and withdraw from our ship immediately.

Please send an urgent email to the Russian Embassy in Canada demanding they free our activists!

This illegal seizure of our ship and crew comes after two of our activists were arrested early yesterday morning for taking part in a peaceful protest on the Prirazlomnaya Arctic oil platform to stop Shell’s new partner, Gazprom from becoming the first company to produce oil from the icy waters of the region. They were held overnight against their will by the Russian authorities with no charges or legal representation. 

Right now, all around the world, hundreds of supporters are flooding the streets outside the Russian embassies in their countries, to demand the release of the people who put their bodies on the line to protect the Arctic from oil destruction. They’re there on behalf of our movement of nearly 4 million, and we cannot allow them to be threatened for standing up for their beliefs.

The Russian authorities have called us “terrorists,” but it’s clear the real threat to the fragile Arctic comes from the reckless oil companies that are determined to profit from Arctic oil -- no matter what the cost. Together we must show we are stronger than than those who want to destroy the Arctic, and will not be intimidated into silence.

Click here to email the Russian Embassy in Canada to demand the immediate release of our activists and an end to Arctic drilling for good.

Thank you for your unconditional support,

Christy Ferguson
Greenpeace Canada Arctic Campaigner

Gentle Readers on Google:

  The Russians have attacked the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise and taken prisoners at gun point!
I repeat! The Russians have attacked the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise and taken prisoners at gun point!
Write or telephone a Russian Embassy in  your country and demand that president Putin and his government release the ship and the Greenpeace activists immediately!

This email was intended for all readers on the search engine Google. If you received this email it is because you are subscribed to the Google search engine and to the Greenpeace Canada email list.

Unsubscribe me from this list  

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Hello gentle readers of this Blog. Just when I was beginning to hope that young Mr. Trudeau, leader of the canadian federal liberal party in Canada, had some basic intelligence, he agrees with the Keystone XL Pipeline. In other words Trudeau is pro-oil and either without ethics or without facts, or both. On the 25th., of October, Trudeau visited the White House to have a head to head talk with President Obama and Al Gore, presumably with Obama judging who wins the debate. Allow me to suggest that Hurricane Sandy was just the beginning of extreme weather events created by burning Gas from Oil into the Atmosphere. The fires in Australia and Colorado and California just the tip of the Iceberg. And speaking of Ice Bergs, the Arctic Ice has melted more in the last ten years than in the last thousand years with NASA pictures to prove it. Trudeau does not have my vote to become Prime Minister of Canada and that is sad because I had, before he chose sides, high hopes for the young man. Signed: Joseph Raglione Executive Director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement. Bravo Al Gore.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

YES, absolutely call Out the Climate Change Deniers and you may be surprised to find some are Democrats. Hold them accountable by creating a petition with thousands of names. Ask how many climate change deniers drive gas burning internal combustion cars? How many drive new model gas burning vehicles? You can also ask which secretive and shadowy international companies finance their Republican political campaigns? The answers to these questions will give you the motives many if not all Congress people have for denying climate change. If you need solid evidence of climate change simply visit Sweden and Switzerland and look at the Glacier Ice measurements. You can also check the Arctic Ice melt to see how much the old ice has melted over the last ten years. When they are allowed back on line, visit NASA. The National Aironautics Space Administration has pictures and information on global warming. Register for updates on climate change. They may be the only honest people left within the United States government. THE WORLD HUMANITARIAN PEACE AND ECOLOGY MOVEMENT IS ABSOLUTELY NON PROFIT. ! I AM THE DIRECTOR AND I DISLIKE SURVIVING BELOW THE POVERTY LINE BUT GREED IS NOT ON MY POLITICAL AGENDA, SAVING THIS PLANET FROM POLLUTION IS MY ONLY PRIORITY. If you want to know exactly how much the World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology bank account contains, it is zero...absolute zero...and has been since 1985. Joseph Raglione. Executive director: The world humanitarian peace and ecology movement. email ================================================================================================================= Click on your state to see the climate deniers that represent you. Climate change is real, it's caused largely by human activities, and it poses significant risks for our health. Some members of Congress disagree with this simple, scientifically proven fact. We need to work to curb climate change, and a big step is to raise our voices to change the conversation in Washington. Call these deniers out. Hold them accountable. Ask them if they will admit climate change is a problem. If you want hard evidence visit and look at the CO2 graph. We will continue updating the list below as supporters get answers to the basic question of whether their representatives in Congress accept the science on climate change. We hope that this list will shrink as members clarify what they truly believe about climate change. WE HOPE THEY ACCEPT QUICKLY BECAUSE the present level of CO2 appears to be the highest in the past 800,000 years[6] and likely the highest in the past 20 million years,[7] but well below 10% of its 500-million-year peak.