Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Can your body's electric signals regenerate limbs?


 Why can we heal a wound, but not grow back a severed limb? Michael Levin thinks the key lies in the secret electrical language our cells use to talk to one another, and he thinks we’re not far from cracking the code.

Levin, the director of the Allen Discovery Center at Tufts University, has carried out some hair-raising experiments, getting worms to grow back with two heads and frogs to grow extra limbs. While most would assume this took some outlandish genetic engineering, Levin instead manipulates the bioelectric signals that help dictate an animal’s body plan.
The hope is that if we can learn to understand and control these signals we may eventually be able to help humans regenerate damaged limbs and organs, repair birth defects, or even reprogram cancer. I caught up with Levin to see how progress is going.
Edd Gent: Can you outline the mission of your lab?
Michael Levin: First of all, we want to understand how biological systems process information. So we’re interested in how living tissues make decisions, how they store memories, how cells cooperate towards specific outcomes.
Once we have a better understanding of how biological systems make decisions, we’d like to be able to manipulate those decisions for biomedical purposes. For example, reprogramming tumors and causing repair and regeneration of injury. So the goal is really to understand and then medically exploit the amazing ability of living tissues to compute and process information.
EG: How is your approach different from that of other labs?
ML: There are many labs studying the molecular mechanisms of how cells and tissues operate. But what we’re interested in is not only those mechanisms, but also the information content and the algorithms cells and tissues are using. We are in an emerging field called primitive cognition, which is the question of how systems that are not necessarily brains—so everything from plants to single-cell organisms to tissues—process information.
In addition to the common biochemical and molecular aspects everybody studies, we’ve been developing a brand new understanding of cell communication that takes place electrically. It turns out that all cells, not just neurons, communicate electrically. We were the first to develop molecular tools to really listen in on all the electrical conversations cells and tissues were having with each other and to develop strategies to alter those conversations. So we can control not only individual cell behavior, but more importantly, we control large-scale body pattern formation and regeneration by altering the electrical communication among cells.
EG: How much do we know about the role electrical communication plays in development and regeneration?
ML: What we know right now is that electrical signals are really important in a number of regenerative events. What we don’t know is how easy or difficult it’s going to be to manipulate these things for human biomedicine. We’ve shown applications for some really promising types of control in non-human model systems and also in human cells in culture. But how it’s going to play out in the adult human is unknown.
There’s still a lot to be discovered about how electrical properties encode large-scale patterns. The big challenge for the next decade or more is to understand how electrical properties on a global scale control things like organ size, organ shape, organ position, and organ identity.
One of the most surprising and important things coming out of our work has been that if you manage the bioelectric circuits appropriately, you can have [body] shape outcomes that are completely different from the standard default of that species without touching the genome. It turns out the genome encodes the hardware. But once you have that hardware, the software that runs on it, which is all the electrical signals that cells send to each other, is really pretty malleable. Thus the relationship between the genome and the anatomy is not quite what people thought it was, and there’s a lot of opportunity to make changes despite a normal genome.
EG: So bioelectricity is responsible for governing body plan and regeneration?
ML: Electrical signals cooperate with all the other types of signals cells use, like chemical signals or physical forces like stresses, pressures, and tensions. So it’s definitely not alone, but the reason we focus on it is because I think it’s one of the most tractable signals for controlling decision-making.
Research suggests bioelectricity is how cells and tissues make large-scale decisions, so it’s a very tractable control point. It’s not the only control point, but it appears to have lots of advantages, and I think that’s because evolution discovered very early on that electrical networks are a really good way to perform computation. It’s not a coincidence that our brains use electrical networks and our computers use electrical networks.
EG: Does that mean there are important overlaps between how living systems and computers process information?
