Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Guns in the hands of maniacs!

Gentle People:

On some days I am not sure what to think of the government in Washington!!

How can it be possible that hand guns and assault rifles are legally

allowed in the hands of almost every person within the United States? If the second amendment is the problem, hold a referendum by Television and Telephone and ask the question, should U.S.citizens amend the second amendment to limit assault rifles and hand guns? We Canadian citizens live without guns under her British Majesty's imperial example and I believe that in the past your second amendment was created to protect American ancestors from invasion by the British, however, you can trust me when I say the U.S. is not going to be attacked by Canada! Your second amendment was not intended to create an armed camp today where children and babies are murdered on a regular basis by psychopathic maniacs wielding automatic weapons! What human being with any sense of moral and ethical judgment wants to see innocent children slaughtered like Cattle? What fools in the U.S. federal government want to allow this kind of mayhem to continue?
My next question is what is happening with the new Medicare and Medicaid systems? Is the U.S. government winning or losing ground?
Are U.S. citizens getting the help they need from hospitals and clinics or are multi-national profit oriented corporations and special interest groups continuing to dictate terms to Washington members of Congress?
If so who are these dangerous organizations and why are they not exposed in the Media?
How can so many members of the Republican party be so ignorant about
the fact of global warming? There is pictorial evidence from around the world that Glacial ice has melted more within the last Twenty years than any other time in recorded history! Ozone holes are a reality and they are created by man made pollution. Arctic ice is coated with dirt and dust and soot from around the world, making the ice melt faster! Fresh water has become a commodity for sale in plastic bottles and clean water is no longer free for everybody!
Why are Television commercials filled with internal combustion engine cars, the main source of world pollution, when alternatives are now available? Carbon Monoxide is a deadly gas and it should be removed and certainly not pumped into the air we all breath! What is happening with the U.S. national Electric Grid and alternative energy sources? Have they been allowed to fail under the Trump administration? If so I would suggest the Republicans get out of the political kitchen because the heat has become too hot for them!
T.V. should be regulated and violence reduced. Educational channels should proliferate as opposed to so-called reality channels where millions of T.V. viewers are now forced to sit and passively watch a parade of low intelligence people acting like fools simply to attract attention towards spot advertising! These waste of time programs have one sole purpose and that is to sell useless products to people with low incomes and low intelligence.

 Millions of North American viewers are being brain-washed and trained from childhood to watch violence on television so that companies can sell next to worthless products. This is done in the name of perpetuating the economy. Repeated exposure to violence often desensitizes the human capacity for generosity and compassion. Adults brought up by violence in their Media are desensitized to the violence in real life and this allows the gun merchants to continue proliferating wars and making obscene profits.

Television has become a corporate controlled vehicle for selling gas
burning vehicles to men and salt laden products to women.I suggest science based facts replace commercials on television and a certified and ethical Chemist be placed in every pharmacy in North America.
  If companies put up a fight they can take credit for any honest science based facts they honestly present to the public.           For example,these two minutes of education are brought to you by the incredible world friendly peace and ecology movement in association with Greenpeace and all the wonderful anti-greed and anti-pollution groups on Earth.

Signed: Joseph Raglione
Ex/Dir: The Incredible World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

Gentle People:
 Please protect this Earth for the

Monday, March 18, 2019

From Sandra Oliveira > Amazing pictures!


From Jeff Snyder. Colorado Sunset. Nature Photography.


From Anne McKinnel. Photographer, Writer, Nomad.

Javalina at Whitewater Draw, Arizona
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A Squadron of Javelinas

 By  Javalina at Whitewater Draw, Arizona

I love positive news from Greenpeace!

Positive news


Christy Ferguson, Greenpeace Canada

3:42 PM (4 hours ago)
to me

There’s been some terrible news lately. It can be hard to feel hopeful in times like these. But while it sometimes feels like an uphill struggle, we’re also making great progress every single week. So I wanted to share some good news stories with you — stories that are only made possible thanks to people like you taking action.
So please take five minutes to see how your support for Greenpeace is bringing about positive change around the world. 

More cities are embracing plant-based alternatives to meat

To protect people’s health and our global climate, more cities are responding to Greenpeace’s campaign to introduce plant-based alternatives to meat. Copenhagen, Denmark is increasing the amount of plant-based food at public institutions; Lille, France is implementing two mandatory vegetarian meals every week in public schools; and Bern, Switzerland is serving meat and fish no more than twice a week. 

Greenpeace Russia is helping protect 100 million hectares of forests

Right now, vast swathes of Russia are covered in “illegal” forests. Bizarrely, Russian legislation demands that the owners of these former or current agricultural lands keep them free from forests. This means that they’re often logged without restraint or simply burned, releasing carbon dioxide and black carbon into the atmosphere. But thanks to a campaign by Greenpeace Russia, the Russian parliament has taken the first step to change this legislation. Now it’s up to Greenpeace supporters around the world to keep up the pressure.​

The Line 3 tar sands pipeline is facing a major setback in Minnesota

This is huge! The new governor of Minnesota has allowed an appeal against the Line 3 tar sands pipeline to move forward. This could delay construction on this dangerous project for another year and increases the chances that it will be stopped for good. Greenpeace supporters in Minnesota petitioned, called, tweeted, and texted to build pressure on the governor to allow this appeal — and it worked! 

Greenpeace activists are resisting dangerous fracking in Patagonia

Last month, 33 activists from Greenpeace Argentina infiltrated a site near fracking operations in Patagonia and blocked trucks attempting to dump toxic, oily waste in open ponds for over 24 hours. Oil companies, including Shell and Total, are using this illegal dump to discard waste directly onto the soil, close to a residential area and one of the region’s major water supplies. After a six-month investigation, Greenpeace wrote to these oil companies and gave them fair warning that we were going public with what we had discovered. They have yet to take any action. So we did.

Thank you so much for all the ways you’ve helped make these stories a reality, Nelson. Good news like this is only made possible by millions of people around the world -- including you -- making your voices heard. 
Thank you.
Executive Director (Interim), Greenpeace Canada

From Dorte Hedengran from nature in Denmark.


From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...