[8] DENIERS IN THE HOUSE -------------------- Rep. Robert Aderholt AL 4 I fall into the second group of people who believe, as do many very credible scientists, that the earth is currently in a natural warming cycle rather than a man-made climate change. Many scientists believe that natural cycles of warming and cooling have existed since the beginning of Earth. If we take the current models of climate prediction and apply those same models to what actually happened in the last thirty years, the models are shown to be very flawed. In addition, what knowledge we do have of a warming period in the Middle Ages cannot be explained by current models which are focused on greenhouse gas reductions.' [source] (CALL HIM OUT! THE LAST TEN YEARS HAVE EXPERIENCED EXTREME CLIMATE CHANGE AND MUCH FASTER THAN THE LAST HUNDRED YEARS.) ------------------------ Rep. Rodney Alexander LA 5 Introduced H Res 974 declaring that “the impacts of climate change and proposed resolutions, tainted by the recent uncovering of climategate, are not universally accepted….” [source] CALL HIM OUT! HIS PERSONAL OPINION IS NOT ACCEPTABLE EVIDENCE AGAINST ANYTHING AND NEITHER IS MINE FOR THAT MATTER. LOCATE THE FACTS! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rep. Michele Bachmann MN 6 CALL THEM OUT Carbon dioxide, Mister Speaker, is a natural byproduct of nature. Carbon dioxide is natural. It occurs in Earth. It is a part of the regular lifecycle of Earth. In fact, life on planet Earth can’t even exist without carbon dioxide. So necessary is it to human life, to animal life, to plant life, to the oceans, to the vegetation that’s on the Earth, to the, to the fowl that — that flies in the air, we need to have carbon dioxide as part of the fundamental lifecycle of Earth.' [source] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rep. Lou Barletta PA 11 You know there's arguments on both sides. I'm not convinced that there's scientific evidence that proves that. I believe there's some that can also argue the opposite,' he said. [source] WE CAN PRODUCE EVIDENCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND EXTREME WEATHER CONDITIONS. PLEASE MR. BARLETTA, PRODUCE YOUR EVIDENCE ARGUING THE OPPOSITE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rep. Joe Barton TX 6 “You’re not just off a little, you’re totally wrong,” Barton said as he challenged Gore’s conclusion that carbon dioxide emissions cause rising global temperatures. [source] PLEASE MR. BARTON, PRODUCE YOUR EVIDENCE THAT AL GORE IS TOTALLY WRONG. AL GORE TOOK A SUBMARINE RIDE UNDER THE ARCTIC ICE TO MEASURE THE THICKNESS OF THE ICE AND THEN HE WROTE A BOOK ON HIS EXPERIENCE. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE LATELY? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rep. Dan Benishek MI 1 Despite overwhelming scientific evidence that humans are contributing to climate change, Rep. Benishek has said that climate change is “all baloney” and “just some scheme.” Pointing to his background as a general surgeon, Benishek claims he’s “a scientist” who has the expertise to know that climate change is “unproven science stuff.” [source] MR DAN BENISHEK SHOULD STICK TO HELPING HIS PATIENTS. I WONDER IF HE ADVISES THEM TO EAT BALONEY? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rep. Marsha Blackburn TN 7 Also absent from the discussion in Copenhagen is the climate-gate scandal. Recently leaked e-mails reveal climate scientists have a long track record of manipulating data to hide scientific evidence that contradicts the global warming establishment. And why? To bully citizens and lawmakers into supporting job-killing energy tax schemes. This scandal raises serious questions about the Democrat’s climate control plans, questions that deserve a transparent investigation, not a rush to judgement by the bureaucrats in Copenhagen.' [source] DEAR MARSHA BLACKBURN, If you want hard evidence THAT PROVES GLOBAL WARMING, PLEASE visit and look at the CO2 graph. IF YOU HAVE HARD EVIDENCE THAT CONTRACICTS GLOBAL WARMING, PLEASE PRODUCE IT AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE SO THAT WE COULD ALL GO BACK TO DRIVING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES WITHOUT THAT GUILTY FEELING MANY OF US HAVE WHEN WE PUSH DOWN ON OUR GAS PEDALS. AS FOR THE GLOBAL WARMING ESTABLISHMENT, DID THEY ARRIVE BEFORE OR AFTER THE OIL AND GAS AND CAR ESTABLISHMENT? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rep. John Boehner OH 8 George, the idea that carbon dioxide is a carcinogen that is harmful to our environment is almost comical. Every time we exhale, we exhale carbon dioxide. Every cow in the world, you know, when they do what they do, you’ve got more carbon dioxide.' [source] DEAR JOHN BOEHNER: COWS PRODUCE MORE THAN CARBON DIOXIDE. "Animal waste has the potential to contribute pollutants such as nutrients (e.g., nitrate, phosphorous), organic matter, sediments, pathogens (e.g., giardia, cryptosporidium), heavy metals, hormones, antibiotics and ammonia to the waters we use for drinking, swimming and fishing. In addition to water quality problems, AFOs can also contribute to significant air quality problems, including dust, smog, greenhouse gases, and odors." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rep. Kevin Brady TX 8 Climategate reveals a serious lack of integrity in the underlying data and models, such that it is doubtful that any process can be trusted until the data and models are validated and their integrity assured.' [source] WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME KEVIN BRADY USED HIS COMPUTER TO VISIT NASA? IF HE THINKS THE PEOPLE AT NASA ARE LACKING INTEGRITY, HE IS SERIOUSLY LACKING INTELLIGENCE AND SHOULD DO MORE RESEARCH! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rep. Jim Bridenstine OK 1 CALL THEM OUT He downplayed the need for more climate research by noting that atmospheric temperatures have not risen over the last decade, and said temperatures coincide more with solar activity than with man-made factors. “Global temperatures stopped rising 10 years ago,” he said. “Global temperature changes, when they exist, correlate with sun output and ocean cycles.” He noted the Medieval Warm Period that happened “long before cars, power plants and the industrial revolution.” And he noted the Little Ice Age, which also happened irrespective of human activity.” Even climate change alarmists admit that the number of hurricanes hitting the U.S. and the number of tornado touchdowns have been on a slow decline for over 100 years,” he said. [source] Rep. Mo Brooks AL 5 CALL THEM OUT I'm also old enough to remember when the same left-wing part of our society was creating a global cooling scare in order to generate funds for their pet projects. So 30-some years ago the big scare was global cooling, and once they drained that [topic], they shifted to global warming. So I'm approaching the issue with a healthy degree of skepticism. If the evidence is there to prove it, then so be it.' (also numerous quotes from a March 31, 2011 committee hearing) [source] Rep. Paul Broun GA 10 CALL THEM OUT In June 2009, Broun received a standing ovation when he said that global warming is a 'hoax'. He said 'Scientists all over this world say that the idea of human induced global climate change is one of the greatest hoaxes perpetrated out of the scientific community. It is a hoax. There is no scientific consensus.' [source] Rep. Larry Bucshon IN 8 CALL THEM OUT The data does not support the premise that carbon dioxide emissions are playing a significant role in the world temperature variations. The temperature of the Earth has been changing over centuries with warmer and colder periods throughout history.' [source] Rep. Michael Burgess TX 26 CALL THEM OUT “My opinion, for what it is worth, is that the science behind global temperature changes is not settled.” [source] Rep. Dave Camp MI 4 CALL THEM OUT What is the science of climate change? What can it definitively tell us? Can it say who is responsible for it? Can it tell us what impact we can have on it, and if we can, what are the results—both positive and negative? From what I have read, there remains a great deal of uncertainty with regard to the scientific evidence about climate change.' [source] Rep. Eric Cantor VA 7 CALL THEM OUT “If there’s been any constant in human history, it’s been climate change. The real question is the severity of that and the involvement of human causes in all of that.” [source] Rep. Shelley Capito WV 2 CALL THEM OUT Despite a widespread scientific consensus, the West Virginia Republican said she’s “not convinced” that human-caused emissions of carbon dioxide are leading to global warming that will alter the planet’s climate in ways that could be dangerous. [source] Rep. John Carter TX 31 CALL THEM OUT “Global warming is simply a chicken-little scheme to use mass media and government propaganda to convince the world that destruction of individual liberties and national sovereignty is necessary to save mankind, and that the unwashed masses would destroy themselves without the enlightened global dictatorship of these frauds.” [source] Rep. Bill Cassidy LA 6 CALL THEM OUT It could be secular. It could just be a shift on the axis.' [source] Rep. Steve Chabot OH 1 CALL THEM OUT Climategate is “just another example of many in the press, and many in the academic/scientific community having bought into the whole global warming/climate change ‘religion,’ no matter what the facts are.” [source] Rep. Jason Chaffetz UT 3 CALL THEM OUT Chaffetz lambasts global warming (calling it “a farce”). [source] Rep. Mike Coffman CO 6 CALL THEM OUT Climate change is naturally occurring. What influence do we have over that, we certainly need to look into, but that's subject to debate. [source] Rep. Doug Collins GA 9 CALL THEM OUT When asked if he believes human activity is contributing to climate change, Representative Collins answered “no.” [source] Rep. Michael Conaway TX 11 CALL THEM OUT Science is never settled…they changed the phraseology because the climate isn’t warming. [source] Rep. Kevin Cramer ND CALL THEM OUT When asked if he believed that human activity is contributing to climate change, Mr. Cramer answered “no” and went on to say: “The manipulation of free markets by economic policy disguised as environmental policy based on inconclusive science should not be tolerated. Free people producing energy other free people want and are willing to pay for should be the core of U.S. energy policy.” [source] Rep. Rick Crawford AR 1 CALL THEM OUT He also fielded a question regarding climate change and President Obama’s environmental agenda. “There’s not sound science to support some of the initiatives that the President, I think, is committed to. We know that some of the research was faulty and it drove a lot of the agenda for a long time. and then it turned out there were some questions about the validity of that research.” “I don’t see a lot of the green initiatives that are being talked about being supported by scientific data, but more supported by political agendas.” [source] Rep. John Culberson TX 7 CALL THEM OUT This week the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decided that the air we exhale, carbon dioxide, is toxic and poses a danger to our well-being…. While this blatant power grab is disappointing, the truly alarming part is that the scientific evidence the EPA used to support its conclusion comes directly from United Nations (U.N.) climate data – the same data that were recently found to have been deliberately manipulated to support the global warming movement. When EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson announced the proposed endangerment finding in April, she readily admitted that the agency “relied heavily upon the major findings and conclusions from recent assessments of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.” Emails recently made public offer definitive proof of a collective effort among some U.N. scientists to misrepresent climate data in order to foist their political agenda onto the public.' [source] Rep. Steve Daines MT CALL THEM OUT In a radio interview with Montana Public Radio, Daines admits the climate is changing but questions the impacts by man, that there is “significant debate here,” the “jury is still out,” and brings up the debate of sun/solar cycles versus greenhouse gases. [source] Rep. Rodney Davis IL 13 CALL THEM OUT During an interview with Illinois Public Media radio, a constituent asked Representative Rodney Davis what he planned to do to combat climate change, and he responded that “global warming has stopped 16 years ago.” He then went on the say that climate change is real but the debate is over whether or not it is manmade or natural. [source] Rep. Jeff Denham CA 10 CALL THEM OUT Some wouldn’t view them as skeptics. Some would view them as the right side of the issue. We don’t have complete factual information yet. From what I have seen the Earth has heated and cooled on its own for centuries. I don’t