Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Is it dangerous or not dangerous? You decide.

mosquito shape on textured background

Gene Drives Survived a Proposed UN Ban in 2018—What’s Next?

In September 2018, a lab-based study published in Nature Biotechnology confirmed what many had long believed possible. The experiment involved cages of a few hundred mosquitoes, free to fly around and reproduce—but with a twist.
Half of the male mosquitoes had their genomes modified using CRISPR-Cas9. The genome modification made little visible difference to the males, but it rendered female mosquitoes infertile. Thanks to a technique known as a gene drive, the researchers were able to force this characteristic to be inherited by the offspring from the modified males. Within around ten generations, the gene drive had spread to the entire population; and, with all the females now infertile, “complete population suppression” followed. The mosquitoes in the cage were extinct.
Prior to CRISPR, genetically modified plants or animals would struggle to impose their modifications on a “wild” population in this way. As only one of the two chromosomes is modified, and each parent contributes one copy of the chromosome each to the offspring, the offspring has a 50 percent chance of inheriting an ordinary mutation.
In gene drives, the modified chromosome includes a string of CRISPR and guide RNA that shows the Cas9 protein where to cut. When it encounters an unmodified chromosome, it cuts the DNA around the modification. The cell then “repairs” the DNA by copying from the modified chromosome, including the gene drive itself. In this way, the gene drive ensures that it spreads into both chromosomes of any affected individual, and is passed onto any offspring they may have, efficiently spreading throughout the population.

Mosquitoes and Morality

If the human race has a consistent enemy—a recurring, principal antagonist—it is malaria. Despite a huge campaign to reduce the spread of the disease and the development of effective treatments, it still kills around half a million people every year, predominantly children under five years old, who are most vulnerable. With gene drive techniques, we could—perhaps rapidly and inexpensively—wipe out malaria’s hosts for good, and consign it to the list of eradicated diseases along with smallpox.
A gene drive could also entail releasing genetically modified creatures en masse to sterilize and drive to extinction a species humans find inconvenient. And, if the technology can be used to wipe out mosquitoes, is there anything that could stop someonefrom attempting to wipe out the bumblebees instead?
These were just a tiny subset of the moral and ethical challenges faced by the United Nations’ Convention on Biological Diversity, which met last November in Egypt. There had already been vocal calls from some NGOs for a moratorium or complete ban on gene drives, including the ETC Group, which has raised concerns ranging from possible unintended consequences to misuse by big businesses or the military. The ETC Group has a long history of opposing what they see as misguided techno-fixes to societal and environmental problems, such as geoengineering.

The Challenges of Regulation

Large international organizations like the UN may prove to be humanity’s best—or only—tool for regulating these kinds of technologies, which could be unilaterally deployed by a single nation or organization but with global consequences. Yet they can also be unwieldy and slow to respond—more so even than national governments, as international consensus is required.
The pace of change of technology makes this difficult. In 2014, when the twelfth meeting of the Conference on Biodiversity (COP12) was held, gene drives that used CRISPR were largely hypothetical technologies that had not been demonstrated. A preliminary effort to ban gene drives at COP13 in 2016, at least until international rules governing their use had been established, was unsuccessful.
Since then, after only one UN meeting that really considered gene drives, they have already been deployed in the field. Oxitec, a British start-up that has received backing from the Gates Foundation, released its gene drive mosquitoes into the wild in Brazil last year, after several months of trials in the Cayman Islandshad already drastically reduced local populations there. New Zealand’s effort to eradicate invasive species will likely involve gene drives in some form.
The very nature of gene drives, designed to force their genetically-modified characteristics into a population, could make their effects difficult or impossible to reverse. Weighing this potentially irreversible ecosystem modification against the potential to save the lives of thousands of children is not the kind of decision you want to make in a hurry—especially not with new information about the possible efficacy of gene drives being published all the time. Natural genetic variations could predominate over the gene drive; some species may be naturally resistant to the technique.
Nor is there any consensus about the type of gene drive that should be deployed. Wiping out mosquitoes entirely may seem drastic; some have sought to develop mosquitoes that are immune to malaria, although there are concerns that new strains of malaria may be able to adapt to this, leading us back to square one. Mosquitoes are also building up resistance to traditional insecticides used on mosquito nets. If natural selection is the enemy of attempts to eradicate malaria, might “unnatural selection” be the solution?

