Thursday, November 6, 2014

Happy Holidays!

Here is the: 

Global Access To Knowledge About Life On Earth.


Gentle People: Our scientists are trying to identify all life on Earth from the largest to the smallest of living creatures.
Even Bacteria and Viruses are included in this amazing Encyclopaedia of all living things. An ongoing compilation with the help of computers and millions of computer users. Here is a free book of knowledge at the tip of your fingers and here is hope for preserving life on Earth! Welcome!

Joseph Raglione.   

Monday, November 3, 2014


Gentle Readers:

 If the Republicans take over the Senate today, November 4th., 2014, your president Obama will become a lame duck president with zero power to help protect your civil rights or stop the banks from raising your credit card interest rates or bank mortgage rates.
1. You can also expect the Republicans and their corporate friends to take over the White House in the next U.S. election.
2. After that your social protection programs will fall like Dominoes beginning with your new Medical insurance protection.
3. The XL Pipeline project will be given the Green light and the fossil fuel industry will celebrate!
4. Industrial pollution will double as environment protection laws fall by the wayside.
5. The price of food will double as global warming heats up western farm fields and droughts destroy crops.
6. The military industrial machine will expand and wars will continue to profit the gun and bomb makers.
7. Homeland security will double and your basic freedoms will disappear!
7.  Voting for a full Democratic government is the only way the U.S. will continue to prosper but the Media works for the Republicans and most people believe what they are told on Television. Commercial television will double and news programs will be dominated by commercial brain numbing hype.

 Pass on this message to as many computer networks as possible because it is the only way to reach many people as quickly as possible!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Our International Web Site Index.

Sunday December 31, 2014

The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement presents: Our INTERNATIONAL WEB SITE INDEX .

Freedom with honesty and justice and courage…
Compassion with dignity, tolerance and humour…
Peace with love and harmony towards all life on Earth.
"All that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the
universe and the only constant is constant change.  Author: Joseph Raglione."
Gentle People: Welcome to my index of fun web sites and return as often as you like.
 Joseph Raglione.
 This week I recommend you visit the for some holiday flower pictures. They are free to copy.
18. =
30.=  How to greatly improve our school systems.
Hello Gentle People:
Did you know that a few years ago: Al Gore and John Kerry and Ted Kennedy and Michael Moore all contacted me? I am a nobody from Canada but I had something they needed...a powerful computer and a few million readers.They wanted me to write for their new young presidential candidate, a U.S. Senator by the name of Barack Obama. Today, I continue to receive emails from the U.S. Government because they continue to have problems implementing necessary changes.

Millions of computer writers joined together to bring about an agenda of change and that change must continue today if we are going to survive global warming.

Don't give up trying to find the facts because we have introduced informative and educational content well worth reading...especially the articles created by NASA and the information they distribute utilizing their spectacular satellites circling the Earth.  Instruments so well calibrated they can measure you inch by inch. Just joking folks but I do strongly suggest you pass on any article based on facts that helps to protect the environment. Greenpeace continues to be a great source of honest facts and the United Nations is excellent for understanding our human rights. Always try to discover what is educational and important and you do not have to be in school to learn new things!
I am one of the many writers who today continue to use computers for social change and surprisingly, it is working! The new Electric Cars on the market would not have entered the market or even exist if we had not pushed hard for change. In order to create social changes within the United States and Canada and the World we must continue the struggle against selfish greed and industrial pollution. What makes me slightly different is the fact that I am willing to share my Blog space with other writers. I give them full credit for their work. Visit my human4us2blogspot...I use the space for publishing articles geared towards the world humanitarian peace and ecology movement. As a World Humanitarian I often link to: the United Nations, Green-Peace, the Sierra Club, the W.W.F, Amnesty International, the Campus Progress Report, and many many more including the office of the President of Russia, Senator Barbara Boxer, the Barack Obama campaign, the office of the Prime minister of Canada and I could go on for a while because I've been on the internet from the beginning. I also remember helping TIG or the "Taking it Global" kids with some surreptitious suggestions a few years ago and then I backed off and watched their progress. This brings me to an important point.
If you want to change the world, don't ask for money and don't expect to be acknowledged or rewarded for your efforts. In fact expect the opposite because our specie: Homo Sapien, is an Omnivorous and territorial and often selfish creature and attempting to change our human nature using culture is a difficult task. You don't have to be any of the following: Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Solomon, Ghandi or the Dalai Lama; just do the work needed for change and stay as positive and happy as possible. Being a Vegetarian helps! Don't forget to plant hundreds if not thousands of Trees everywhere. Trees are desperately needed to slow global warming. After planting Trees, make more than one food growing garden where it is needed most. I suggest in your own back yard but there is always a need in the middle of poor city areas.  Roof tops are great places for gardens if they are strong enough to hold the soil. I suggest gardens are necessary anywhere the poor and desperate congregate on this small Blue Planet we call Earth.
  Always use the following Ethics in whatever you do. They include: Freedom with Honesty and Justice, Courage with Compassion and Dignity, Tolerance with Sharing and Caring and Humor, Kindness with Peace in Love and in Harmony with all living things. I challenge you to find as many more positive concepts as possible and include them in the list.
P.S. For you tough kids out there, don't forget to protest injustice at every possibility even if it means going to jail. Simply don't forget to do it the way Ghandi did, with non violent protest. ;-)
Have a great day and a wonderful life!
Signed: Joseph Raglione

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


 You do not have to kill each other or innocent people to find peace on Earth! We all die soon enough and so why hurry the process and make life a horrible place to live for innocent men and women and children while you are alive? If you are an industrial polluter then I advise you to shift gears and plant Trees and Gardens. If life is too boring for you why not try working within an Ebola clinic or sky diving or Scuba diving or simply go and work on a farm. If you are so insane you find Guns to be fun, I recommend you shoot yourself in a foot to understand how it feels before you try shooting innocent people. Maybe a hospital psychiatrist will provide you with the help you need? Hey! Kick Boxing is a great way to fix what bothers you! Another great way to avoid boredom is learn how to use a computer and rant at maniacs!
 Now back to our regular programming.