know that there’s anything that is a direct cause of that right now, but we can do a better job of cleaning up our planet.' [source] Rep. Jeff Duncan SC 3 CALL THEM OUT I don't believe in climate change. I don't believe in man-I believe the climate is changing, but I don't believe it's man driven. [source] Rep. John Duncan TN 2 CALL THEM OUT Supports claim that global warming is “the greatest scam in history.” [source] Rep. Blake Farenthold TX 27 CALL THEM OUT Global warming is scare tactic used by groups with a political agenda. [sic]' [source] Rep. John Fleming LA 4 CALL THEM OUT “Quietly released scientific report without fanfare. Global warming, to the the extent that it ever existed, halted 16 years ago. So, what is Washington controlled by the radical environmental agenda?” [source] Rep. Bill Flores TX 17 CALL THEM OUT It is time we stopped putting petty politics based on dubious “agenda-driven, scientific” research ahead of creating more American energy. [source] Rep. Randy Forbes VA 4 CALL THEM OUT Elected officials need to depend on experts in the field to make determinations on the degree to which our planet is warming, and there is evidence among scientists and researchers pointing in both directions. [source] Rep. Virginia Foxx NC 5 CALL THEM OUT North Carolina Republican Virginia Foxx referenced books by climate-change skeptics and lamented that some environmentalists “think that we, human beings, have more impact on the climate and the world than God does.” [source] Rep. Trent Franks AZ 8 CALL THEM OUT I have yet to see clear and convincing evidence that it exists beyond historical fluctuations. [source] Rep. Cory Gardner CO 4 CALL THEM OUT Representative Cory Gardner, a freshman Republican from Colorado and a skeptic of human-caused global warming... '“I think the climate is changing, but I don’t believe humans are causing that change to the extent that’s been in the news.' [source] Rep. Scott Garrett NJ 5 CALL THEM OUT The real question that still exists in a lot of people’s minds, experts and non-experts alike, on the area of global warming and what role the government should have in this realm. … I’ve heard a number of experts on both sides of the equation on this issue and to me the evidence, the question is still out there.' [source] Rep. Bob Gibbs OH 7 CALL THEM OUT It is clear that science has not been able to document what is happening and if human activity is causing a problem or not . Many scientists are on both sides of this issue and the proponents of climate change have not substantiated their findings based on sound science.' [source] Rep. Phil Gingrey GA 11 CALL THEM OUT Filed petition with EPA claiming: 'Climategate reveals a serious lack of integrity in the underlying data and models, such that it is doubtful that any process can be trusted until the data and models are validated and their integrity assured' [source] Rep. Louie Gohmert TX 1 CALL THEM OUT We’re finding out the world is staying the same or actually cooling.' [source] Rep. Paul Gosar AZ 4 CALL THEM OUT Further, “global warming” now known as “climate change” is likely not in our control in any event. Historical records clearly demonstrate vast temperature swings long before Man arrived, from temperate zones in Alaska to ice ages in New York. [source] Rep. Trey Gowdy SC 4 CALL THEM OUT Global warming has not been proven to the satisfaction of the constituents I seek to serve.' [source] Rep. Tim Griffin AR 2 CALL THEM OUT “I am not convinced that the problem of global warming is what the scientists say it is. Particularly in light of the recent research, that demonstrates that there are a lot of shenanigans going on with the data.” [source] Rep. Morgan Griffith VA 9 CALL THEM OUT [Climate Change] led to the Vikings dominating Europe for several hundred years.' [source] Rep. Michael Grimm NY 11 CALL THEM OUT I have been one of the guys who have been skeptical of global warming from the beginning. The jury is obviously still out on it. We see nothing but conflicting reports from scientists across the globe. I’m not sure, I’m not a scientist.' [source] Rep. Ralph Hall TX 4 CALL THEM OUT I'm really more fearful of freezing. And I don't have any science to prove that. But we have a lot of science that tells us they're not basing it on real scientific facts' [source] Rep. Gregg Harper MS 3 CALL THEM OUT I don't believe that the science is at all settled on man-made global warming.' [source] Rep. Andy Harris MD 1 CALL THEM OUT Harris said there is a recent warming trend, but “I don’t understand or know, or I don’t believe anybody really knows, how to place that in historic perspective.” He also said human contribution to climate change “is also a complex question,” and that even if humans are contributing, “can you change that contribution given that we burn a lot of carbon-based products to create the energy we need to run the economy of the world?” [source] Rep. Vicky Hartzler MO 4 CALL THEM OUT Enjoying another beautiful global warming day in Missouri! Rep. Skelton and the UN Summit need to quit their dist. of wealth for a hoax.' [source] Rep. Doc Hastings WA 4 CALL THEM OUT Hastings told the Columbia Basin Herald he understands global warming exists. He said the cause of global warming is the concern. Hastings said he is not convinced people and their actions are the cause of global warming and questions if it is a natural process because the earth has warmed and cooled many times throughout history. [source] Rep. Richard Hudson NC 8 CALL THEM OUT When asked if human activity is contributing to climate change, he responded no. [source] Rep. Bill Huizenga MI 2 CALL THEM OUT Today’s global warming doomsayers simply lack the scientific evidence to support their claims. A host of leaders in the scientific community have recognized that the argument for drastic anthropogenic global warming is no longer based on science, but is being driven by irrational fanaticism.' [source] Rep. Randy Hultgren IL 14 CALL THEM OUT The greatest impact on our climate clearly is the sun, and we have very little impact on the sun and how much energy and temperature the sun is sending to the earth. We have seen clearly over thousands of years that at different times more energy has come through and different times less energy has come through, and that variation has impacted climate change. Over the thousands of years