Targeting Malaria

Target Malaria is one of the groups developing technologies that aim to reduce mosquito populations. There are more than 3,500 species of mosquito, but only a very small fraction carry diseases such as malaria; consequently, Target Malaria is currently targeting only three species: Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles coluzzii, and Anopheles arabiensis.
“So far there’s no evidence really that seems to show that Anopheles gambiae is a key species in the ecosystem,” Jonathan Kayondo, a member of Target Malaria’s scientific team, told Joss Fong of Vox. “There’s nothing that exclusively feeds on it. So I’m finding it hard to see how that would collapse the ecosystem.”
Target Malaria is acutely aware of the potential social and political issues associated with their work. After all, Western scientists are aiming to modify natural ecosystems in Africa, where malaria causes the most deaths in children. They might engineer cautiously, to minimize the risks of unintended consequences; but it is crucial that the population who stand to gain or lose the most from these experiments are the ones who make the decision. Their aim to phase in deployment of mosquitoes in Burkina Faso as early as 2024 is a delicate and fascinating project.
Many residents are keen to wipe out the hated disease once and for all; Dr Abdoulaye Diabaté, a pioneering entomologist from Burkina Faso, notes that “Most of us have been personally affected by the disease.” Explaining the nature of the technique and working alongside those who would be affected by it must remain crucial parts of their mission, particularly when previous GM crops that Monsanto attempted to sell to Burkina Faso resulted in a backlashas the quality of yield declined.

Cautious Progress

Unlike the recent experiment to genetically modify babies with CRISPR, which was roundly condemned by most scientists and ethicists, many scientists believe the potential benefits of gene drives justify further research at this stage.
Faced with these tricky decisions, COP14 in Egypt delivered a balanced verdict. Stopping short of an outright ban, they instead asked governments only to consider the use of gene drives under a limited range of circumstances. Scientists should carry out a full and thorough risk assessment of their actions, and attempt to minimize unintended consequences as far as possible—and they should seek to obtain prior and informed consent of the local communities that might be affected. They also stressed that further research into unintended consequences is needed.
This language was vague enough for both sides to declare victory. ETC Group, who had pushed for a ban, approved of the requirement to obtain consent from local populations before gene drives are used; they have a lever to try to persuade governments not to approve of the technology.
Target Malaria noted that “It ensures that research on gene drive applications, including potential experimental releases, can be pursued.” Delphine Theizy, head of stakeholder engagement, notedto Nature that “For our work, it won’t change anything.”
Taking a position at the extreme ends of this debate is easy; you can accuse your opponents of recklessly playing God, or callously refusing to use technologies that might save thousands of lives. What is more difficult is to attempt to make an informed, practical decision based on reason, and allowing for uncertainty.
The UN’s verdict on gene drives attempts to walk that tightrope of cautious progress, as decision-makers must surrounding dozens of emerging technologies. The debate isn’t going anywhere, nor are the technologies. It’s up to us to listen carefully to both sides, get informed, and make these decisions.
Image Credit: GrAl /
Thomas Hornigold is a physics student at the University of Oxford. When he's not geeking out about the Universe, he hosts a podcast, Physical Attraction, which explains physics - one chat-up line at a time.



Thursday, December 27, 2018

From Singularity Hub...Quantum communication.

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Quantum Communication Just Took a Great Leap Forward


Researchers in the field of quantum communication have recently made great strides, taking us closer to a perfectly secure method of communication.
For years, researchers struggled to find ways to amplify quantum signals, store large amounts of quantum data, and allow for more than two nodes in a quantum network. However, in the last two months, solutions to all three of these problems have been found using the bizarre properties of the quantum world, in particular quantum entanglement.
Now that these hurdles have been overcome, quantum networks and even a quantum internet seem like real possibilities.

What is Quantum Entanglement?

Einstein referred to quantum entanglement as “spooky action at a distance,” and it is one of the strangest phenomenons in quantum mechanics.
Put simply, when two particles are allowed to interact in close proximity, they influence each other’s basic properties, such as their spin, polarization, momentum, etc. When these particles are separated, a change to one particle results in a corresponding change to the other at the exact same time. No matter the distance, the particles are intimately connected in a way that has to be fully explained.
For example, when electron A interacts with electron B, one will take on an up-spin state, while the other takes on a down-spin state. Any change in the spin of one instantaneously affects the spin of the other, regardless of distance. In fact, researchers have demonstrated this between entangled particles separated by over 1,200 kilometers.