ML: I’m not saying living tissues operate the way modern computers operate. Nevertheless, things we’ve learned in computer science are showing us one way to understand how living tissues exploit electricity, and that is a distinction between hardware and software. I think that’s really profound, and I think it’s what has enabled computer science to drive a revolution in information technology.
Most people think the next revolution will come in the fields of biology and medicine. I think in order for that to happen we really need to understand the distinction between biological software and hardware. Right now the science of this field is very good at manipulating the hardware, we’re very good at pushing around molecules, and we’re getting smaller and smaller with the ability to control individual cells.
But what we need is not just the ability to mess around with the hardware, we actually need to be able to control the decision-making and the algorithms cells and tissues are using to figure out what they should be doing. If that hadn’t happened in the computer science field, we would still be programming by moving wires around. That’s why we’ve had this information technology revolution, because computer scientists figured out how to deal at the level of information control, not at the level of the hardware itself. Biology and medicine have to move in that direction.
EG: What are some of your recent breakthroughs?
ML: One thing we recently showed in a regenerating flatworm model was that the same body can store at least two different pattern memories. If you look at the anatomy and molecular markers it’s totally normal, you couldn’t tell the difference. But what we have done is rewrite the bioelectric pattern this animal is going to use to decide how to regenerate if it is injured in the future.
If you cut one of these altered worms they will regenerate with two heads, one on each end, so where the tail goes there will be a head. For developmental and regenerative biology this is a complete shock, that the same body with the same genome can store more than one possible electrical pattern that serves as a memory for regeneration. You can do this without changing the genomic sequence.
We also did an experiment treating embryonic frogs with various teratogens—compounds that cause severe embryonic brain defects, including genetic mutations. We can use our modification of the embryo’s electrical pattern to rescue a normal brain with normal shape, with normal gene expression and almost normal behavior even though those teratogens were present. This is a proof of principle for regenerative medicine to fix birth defects using manipulation of the electrical state.
EG: What could be the practical applications of your work in the future?
ML: The applications go in four broad categories. The first is the ability to recognize and repair birth defects. Regenerative medicine of injury should be another. The third application is going to be cancer. We’ve already had several interesting sets of papers published by our lab showing that you can reprogram tumors by managing the bioelectrics appropriately.
The last application is synthetic biology. Right now, synthetic biology is mainly done in single cells, reprogramming cells to clean up toxins and make drugs and all that. The future of synthetic biology lies in synthetic morphology. The idea is to create living functional artificial biological machines. This could be anything from growing organs in culture for transplant to making little biobots that have never existed before to do little tasks.
EG: How far off are these practical applications?
ML: I think that’s impossible to predict, but to give you a general range, I’m pretty sure some of these applications are going to be available in the next decade. Cancer is probably the low-hanging fruit. Some of the synthetic bioengineering stuff should definitely be coming online in the next few years.
Limb regeneration is going to take significantly longer, but I also think it’s quite possible. The birth defect stuff I expect to see some significant applications in the next few years. I’m not a clinician, though. My lab does not do clinical human work, so everything we discover is basic science, and we depend on collaborators and people who work at the biomedical interface to take our discoveries and move them into medical applications.
Importantly, the way to control a lot of these bioelectric processes is through targeting ion channels. All of the existing drugs targeting ion channels—and there are many of them—make an incredibly powerful toolkit. They have already been approved for human use, which means they can be readily deployed.
We’re working on an AI platform that will help pick drugs for specific purposes. You’’ll be able to describe what outcome you want and it will use a set of bioelectric simulators and databases of drugs to try and pick drug cocktails that will make that possible. Once that comes online, and that’s probably a year or two away, it will really accelerate people’s ability to move this research towards biomedicine.
I am a freelance science and technology writer based in Bangalore, India. My main areas of interest are engineering, computing and biology, with a particular focus on the intersections between the three.



Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Tau Zero Foundation

The Tau Zero Foundation supports incremental advancements in science, technology, and education.

Right now, as you sit there reading this, you are moving at over a million kilometers per hour (365 km/s [Rabounski 2007] equal to about 820,000 mph) through our Universe, roughly toward the constellation Leo. You are on spaceship Earth, the only object in the universe known to harbor life. Earth is just a small planet around a rather mundane star when compared to the other known planets and stars. And our sun is but one amongst 400 billion stars in our own "Milky Way Galaxy," which itself is a giant galaxy amongst over a hundred-billion other galaxies in the universe.

Even with such fantastic-sounding speeds and considering that there are about 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 other stars in our Universe, we are nowhere close to another habitable planet. Our nearest neighboring star, Alpha Centauri (which is viewable only from Earth's Southern Hemisphere) is over 4-light-years distant. The issues for achieving interstellar flight are discussed on the GETTING THERE pages. For now it is important to realize just how isolated we are, and how precarious our existence may be.

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On the subject of creation. By Joseph Raglione.
I enjoy reading expert theories on how our Universe began. According to experts, there is always something that helped begin the Universe.
It always leads me to the same conclusion. How did that something...what ever it was... begin to exist in the first place in order to create a beginning for everything else?
 Eternal energy is mind boggling to contemplate and so in my philosophical theory...(hey if everybody else can theorize why not me?)  human imagination took over in an effort to explain what is proving to be unexplainable.

 Try contemplating eternal energy and discover the joy of total ignorance.

Space is big! How big is it? VEEEERY BIG!!...

Size and flows : As Douglas Adams rightly said, Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. Lets take an example. The Milky way is our galaxy. When talking about space, a galaxy is well understood. It's made of millions of stars. The size? Around 100,000 light years in diameter. If we had a spaceship going at exactly light speed (if that was possible), we would not even be able to cross one-thousandth of the distance in a hundred years.

Now Scientists have theorized about the size and movement of the local galactic supercluster. How have they been able to estimate its movement? By means of a simulation of the gravity and flow and density which pulls over 100,000 galaxies together into what is called the 'Great Attractor.' The human mind can possibly not even comprehend the size. The boundaries of this supercluster are not very well defined, and the flows are quite fascinating to watch. It takes me back to a post I made on flows ( . At some stage, all the superclusters will be clumped into one. Maybe we will have a true idea of our Universe then!

+Knut Torgersen asked me to make this post... and here it is for your consumption. Though much has been said about the Laniakea Supercluster, this looks into the flows and size.

Cosmic Speed : The team used a database that compiles the velocities of thousands of galaxies, calculated after subtracting the average rate of cosmic expansion. “All these deviations are due to the gravitational pull galaxies feel around them, which comes from mass,” says Tully. The researchers used an algorithm to translate these velocities into a three-dimensional field of galaxy flow and density.

How did Brent Tully and his team do it? : If galaxies are clumped together closely in space they’ll orbit each other, or at least their mutual gravity will affect their motion. This in turn affects the redshift for each galaxy on top of the cosmic expansion. We know pretty well how the Universe is expanding on local scales, so if you subtract that part away, what’s left is the local motion of the galaxies. That can be used to map how gravity of other nearby galaxies is affecting them. This let them make a map of the density and movement of galaxies in space.

Size : The colossal supercluster is shown in the above computer-generated visualization, where green areas are rich with white-dot galaxies and white lines indicate motion towards the supercluster center. Galaxies flow into other galactic concentrations. The Laniakea Supercluster spans about 500 million light years and contains about 100,000 times the mass of our Milky Way Galaxy. The discoverers of Laniakea gave it a name that means "immense heaven" in Hawaiian.

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Video Link: Laniakea: Our home supercluster
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The Nanofabricator is coming! By Thomas Hornigold.