that’s been recorded we’ve had both colder times and warmer times. It happens to be that we’ve recently come out of a warmer time and now actually we’re headed in to a little bit of a colder time, the impact of the sun is much different than impact that we could have had.' [source] Rep. Duncan Hunter CA 50 CALL THEM OUT Hunter ridiculed the notion that climate change needs to be addressed by Congress. “Nobody really knows the cause,” he said. “The earth cools, the earth warms…It could be caused by carbon dioxide or methane. Maybe we should kill the cows to stop the methane, or stop breathing to stop the CO2…Thousands of people die every year of cold, so if we had global warming it would save lives…We ought to look out for people. The earth can take care of itself.” [source] Rep. Robert Hurt VA 5 CALL THEM OUT Hurt said Climategate is “scientists who have given us something that is not true. It is faulty information and it has real consequences in the 5th District, in the loss of jobs and in power bills from Appalachian Power Co.” [source] Rep. Darrell Issa CA 49 CALL THEM OUT One of the difficulties in examining the issue of the climate change and greenhouse gases is that there is a wide range of scientific opinion on this issue and the science community does not agree to the extent of the problem or the critical threshold of when this problem is truly catastrophic. [source] Rep. Lynn Jenkins KS 2 CALL THEM OUT I cosponsored a res. overturning an EPA rule that says man-made greenhouse gas emissions are a danger to public health. [source] Rep. Bill Johnson OH 6 CALL THEM OUT In another, more accurate, sense, Johnson is a man with a degree in computer science who is awash in oil and gas money and denies climate science, asserting in 2011, “I am not an alarmist that believes that greenhouse gas emissions coming from the coal industry are causing major problems.” [source] Rep. Walter Jones NC 3 CALL THEM OUT “However, there is substantial disagreement regarding the extent of this warming, whether it’s caused by human activity or simply nature taking its course, and what solutions, if any, should be implemented. The bottom line is that the scientific community does not speak with one voice on this issue.” [source] Rep. Steve King IA 4 CALL THEM OUT There are a couple of German engineers that took that theory apart and proved it wrong in a lab. I’ve read through that, but I’d have to go back to school for a half a year or a year to tell you I followed every bit of their rationale. But the presumption of the Greenhouse Effect is at least, from what I saw, was pretty convincingly rebutted.' [source] Rep. Jack Kingston GA 1 CALL THEM OUT We have a moral duty to be good stewards of the environment but growing the government’s coffers and killing jobs based on questionable science is a bridge too far.' [source] Rep. Doug LaMalfa CA 1 CALL THEM OUT It’s “bad science.” It’s “Al Gore.” It’s a “naturally occurring cycle.” You should “look at the numbers.” [source] Rep. Doug Lamborn CO 5 CALL THEM OUT Lamborn said there are “a lot of contentious facts and claims about global warming and whether it is man made.” However, he said there is “not much unanimity” about it. At that statement many audience members commented that 98 percent was “pretty unanimous.” Lamborn said he spoke to a scientist who believes that global warming is man-made and “should materialize” 50-100 years from now. He said there are issues that need dealing with now. Eckler asked again if he would listen to the evidence claiming global warming is here and now. After more back-and-forth on the issue, Lamborn said, “I think we’ve beaten this horse to a pulp. I’m listening to all sides.” [source] Rep. James Lankford OK 5 CALL THEM OUT This whole global warming myth will be exposed as what it really is — a way of control more than anything else. And that generation will be ticked.' [source] Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer MO 3 CALL THEM OUT Luetkemeyer’s legislation would prohibit U.S. contributions to the IPCC, which is nothing more than a group of U.N. bureaucrats that supports man-made claims on global warming that many scientists disagree with…. Meanwhile, our very own Environmental Protection Agency recently reported that we are undergoing a period of worldwide cooling. [source] Rep. Cynthia Lummis WY CALL THEM OUT “We’re just beginning to explore what mankind’s role is in climate change, so I’d argue that the jury’s still out.” [source] Rep. Thomas Massie KY 4 CALL THEM OUT Rep. Thomas Massie challenged President Obama to roll out the proof that humans have played a hand in climate change. Mr. Massie, a Kentucky Republican, said he was “disappointed” that the president in his second inaugural address blamed droughts on “human activity” and accused some of “denying the evidence of scientists.” “As somebody with a science-type background, I took offense at that,” Mr. Massie said during a panel meeting billed as “Conversations With Conservatives.” “I would challenge him to show us the linkage — the undeniable linkage — between droughts and the change of weather, and some kind of human activity.” [source] Rep. Tom McClintock CA 4 CALL THEM OUT We're all told of course the debate is over and that all the scientists agree... and as all of you know, that is succinctly not the case.' [source] Rep. David McKinley WV 1 CALL THEM OUT Many scientists have disavowed past climate change research, McKinley said, and he’s waiting for valid science to convince him there’s a problem and whether man is to blame. [source] Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers WA 5 CALL THEM OUT We believe Al Gore deserves an ‘F’ in science and an ‘A’ in creative writing.' [source] Rep. Jeff Miller FL 1 CALL THEM OUT "I have scientists that I rely on, the scientists that I rely on say our climate has changed,” Miller said. “It wasn’t just a few years ago, what was the problem that existed? It wasn’t global warming, we were gonna all be an ice cube. We’re not ice cubes. Our climate will continue to change because of the way God formed the earth." [source] Rep. Candice Miller MI 10 CALL THEM OUT There is little doubt that the world’s climate is changing, because the climate has always changed. Just ask the dinosaurs or remember the ice age and how huge glaciers melting and moving formed our Great Lakes. The question is whether