Monday, June 25, 2018


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53.= (The Mayo Clinic is researching the aging process.)
56.= (For the super intelligent.)
58.= (The secret of money.)
60. = https://e-17-professor-kevin-anderson-climate-change-warning/
Posted by Joseph Raglione (Subtle influences on the human brain.)

Petition: Suspend Safe Third Country Agreement with the United States

Petition: Suspend Safe Third Country Agreement with the United States

The Broadbent Institute is calling on the Prime Minister of Canada and his Government to Immediately condemn the recent cruel actions of the United States Government against immigrant families and suspend the Safe-Third-Country Agreement.

Please read, sign, and share this petition:
Dear Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister Hussen,
I am calling on you to honour our country’s longstanding commitment to human rights by suspending the Safe Third Country Agreement with the United States.
U.S. President Donald Trump and his administration have imposed multiple inhumane and discriminatory changes to its refugee and immigration system. In early 2017, President Trump made an executive order for a travel ban on 7 Muslim-majority countries; leaving many stranded at ports of entry around the world. Then in late 2017, news broke that President Trump would end temporary protected status for thousands of individuals, many of them young people who’ve been in the United States for the majority of their lives. And now, the world is watching with despair and grave concern as families seeking asylum are being detained and children being forcibly separated from their parents.  The photographs of these thousands of children being held in cages have shocked the conscience of Canadians.
The Safe Third Country Agreement holds that both Canada and the U.S are “safe” countries for those seeking asylum. Manifestly, the U.S. no longer meets this standard.  Countless refugee advocates including Amnesty International Canada and the Canadian Council for Refugees have called on Canada to recognize the ongoing inhumane treatment of asylum seekers in the U.S. by rescinding the Safe Third Country Agreement.
As a signatory of the 1951 Refugee Convention, Canada has a legal and moral responsibility to provide asylum to those who seek it - including migrants at the Canada/U.S. border. Given the deteriorating situation in the U.S. we need to act immediately.  Please do what is right. Uphold and fulfill our international commitments and suspend the Safe Third Country Agreement with the United States now.
Broadbent Institute
Hi Joseph,
Fantastic news to share with you today; our petition asking Justin Trudeau’s government to suspend our “Safe-Third-Country” agreement with the United States has already gathered 5,000 signatures!
However, since our last email the United States has dropped out of the United Nations Human Rights Council making our petition much more urgent for refugees and migrant families.
We need to get to at least 10,000 signatures if we really want to get the attention of the media and the Prime Minister.
Can you please sign this humanitarian petition right now?
Considering the urgent nature of the immigrant and refugee situation at the borders in Donald Trump’s United States, the U.S. is simply not “safe” for immigrants, particularly immigrant children who are still being held in detention camps.
Human rights are not negotiable.
Let’s get Justin Trudeau’s attention together - please sign and forward this email to all of your friends, family, colleagues, and neighbours.
We would all be so grateful.
Thanks in advance.
Josh Bizjak
Director of Development
Broadbent Institute
Broadbent Institute · Canada
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Josh Bizjak, Broadbent Institute

Sat, Jun 23, 2018 at 10:09 AM
To: Joseph Raglione <>
Quick Reply
To: "Josh Bizjak, Broadbent Institute" <>
 With his study of past mass extinctions, Peter Ward is proving that life as we know it today is surviving in a comfort zone and will eventually cease to exist. Visit his lecture and pay close attention. Mr. Ward speaks with facts fast and furious.
 I agree that Earth will eventually cease to exist but I believe it is possible that we humans can transform ourselves into highly technical machines with the ability to leave this planet and to search the Universe for places to survive. Even if the distances are incredibly long we as machines with human thought processes, will have the ability to recreate ourselves over and over again until we find a planet that will maintain our existence. Even if the planet does not have Earth like conditions it won't matter to self activated thinking machines that can survive under almost any condition. Today, after many years of operation, the Robotic machine rolling on Mars proves this point and continues to work. If we create digital brain cells which clone our human brain cells and we place these synthetic brains into almost indestructible machines, we as a human race will have the ability to expand into the universe.
Nelson Joseph Raglione. 

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