How a Machine That Can Make Anything Would Change Everything

“Something is going to happen in the next forty years that will change things, probably more than anything else since we left the caves.” –James Burke
James Burke has a vision for the future. He believes that by the middle of this century, perhaps as early as 2042, our world will be defined by a new device: the nanofabricator.
These tiny factories will be large at first, like early computers, but soon enough you’ll be able to buy one that can fit on a desk. You’ll pour in some raw materials—perhaps water, air, dirt, and a few powders of rare elements if required—and the nanofabricator will go to work. Powered by flexible photovoltaic panels that coat your house, it will tear apart the molecules of the raw materials, manipulating them on the atomic level to create…anything you like. Food. A new laptop. A copy of Kate Bush’s debut album, The Kick Inside. Anything, providing you can give it both the raw materials and the blueprint for creation.
It sounds like science fiction—although, with the advent of 3D printers in recent years, less so than it used to. Burke, who hosted the BBC showTomorrow’s World, which introduced bemused and excited audiences to all kinds of technologies, has a decades-long track record of technological predictions. He isn’t alone in envisioning the nanofactory as the technology that will change the world forever. Eric Drexler, thought by many to be the father of nanotechnology, wrote in the 1990s about molecular assemblers, hypothetical machines capable of manipulating matter and constructing molecules on the nano level, with scales of a billionth of a meter.
Richard Feynman, the famous inspirational physicist and bongo-playing eccentric, gave the lecture that inspired Drexler as early as 1959. Feynman’s talk, “Plenty of Room at the Bottom,” speculated about a world where moving individual atoms would be possible. While this is considered more difficult than molecular manufacturing, which seeks to manipulate slightly bigger chunks of matter, to date no one has been able to demonstrate that such machines violate the laws of physics.
In recent years, progress has been made towards this goal. It may well be that we make faster progress by mimicking the processes of biology, where individual cells, optimized by billions of years of evolution, routinely manipulate chemicals and molecules to keep us alive.

“If nanofabricators are ever built, the systems and structure of the world as we know them were built to solve a problem that will no longer exist.”

But the dream of the nanofabricator is not yet dead. What is perhaps even more astonishing than the idea of having such a device—something that could create anything you want—is the potential consequences it could have for society. Suddenly, all you need is light and raw materials. Starvation ceases to be a problem. After all, what is food? Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorous, sulphur. Nothing that you won’t find with some dirt, some air, and maybe a little biomass thrown in for efficiency’s sake.
Equally, there’s no need to worry about not having medicine as long as you have the recipe and a nanofabricator. After all, the same elements I listed above could just as easily make insulin, paracetamol, and presumably the superior drugs of the future, too.
What the internet did for information—allowing it to be shared, transmitted, and replicated with ease, instantaneously—the nanofabricator would do for physical objects. Energy will be in plentiful supply from the sun; your Santa Clause machine will be able to create new solar panels and batteries to harness and store this energy whenever it needs to.
Suddenly only three commodities have any value: the raw materials for the nanofabricator (many of which, depending on what you want to make, will be plentiful just from the world around you); the nanofabricators themselves (unless, of course, they can self-replicate, in which case they become just a simple ‘conversion’ away from raw materials); and, finally, the blueprints for the things you want to make.
In a world where material possessions are abundant for everyone, will anyone see any necessity in hoarding these blueprints? Far better for a few designers to tinker and create new things for the joy of it, and share them with all. What does ‘profit’ mean in a world where you can generate anything you want?
As Burke puts it, “This will destroy the current social, economic, and political system, because it will become pointless…every institution, every value system, every aspect of our lives have been governed by scarcity: the problem of distributing a finite amount of stuff. There will be no need for any of the social institutions.”
In other words, if nanofabricators are ever built, the systems and structure of the world as we know them were built to solve a problem that will no longer exist.
In some ways, speculating about such a world that’s so far removed from our own reminds me of Eliezer Yudkowsky’s warning about trying to divine what a superintelligent AI might make of the human race. We are limited to considering things in our own terms; we might think of a mouse as low on the scale of intelligence, and Einstein as the high end. But superintelligence breaks the scale; there is no sense in comparing it to anything we know, because it is different in kind. In the same way, such a world would be different in kind to the one we live in today.
We, too, will be different in kind. Liberated more than ever before from the drive for survival, the great struggle of humanity. No human attempts at measurement can comprehend what is inside a black hole, a physical singularity. Similarly, inside the veil of this technological singularity, no human attempts at prognostication can really comprehend what the future will look like. The one thing that seems certain is that human history will be forever divided in two. We may well be living in the Dark Age before this great dawn. Or it may never happen. But James Burke, just as he did over forty years ago, has faith.
Image Credit: 3DSculptor /
Thomas Hornigold is a physics student at the University of Oxford. When he’s not geeking out about the Universe, he hosts a podcast, Physical Attraction, which explains physics – one chat-up line at a time.



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