the current climate change is human-induced.' [source] Rep. Markwayne Mullin OK 2 CALL THEM OUT I haven’t seen the reports that would get me to believe that anything’s different than the patterns that we have that we’ve gone through through the time of records. [source] Rep. Mick Mulvaney SC 5 CALL THEM OUT Energy independence, green technology, and innovation is something we should pursue as a nation. However, we shouldn’t seek to accomplish that by taxing people based on questionable science. Neither should we ignore domestic energy resources – coal, natural gas, oil – because of baseless claims regarding global warming.' [source] Rep. Randy Neugebauer TX 19 CALL THEM OUT What we have here is a case of formulating scientific findings that back up policy, instead of creating policy that is backed up by legitimate science. Proponents of man-made global warming in Congress will use every opportunity they have to invite witnesses to testify before Congress who only share their point of view. We now have clear evidence of what we knew all along, that there are perhaps thousands of scientists who don’t share these views, and sadly have been the subject of concerted efforts to discourage and suppress their findings from publication.' [source] Rep. Kristi Noem SD CALL THEM OUT Voted for an SD House Resolution stating that: 'That there are a variety of climatological, meteorological, astrological, thermological, cosmological, and ecological dynamics that can effect world weather phenomena and that the significance and interrelativity of these factors is largely speculative' [source] Rep. Devin Nunes CA 22 CALL THEM OUT However, scientists admit that they cannot be sure whether the Earth’s temperature is rising due to cyclical warming and cooling processes, or whether and how much humans are influencing it.' [source] Rep. Pete Olson TX 22 CALL THEM OUT The emails that emerge from the University of East Anglia call into question the accuracy of the IPCC data.' [source] Rep. Erik Paulsen MN 3 CALL THEM OUT When asked if human beings are contributing to global warming, Paulsen said he wasn’t smart enough to know whether that’s true or not. [source] Rep. Stevan Pearce NM 2 CALL THEM OUT “I think we ought to take a look at whatever the group is that measures all this, the IPCC, they don’t even believe the crap... why should the rest of be penalized in our standard of living for something that can’t be validated?” [source] Rep. Scott Perry PA 4 CALL THEM OUT I do believe global warming is occurring. …However, I do take exception, whether it’s man-made or not [source] Rep. Robert Pittenger NC 9 CALL THEM OUT We don't have the facts yet.... Those in my party understand that in some great measure this is a hoax. [source] Rep. Ted Poe TX 2 CALL THEM OUT The consensus has been for some time that global warming, climate change, continues because man is the perpetrator. Now we are beginning to learn that may not be true, that there is not a consensus that there is global warming or climate change. We now have heard about Climategate, where the expert scientists hid emails in England that disagreed with the so-called consensus that there is global warming and global climate change. We have heard now new evidence that even NASA is involved in not revealing evidence that contradicts climate change. [source] Rep. Tom Price GA 6 CALL THEM OUT This decision goes against all common sense, especially considering the many recent revelations of errors and obfuscation in the allegedly ‘settled science’ of global warming.' [source] Rep. Scott Rigell VA 2 CALL THEM OUT Does not believe that climate change is caused by human actions. [source] Rep. Phil Roe TN 1 CALL THEM OUT Many believe greenhouse gas emissions are contributing to the gradual warming of our planet and changing of our climate. While there are many questions surrounding the science of the issue, it seems to me like we could develop a solution that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions without inflicting catastrophic damage on our economy.' [source] Rep. Dana Rohrabacher CA 48 CALL THEM OUT Too often, when congress is asked to pass environmental legislation, the legislation is based on emotional junk science rather than data based on reproducable, rigorous, tested, peer-reviewed results. In no area has this been more obvious than climate change. Because the Kyoto Treaty and much of the suggested environmental legislation would decimate jobs in southern California, constituents may be interested to learn of the growing scientific consensus that global warming is not manmade, if it is in fact even occuring.' [source] Rep. Todd Rokita IN 4 CALL THEM OUT I think it’s arrogant that we think as people that we can somehow change the climate of the whole earth when science is telling us that there’s a cycle to all this. [source] Rep. Peter Roskam IL 6 CALL THEM OUT Roskam drew the ire of the crowd by calling global warming junk science. [source] Rep. Keith Rothfus PA 12 CALL THEM OUT When asked, 'Do you believe that global warming which is now referred to as climate change is a fact, and if so do you believe that it is man-made?' Rothfus responded, 'I do not believe it’s man-made and I am not convinced that it is a fact. I think the science is still out. I think for the last 15 years we haven’t had any warming.' [source] Rep. Paul Ryan WI 1 CALL THEM OUT Unilateral economic restraint in the name of fighting global warming has been a tough sell in our communities, where much of the state is buried under snow. [source] Rep. Steve Scalise LA 1 CALL THEM OUT Asked whether he worries that he could be wrong, Scalise cited an “increasing number of scientists who are raising major questions about the global warming theories.” [source] Rep. James Sensenbrenner WI 5 CALL THEM OUT I think that the science is inconclusive on this...I personally believe that the solar flares are more responsible for climatic cycles than anything that human beings do and our lunar, our rovers on Mars have indicated that there has been a slight warming in the atmosphere of Mars and that certainly was not caused by the internal combustion engine.' [source] Rep. John Shimkus IL 15 CALL THEM OUT Filed petition with EPA claiming: 'Climategate reveals a serious lack of integrity in the underlying data and models, such that it is doubtful that any process can be trusted until