How Does Quantum Communication Work?

Using the principle of entanglement, researchers have used entangled photons to transfer information between two nodes, in which the sender holds half of the entangled photons and the receiver holds the other half. Communication is made possible by the manipulation of the photons, resulting in an instantaneous change in the corresponding photons.
More specifically, each node of a quantum network consists of quantum processors, which rely on quantum bits, or qubits, instead of classical bits. Qubits can exist in multiple states, known as superposition, allowing them to perform multiple calculations at once, while traditional bits are confined to only a 0 or a 1, limiting them to one calculation at a time. When one quantum processor changes the states of its photons, the corresponding entangled photons are changed in the other quantum processor, thus transferring the necessary qubits.
One benefit of this is that it creates an unhackable system of communication, in that any attempt to eavesdrop or intercept the information would disentangle the particles. This would alter the message and make it immediately obvious that a hacking attempt had occurred.
Although current applications are still limited, it has been successfully used in quantum key distribution. It is also much faster than traditional methods of communication because entangled photons can transmit information instantaneously.
However, entanglement falls victim to decoupling and the no cloning theorem. Decoupling is the tendency for entangled particles to become disentangled due to interaction with their surroundings, while the no cloning theorem states that quantum states cannot be copied.
This makes long distance communication difficult, and, to overcome this, researchers have employed quantum repeaters. One or more of these is placed in between the sender and the receiver, and their purpose is to store photons that are entangled with the sender’s photons as well as photons that are entangled with the receiver’s photons. By performing an entanglement swap with a Bell state measurement, the photons of the sender and receiver can be entangled over longer distances.
Currently, several quantum repeaters are needed in even the most basic quantum networks, as  they have numerous problems, although researchers have recently developed ingenious methods to overcome them.

Photons, On-Demand

One of the problems with quantum repeaters is that they cannot handle large amounts of traffic, and, if quantum networks are going to replace traditional networks, this needs to be addressed. In a paper published in Science Advances on December 14, researchers from Austria, Sweden, and Italy demonstrated that they can make quantum repeaters more efficient by creating already-entangled photons when needed.
They did this with the use of quantum dots, which are semiconductors that will emit specific frequencies of light when excited by electricity to create pairs of entangled photons via quantum interference. With this technique, quantum repeaters will have a ready supply of entangled photons to handle as much data as needed.

Storage in Cesium Atoms

Another major problem with quantum repeaters is that they cannot store enough information to make them viable for large-scale quantum networks. That is, they need to store the fragile quantum states of the entangled photons, but previous methods could only do so in very tightly=controlled environments, making it difficult to employ. However, a team of researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute published a paper last month explaining how they can store entangled photons much more simply.
Using a glass jar of Cesium vapor and lasers, the researchers can store and retrieve the entangled photons at room temperature relatively easily. In the paper, they claimed that room-temperature systems are reliable and scalable due to not requiring cooling.
This also improves the lifespan of the entangled photons to a quarter of a millisecond. While this does not sound like much, it translates to only needing a quantum repeater roughly every 50 km, instead of every 10 km with previous methods.

A Rainbow of Wavelengths

Perhaps the biggest obstacle for quantum communication has been the fact that it has been limited to only two nodes communicating at a time. This is because it is exceedingly difficult to create and manipulate more than two entangled particles. While some research shows that it is possible, it is not practical for a quantum network.
However, a team of researchers recently demonstrated that it is possible to use one photon to entangle with several others by splitting it into a variety of wavelengths, as a photon is both a wave and a particle. Each wavelength was then entangled with different photons, allowing for one node to communicate with several at one time.
In a paper published earlier this month in Nature, the researchers described their work as “a fully connected quantum network architecture in which a single entangled photon source distributes quantum states to many users while minimizing the resources required for each.”
Quantum networks and the quantum internet will revolutionize communication. Once they are fully developed and adopted on a wide scale, people will not only be able to communicate at speeds orders of magnitude faster than today, but they will no longer need to worry about security.
Until recently, this scenario was thought to be in the distant future—but large-scale quantum communication may now be possible sooner than we thought.
Image Credit: Dmitriy Rybin /


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