 Attention president Obama!
 The right wing is slowly undoing the good you have done within the past four years. Bank credit rates are inching up again and the fossil fuel industry is basically waiting until your government disappears. They continue advertising polluting cars and trucks on Television! I hope they disappear before you do!

 The only person today with a good idea is Dr. David Suzuki who wants to entrench the concept of environment protection within the constitution of Canada. It will guarantee that clean air and water and non-toxic food have priority over economic industrial development and it will force companies to work protecting the environment and not polluting and destroying the environment. If economic development creates a profit while protecting and enhancing the environment, everybody wins!  

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Gentle readers of this Blog. If you want to understand more about Ebola and who doesn't? Visit:

Here's What You Need to Know About Our Response to Ebola Right Now:

President Barack Obama delivers a statement to the press after a meeting with cabinet agencies coordinating the government's Ebola response, in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Oct.15, 2014.
President Barack Obama delivers a statement to the press after a meeting with cabinet agencies coordinating the government's Ebola response, in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Oct.15, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Today, a health care worker from Dallas was transferred to Emory University Hospital for treatment after contracting the Ebola virus while helping to treat Thomas Eric Duncan, the first patient to have the disease in the U.S.
After meeting with his Cabinet officials and Dr. Tom Frieden of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the President updated the country on our comprehensive strategy to contain the disease, prevent its spread in the U.S., and combat it at its source in West Africa. 
"The dangers of a serious outbreak are extraordinarily low" in the U.S., the President said. "But we are taking this very seriously at the highest levels of government."
The purpose of the meeting was to review exactly what happened in Dallas and how we can make sure it is not repeated.

"We are monitoring, supervising, overseeing in a much more aggressive way exactly what has taken place in Dallas initially and making sure that the lessons learned are then transmitted to hospitals and clinics all across the country."

Here are the actions the President is putting into motion to ensure we effectively treat and prevent the spread of Ebola: 
  1. The CDC will now send a rapid response team, a "swat team, essentially" to be on the ground within 24 hours as soon as someone is diagnosed with Ebola so the CDC can walk the local hospital through the protocols step-by-step. That includes use and disposal of protective equipment. 
  2. We are communicating the lessons learned from the problems that occurred in Dallas to hospitals, clinics, and first-responders around the country on a ongoing and up-to-date basis. 
  3. We are working carefully with the city of Dallas and the state of Texas to ensure that, in the event any other cases arise among health workers, they are properly cared for in a way that is consistent with public safety. 
  4. We are "contact-tracing" to ensure that anyone who may have come into contact with the affected individuals are being monitored in a way to prevent the further spread of this disease. 
  5. We will continue to monitor the health status of the other health care workers in Dallas. 
  6. We will continue screening processes at airports and make sure teams are in place to transport suspected cases to specialized, secure hospitals if needed. 
  7. We will continue to lead the international response in West Africa because "the investment we make in helping Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea deal with this problem is an investment in our own public health." 
"This is not a situation in which, like a flu, the risks of a rapid spread of the disease are imminent," the President said. "If we do these protocols properly, if we follow the steps, if we get the information out, then the likelihood of widespread Ebola outbreaks in this country are very, very low."
Take a look at three key points that you need to know -- then share them with your friends and family so everyone has the facts about Ebola.




You can visit the CDC for more information on our response to Ebola and call 1-800-CDC INFO (1-800-232-4636) for additional inquiries. 

You should also read:

PHOTOS OF THE DAY   Related Topics: EbolaTexas



Fun and Adventure.

Hi kids!

 What is it that makes fun and adventure? How about a walk? Yes, but not just an ordinary walk! This walk involves distance and I don't know how she roped me in but my lady love and I are now averaging Twelve Kilometers per walk. We do it up and down the city of Montreal and on our first walk I thought my foot was going to fall off,  however, after a visit to a doctor and some minor foot repairs involving special insoles inside special shoes and a special hole in my bank account, I walked again without the cripple foot syndrome. On the second walk it was only the equal pain-in-both-feet syndrome.

 Why am I considering this an adventure? Because walking is good for the health and there are lots of people doing it. We joined a group in Montreal that during the summer months assemble for a walk and begin from a boutique in Verdun known as the Tienda. The name is Spanish for...wait for The group leaves the Tienda and cuts across the Island towards the river which we follow Six Kilometers upstream and then we stop for a rest. Of course it is also Six Kilometers back and that adds up to Twelve. There are places on the river that are beautiful and mind blowing. If you own one that is not too heavy bring a camera. 

 The Tienda sells hiking gear and prepares hikers for longer walks in Europe. The most popular and probably one of the best kept secrets in Quebec, is the Compostelle walk. This walk is in Europe and it will cost you more than a few thousand Dollars to achieve but a lot of Quebec citizens have tried it over the years. First you have to fly to Europe and then you chose a path from several starting points. All paths lead to a large Spanish church known as the Compostelle. The adventure is spectacular and so is the price tag! You will be following a path pilgrims used for thousands of years but you don't have to be religious to walk, however, you do have to walk religiously. I often suggest to my loved one that we simply walk to Toronto from Montreal. It would be cheaper even if it is somehow less picturesque. She only looks at me funny! Buy for now and keep on truckin'...for you young ones out there that's old hippy talk for keep on walking.. 

From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...