the data and models are validated and their integrity assured' [source] Rep. Lamar Smith TX 21 CALL THEM OUT “I believe climate change is due to a combination of factors, including natural cycles, sun spots and human activity. But scientists still don't know for certain how much each of these factors contributes to the overall climate change that the Earth is experiencing,” he said in a statement (San Antonio Express-News, 12/6/12) [source] Rep. Chris Stewart UT 2 CALL THEM OUT The science regarding climate change is anything but settled. ' [source] Rep. Steve Stivers OH 15 CALL THEM OUT Disagrees with the statement: “Man-made global warming is a scientific fact.” [source] Rep. Steve Stockman TX 36 CALL THEM OUT “The new fad thing that’s going through America and around the world. It’s called global warming.” [source] Rep. Lee Terry NE 2 CALL THEM OUT There's an argument here on the true impact of man... Is it really 97 to 3? I don't think so.' [source] Rep. Glenn Thompson PA 5 CALL THEM OUT In the debate and most of the debate of the majority party here, it’s not so much based on real science as political science or even, to some degree, science fiction. And so, to look at why this–and I looked at every piece of legislation in terms of cost benefits. And when we look at the benefits of this, I think human activity, it’s acknowledged, does contribute towards carbon dioxide emissions. But it’s less than 4 percent. To put that into perspective, forest fires, wildfires contribute 10 percent of CO2 emissions. And so not even with the debate of, you know, are we warming the Earth or not warming the Earth, there’s a lot of smart folks out there that are publishing research or earning their dissertations based on debating that science. But what the experts agree upon, the researchers agree is, human activity is less than 4 percent contributes towards CO2 emissions.' [source] Rep. Mac Thornberry TX 13 CALL THEM OUT Global Warming: Politics or Science? Some scientists believe that the temperature of the Earth is increasing rapidly. Others, such as those at the United Kingdom’s Hadley Center for Climate Studies, say that the Earth’s temperature is not much different now than it was 50 or 100 years ago. The case that man is causing any change in temperature is even more hotly contested.' [source] Rep. Pat Tiberi OH 12 CALL THEM OUT GOP Rep. Pat Tiberi of Genoa Township doesn’t think there is a consensus among scientists about whether global warming is proven. [source] Rep. Scott Tipton CO 3 CALL THEM OUT Scott Tipton (R-CO) conceded that climate change exists, but argued that it’s caused by natural climate cycles rather than humans. “Here in the state of Colorado as our tree rings demonstrate, we’ve had droughts long before there were very many people here,” the Tea Party freshman argued. Acknowledging that humans can affect the climate is futile because it would “divide America,” said Tipton. [source] Rep. Fred Upton MI 6 CALL THEM OUT Are any of those incurred costs actually going to impact the rising temperature under debate? The answer was no. No matter what we did between now and 2050 it, it, there was no real science to verify that it would reduce the temperature rise that some predicted. And that’s why we do need hearings [on the Climategate emails].' [source] Rep. Ann Wagner MO 2 CALL THEM OUT Our policy response to this dilemma should not be based on inconsistent and unsound science...' [source] Rep. Tim Walberg MI 7 CALL THEM OUT I read scientists, editors…an equal number at the very least that say just the opposite that this is something that’s gone on for eons, that we go through these cycles.' [source] Rep. Lynn Westmoreland GA 3 CALL THEM OUT Westmoreland, who isn’t convinced that global warming is occurring, denied that he was trying to divert attention from Gore’s testimony. Also Filed petition with EPA claiming: 'Climategate reveals a serious lack of integrity in the underlying data and models, such that it is doubtful that any process can be trusted until the data and models are validated and their integrity assured' [source] Rep. Ed Whitfield KY 1 CALL THEM OUT Misrepresenting scientific research to support one’s own personal beliefs, particularly on an international stage, is dangerous, disingenuous and simply unacceptable. I call on Mr. Gore to come clean about the real science surrounding climate change and let the American people come to their own conclusions on global warming.' [source] Rep. Joe Wilson SC 2 CALL THEM OUT When asked if he believes that human activity is contributing to climate change, Rep. Wilson answered “no.” [source] Rep. Robert Wittman VA 1 CALL THEM OUT We must recognize that these climactic cycles of heating and cooling have been going on well before man appeared on earth.' [source] Rep. Don Young AK CALL THEM OUT I think this is the biggest scam since the Teapot Dome.' [source] Rep. Todd Young IN 9 CALL THEM OUT “The science is not settled.” [source] DENIERS IN THE SENATE Sen. Kelly Ayotte NH CALL THEM OUT Asked if she believed in climate change, she said, “there is scientific evidence that demonstrates there is some impact from human activities. However I don’t think the evidence is conclusive.” [source] Sen. John Barrasso WY CALL THEM OUT When Barrasso was in college and medical school, he said, the 'best science at the time said that the Ice Age is coming.... So all I'm saying is, how much of the wealth of this nation are we going to put at risk for something that may be poorly spent money?' [source] Sen. Roy Blunt MO CALL THEM OUT “There isn’t any real science to say we are altering the climate path of the earth.” [source] Sen. John Boozman AR CALL THEM OUT Well I think that we’ve got perhaps climate change going on. The question is what’s causing it. Is man causing it, or, you know, is this a cycle that happens throughout the years, throughout the ages. And you can look back some of the previous times when there was no industrialization, you had these different ages, ice ages, and things warming and things. That’s the question.' [source] Sen. Thomas Coburn OK CALL THEM OUT “I’ve read the basic scientific studies, and a lot of it doesn’t add up for me,” [source] Sen. John Cornyn TX CALL THEM OUT “Taxpayer funded research by NASA and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) concerning the warmest years on record has been the