Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Killing captive Lions for sport!!

People Are Paying to Kill Lions Who Are Bred for 'Sport'


5 Winter Safety Tips for Pets



Seitan Doner Kebab [Vegan]


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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Prison reform urgently needed!

If someone had pulled aside the signers of the Declaration of Independence 240 years ago and told them that, one day, the country they founded would be home to the largest number of imprisoned people in the world, they might have been more than a little disappointed.
Yet this is where we find our country today: The United States, founded on the basis of liberty and justice for all, suffers from that distinction. Twenty five percent of all imprisoned people on our planet are imprisoned right here in America. And the fact of the matter is that, at the federal level, the majority of those imprisoned aren’t hardened, violent prisoners. Far too many are nonviolent, low-level drug offenders. 
Thanks to policies enacted by Congress, our federal prison population has exploded by nearly 800 percent over the past the 30 years. And to pay for it, we’ve had to increase our prison spending by almost 400 percent. But the fact that these polices were enacted by our government in the first place should serve as a reminder that we have the agency to change them.
Momentum is building across America -- in states, in the federal government, in both political parties -- to change this misapplication of justice that so grossly misrepresents our priorities as a nation.
A diverse coalition of individuals, groups, and organizations -- ranging from Democrats to Republicans to law enforcement officials and clergy -- have come together to call for a comprehensive change in the trajectory of our justice system. And under President Obama’s leadership, the collective vision of these groups has found a home and a voice in the White House.
I have been proud to stand by President Obama as he has taken courageous steps in recent years to make our justice system more just.
Today, the White House is announcing that over 300 companies and organizations have signed the Fair Chance Business Pledge, a commitment to eliminate unnecessary hiring barriers facing people with a criminal record. Along with this step and a series of Administrative actions to enhance the fairness and effectiveness of the criminal justice system, he’s shown that the federal government can lead the way to progress.
President Obama has created a legacy of bold action that we must carry on to elevate the cause of criminal justice reform, from Congress to statehouses across the country.
But the conversation can’t stop there, and neither can the work. We must once again declare that we are a nation of independence, rooted in the spirit of interdependence. What happens to any of us, happens to all of us -- and we won’t get where we want to go faster by leaving anyone behind.
I look forward to standing shoulder to shoulder with you in this fight to reclaim our criminal justice system in the years to come.
Thank you,
Cory Booker
U.S. Senator
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Saturday, November 26, 2016


I am not a coward! A person who is so filled with fear he or she is afraid to speak or write the truth even if it is based on solid facts and hard evidence.

I am not a coward! A person who is so filled with fear he or she runs and hides rather than confront any potential danger!

I am not a coward! Those vicious and cruel psychopaths who have the ability to order the indescriminate bombing of men and women and children while remaining a safe distance away. There is a little girl with a camera telephone hiding in a basement bathroom with more courage then all current politicians and dictators and military generals put together.

I am not a coward! A captain of a warship who sends missiles into a city filled with people and claims he is only taking orders from his superiors. So far he has not murdered that little seven year old girl who is hiding in an apartement bathroom with her camera telephone linked to the world news services. The pictures she continues to take will make good court evidence when they are presented in the world court at the Hague on the day the captain and his so called superiors will be held accountable for their  war crimes.

I am not a coward! A fighter pilot dropping bombs on a city filled with defenseless people and blowing up hospitlas filled with the wonded and the dying as well as the doctors and nurses trying to help and save those in need of help! So far they have not murdered that little girl in the bathroom!

I am not a coward! Politicians around the world who watch genocides and crimes agains humanity and do nothing to stop the crimes! They have watched and done nothing and they are worse then cowards!

I am not a coward! Journalists and writers and photographers who refuse to report on human rights abuse and crimes against humanity around the world while spending inordinate amounts of time creating nonsense to sell on television and the internet. You are the scum of the Earth and a terrible insult to scum.

I am not a coward!  United Nations leaders who do nothing to stop crimes against humanity or even prepare to stop future crimes against humanity. If you are not cowards you are the most useless and pretentious people on Earth!

I am not a coward! There are too many ignorant and uneducated religious racists around  the world who perculate, permeate and perpetuate hate for other religions and races around the world and who do nothing to stop genocides and crimes against humanity. I blame your ignorance on your parents and on your government and on your school educators.

The United Nations needs the power and ability to mobilize a million man peace force and to send that force anywhere on Earth at a moment's notice. This peace force should have been created years ago but was and continues to be derailed from within the UNITED NATIONS.

From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...