Thursday, June 15, 2017

Shane Moffatt, Greenpeace Canada 

to me
Dear Shane Moffatt:
  I will continue to support Greenpeace with free publicity from this old computer but as for cash, my refrigerator is empty and my Two Cats are looking suspiciously at their empty food dishes.  There are two weeks left in this month of June before I receive my minimum retirement pension check. We can't destroy our social economy in order to preserve Nature but we (all of us) need to convince companies  like Resolute to create clean non-polluting products as well as jobs for more people and yes we can shake up companies like Resolute but here is an idea! 

 Why not convince them to create inexpensive but rigid and strong Plastic planks for home construction. We both know how much free Plastic is floating around the Earth. It would be a free resource for Resolute and a solution for everybody. There are Plastic planks now on the market but they are being sold at a ridiculous price.We need large companies to step up to the plate and bat a home run for the planet! Bye for now.

On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 10:05 PM, Shane Moffatt, Greenpeace Canada <> wrote:
Greenpeace Logo
We came to you, asking for help to fight back against one of the biggest threats in Greenpeace's history. A lawsuit that could close offices and scale down our global work. And what we got is more than we could have ever expected. 
90 organizations published ads in Canadian newspapers, supporting Greenpeace and Stand.Earth’s right to speak out. 240 authors from around the world including Margaret Atwood, Naomi Klein, and Yann Martel have signed our pledge to defend free speech and forests. More than 10,000 people sent us voice recordings to show Resolute Forest Products they too will not be quiet while free speech is under threat. 500,551 people signed an appeal to publishing companies buying paper from Resolute and we delivered those signatures along with photos of people standing with us from around the world, directly to the publishing companies.
This week, we reached another campaign milestone. In a letter published on June 13th,  Resolute customer and giant in the publishing sector, the Hachette Group, condemned Resolute’s excessive legal tactics and stated its support for Greenpeace's role as an environmental watchdog.
Thanks to you, volunteers, allies, partners, and brilliant authors from around the world, we are making sure everyone hears about Resolute. 
We did all this with only a fraction of the resources that Resolute has to spend on publicity and legal costs. Can you help make sure we'll have the budget to keep defending ourselves against these meritless lawsuits and continue doing our important work to protect forests?
We hope we can count on you to support our work, so we can fight this and continue focusing on what matters - investigating and exposing environmental destruction, and defending the world’s ecosystems. 
Thank you. 
Head of Forest campaign, Greenpeace Canada

P.S. We can’t let Resolute shut down Greenpeace. We want the company to adopt sustainable logging practices, not try to silence anyone who disagrees with it. Please donate now to save forests, save wildlife, and save Greenpeace!
We don't accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, please make a donation. Thank you!
If you no longer want to be in the loop with the latest news from these emails, we'll be sad, but you can unsubscribe here.
Greenpeace Canada, 33 Cecil Street, Toronto, ON M5T 1N1
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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Climate denying is back in vogue!

 Well here we go again!

 The climate deniers are lining up again to denounce global warming. The idea this time is to claim that more than one factor is creating climate change and so Coal and Oil can't be the only problem!. Well Duh! I agree! 
1. Volcanic eruptions help to create climate change.
2. Methane emissions from millions of Cattle and Pigs and Billions of humans create change.
3. Green house gas from millions and millions of gas burning cars creating Carbon Monxide.
4. Pollution from several million industrial companies pumping it up and out, usually at night..
5. Garbage from land fills around the world creating Methane Gas which is even worse than CO2.
6.  A Billion Tons of indestructible Plastic dumped into the Oceans of our Earth in conjunction with micro beads of Plastic cover and help to warm the Oceans.
7.  The heat from the Sun is warming our Oceans and the Oceans then create warm air currents which warm the land and as a consequence creates drought and starvation. 
7.  Toxic Human waste dumped into the Oceans kill tiny Oxygen creating creatures and creates Brown zones in the Ocean which absorbs heat from the Sun.
8.  Forest clearing in order to create Cattle ranches helps to create climate change. I believe they forgot how Trees help make the Oxygen we all need to breath.
9.   Forest clearing for lumber to build houses and fine furniture for the upper middle class creates climate change.
10. Here is one we seldom mention. Our several billion Houses and Apartments we heat in the winter and cool in the summer. We convert the energy from: Coal, Gas, Water and Wind into Electric heat and where do you believe that heat goes? You guessed it! It goes up and away into the atmosphere to help create warm air currents and dare I mention it! Global warming! In some places it comes back down as a Tornado or Two or Three..

I probably forgot a few things because I am getting older and writing and fighting to save stupid younger people from themselves is getting boring...especially those working in self serving governments and working in places like car assembly plants or creating Oil pipelines. People who have incomes above the poverty line and do not give a Rat's Ass who suffers and dies in the heat and drought stricken places like Africa! They don't care, that is, until the day Africans show up on their door steps by the thousands.

 Corporations pay Taxes for government protection and the richer the company the more taxes they pay. Gas and Oil lead the way. To be legally allowed to keep pumping out polluting products, companies send lobbyists to convince politicians the value of thier existence to the economy.  In some cities traffic is so thick you can walk faster! Hundreds of thousands of Cars  remain stuck in traffic for hours each day while pumping out Carbon Monoxide into the atmosphere.

 Many subordinate politicians have a need to prove to people like Trump how intelligent they are and how they can be trusted to follow the party line and maintain an imperial banking economy. The evidence of global warming which is presented to them by hard working scientists in places like N.A.S.A. is often ignored by good God fearing religious people who work for the government. Who needs facts from people who spend their lives studying nature when you can listen and believe every word created from your local Priest or Minister or Imam and of course your local smiling politician? Well good luck in the near future as we all swelter in the heat!

Signed: Joseph Raglione. Ex/Dir: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

Leonardo DiCaprio is a good man!

                                             Leonardo DiCaprio is saving dolphins!

                             One Green Planet <>Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 2:07 PM
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From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...