subject of dispute and after challenges, has been changed and re-released. What is less known is why the changes were made and what inherent flaws existed in the original data, if any. It is important to understand the reasons behind these alterations and further to avoid suspicion that data was massaged to fit the prescribed theory that global warming is attributable to man-made greenhouse gas emissions.” [source] Sen. Michael Crapo ID CALL THEM OUT While there is no dispute over the fact that the Earth’s climate has changed many times over the planet’s history, the underlying cause of these climactic shifts is ultimately not well-understood and is a matter of vigorous debate.' [source] Sen. Ted Cruz TX CALL THEM OUT There remains considerable uncertainty about the effect of the many factors that influence climate: the sun, the oceans, clouds, the behavior of water vapor (the main greenhouse gas), volcanic activity, and human activity. Nonetheless, climate-change proponents based their models on assumptions about those factors, and now we know that many of those assumptions were wrong.' [source] Sen. Deb Fischer NE CALL THEM OUT Asked about man-made climate change, Fischer immediately said, 'I certainly don't support cap-and-trade.' She said she believes in weather change, but she said she does not believe man has a huge impact on the climate. [source] Sen. Chuck Grassley IA CALL THEM OUT But the scientific aspect that I still reserving judgment on is the extent to which it’s manmade or natural. And it’s reasonable, considering that there’s at least a natural factor in it, because historically, and you can go to the core drillings in the glaciers to get proof of this, that we’ve had decades and decades, and maybe even centuries of periods of time when there’s been a tremendous rise in temperature, and then a tremendous fall in temperature. And all you’ve got to do is look at the little ice age of the mid-last millennia as an example. And so we’ve got to single out what’s natural and what’s manmade before you can make policy.' [source] Sen. Orrin Hatch UT CALL THEM OUT There is also some disagreement among scientists as to whether global warming – regardless of its cause – would result in a net benefit or detriment to life on earth. Scientific studies demonstrate overwhelmingly that humans tend to fare better during warming spells than periods of cooling.' [source] Sen. John Hoeven ND CALL THEM OUT Well, the science shows that there’s warming. There’s different opinions of exactly what’s causing it.' [source] Sen. Jim Inhofe OK CALL THEM OUT I have offered compelling evidence that catastrophic global warming is a hoax. That conclusion is supported by the painstaking work of the nation's top climate scientists.'[36] [source] Sen. John Isakson GA CALL THEM OUT Science has shown us that there has been a gradual warming of the earth over the last 50 years. What is not as clear is whether the cause for this warming is man-made emissions, a cyclical warming of the planet, or a combination of both. Given the uncertainty in the science behind climate change, I believe that we should take proactive steps, both personally and as a nation, to reduce our emissions footprint.' [source] Sen. Mike Johanns NE CALL THEM OUT There is a significant debate as to what role man plays in warming of the climate. [source] Sen. Ron Johnson WI CALL THEM OUT “I absolutely do not believe in the science of man-caused climate change,” Johnson said. “It’s not proven by any stretch of the imagination. It's far more likely that it's sunspot activity or just something in the geologic eons of time.” [source] Sen. Rand Paul KY CALL THEM OUT [Scientists] are making up their facts to fit their conclusions. They’ve already caught them doing this.' [source] Sen. Rob Portman OH CALL THEM OUT When you analyze all the data, there is a warming trend according to science. But the jury is out on the degree of how much is manmade.' [source] Sen. Pat Roberts KS CALL THEM OUT There’s no question there’s some global warming, but I’m not sure what it means. A lot of this is condescending elitism.' [source] Sen. Marco Rubio FL CALL THEM OUT The government can’t change the weather. I said that in the speech. We can pass a bunch of laws that will destroy our economy, but it isn’t going to change the weather. --- 'I don't think there's the scientific evidence to justify it,' he told the Tampa Tribune [source] Sen. Richard Shelby AL CALL THEM OUT Global warming continues to be an issue of significant debate in Congress and throughout the scientific community. In addition, important scientific research is ongoing as there are still many questions that must be answered before we take steps to address this issue. For example, is the climate change phenomenon cyclical or is it a function of manmade pollutants, or both? I believe the science must be firmly grounded before we take any actions that could seriously cripple many sectors of our economy.' [source] Sen. Pat Toomey PA CALL THEM OUT My view is: I think the data is pretty clear. There has been an increase in the surface temperature of the planet over the course of the last 100 years or so. I think it’s clear that that has happened. The extent to which that has been caused by human activity I think is not as clear. I think that is still very much disputed and has been debated.' [source] Sen. David Vitter LA CALL THEM OUT I do not think the science clearly supports global warming theory.' [source] Sen. Roger Wicker MS CALL THEM OUT Science shows that there is an increase of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere. But it has not been compellingly proven that mankind is responsible for the rise in atmospheric CO2, nor is it clear what impact CO2 has on Earth’s temperatures.' [source] Thanks to RL Miller for contributing to some of the original research in tracking down this information. Homepage DONATE Log in Create account About Organizing for Action Barack Obama Michelle Obama Joe Biden Dr. Jill Biden Connect Facebook Tumblr Twitter YouTube Issues Climate Gun violence prevention Health care Immigration Jobs and the economy Women's Issues Organizing for Action Contact Us Frequently Asked Questions Privacy Policy Terms of Service PAID FOR BY ORGANIZING FOR ACTION © 2013 Organizing for Action. All Rights Reserved.

From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...