Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Stephen Ritz with bushels of tomatoes in front of him
Stephen Ritz developed a curriculum for indoor gardening that changed a school in the South Bronx. (Photo: Jesse McElwain/Green Bronx Machine)

 Have you ever been in a position to change the world, or at least your small slice of it? Did you do it? Did you take the risks that would make a difference in the lives of others? If something held you back — unfavorable odds, fear of failure, lack of courage or something else — then Stephen Ritz's "The Power of a Plant" is for you.
The book is Ritz's story of how a school teacher used an infectious spirit of optimism to overcome professional setbacks and personal heartbreak to make a difference in the lives of children in the South Bronx in New York City. He did that by teaching them to plant seeds and showing them how seeds develop into healthy food. And how that healthy food can lead to better health, better grades and hope for a productive future.
Ritz, a native of the Bronx, stumbled into teaching in the borough nearly 30 years ago. He was initially placed in a high school of mainly Latino and Afro-Caribbean students where the crime rate was high and the graduation rate was just 17 percent. Once there, he discovered he had a knack for connecting and engaging with these students, especially the ones who seemed hardest to reach.
At first, he used sometimes unorthodox tactics to do that. Then, purely by accident, came a defining moment. He received a package of flower bulbs he mistakenly thought were onions. Afraid they might become missiles in a classroom brawl, he hid them behind a radiator and forgot about them.
Six weeks later, an enraged girl went after a boy who had gotten on her nerves once too often. As the scene unfolded, Ritz rushed toward them to break up what he afraid was about to become a disaster. He saw the boy reach toward the radiator and thought he might have stashed a weapon there. To his amazement, the boy suddenly pulled out a bouquet of yellow flowers and thrust them towards the girl as a peace offering. Stunned, Ritz watched what happened next. The boys started giving flowers to the girls, the girls wanted to take flowers home to their mothers and peace was restored.
The forgotten bulbs were actually daffodils. The steam from the radiator had forced them into bloom. The dramatic episode was an epiphany for Ritz. He realized that if there was power in plants to stop a classroom fight, there must be power in plants to transform lives and communities. Initially, he didn't know how to do that. He didn't have a grand plan. In fact, he readily admits, he didn't have any plan. But he had purpose, passion and hope.

An idea in bloom

Stephen Ritz poses next to vertical gardens  
The vertical gardens Stephen Ritz developed in an abandoned school library have been replicated in the U.S. Botanic Gardens. (Photo: Jesse McElwain/Green Bronx Machine)

He turned the moment into a green curriculum, a movement that would change his life and the lives of countless others. He incorporated vegetable gardens into sections of the South Bronx, on school grounds and on top of a building, organized the Green Teens, and then founded the Green Bronx Machine, a federally registered and approved nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) status that seeks to be an engine of community change by fully integrating indoor vegetable gardening and green curriculum into a K-12+ model. This model is being used in 5,000 schools across the United States and in Canada, Dubai and other countries.
 Ritz's students now have near-perfect attendance and graduation rates, they have significantly raised their passing rates on state exams and he has helped create 2,200 local jobs by changing mindsets about food, wellness and obesity in the middle of the largest tract of public housing in the South Bronx. His efforts, which he has largely self-funded, have led to numerous awards. These include being a top 10 finalist for the Global Teacher Prize and being named one of NPR's 50 Greatest Teachers. He has been invited to the Vatican to meet Pope Francis, presented at the White House three separate times and given a TEDx Talk when he was so weak recovering from surgery that he was advised to delay it. He went on stage anyway because he didn't want to disappoint his kids. The talk has been viewed more than 1 million times; you can see it here:
He spoke with Mother Nature Network from his indoor demonstration classroom, the National Health Wellness and Learning Center, in the South Bronx's Community School 55. Officially a full-time volunteer, he is executive director of the center and works with the principal and administration to mentor teachers. He also teaches daily and coordinates after-school and summer programming.
The garden, composed of vertical towers in a formerly under-utilized library in a building that's more than 100 years old, has been replicated in the U.S. Botanic Garden. He discusses how his green curriculum gives a voice to children who have never had a voice, and how it has changed attitudes about growing, cooking, eating and sharing healthy food in the poorest congressional district in the country, in the least healthy county in New York and in one of the poorest performing school districts in New York City. It's a story about how his methods can unleash the power of a plant in your school district.

MNN: You have a passion to use plants and food to change the educational system and, seemingly against all odds, an unflinching belief in your ability to do that. Where did that come from?
Stephen Ritz: It's definitely a combination of passion, purpose and hope. I refer to myself as a CEO, Chief Eternal Optimist and Chief Excitement Officer of Bronx County. In absolutely the most unforgiving places, the most amazing things are absolutely possible. I grew up inspired by the people who were around me. It was a world where we grew up loving people and using things. Somewhere along the way, we have gone to loving things and using people. But if we live simply, others will simply live, and that is what this movement is all about.
So, I believe that behind every successful person, there is a role model. A teacher. A mentor. Someone who said, "Do this, don't give up, try this, I believe in you." Remarkably for me, that was my parents and my grandparents and, along the way, a couple of teachers who showed me some love at the least likely time. Similarly, I try to do that every day. I meet the kids on the steps of the school and shake their hands and welcome them in and try and turn that frown upside-down. If I can pull air into my lungs and extend my head toward the sun just like a plant, so can they. That's the beauty of showing up, growing up and making epic happen — moving children from impossible to I'm possible, each and every day.
Stephen Ritz poses with students holding a sign for Green Bronx Machine Ritz seeks to be a mentor and role model to his students. (Photo: Jesse McElwain/Green Bronx Machine)
You have overcome personal struggles and devastating losses as well as jealousy from other educators. What has sustained you?
What sustains me is that I am here, and I am not going anywhere. More often than not, the answers to the world's most difficult problems are right in front of us. If we will all just take a little bit of ownership, we will get to "Yes!" That's what the world should be about. It should not be us versus them. It should be how do we get to "Yes!" and leave this place a little bit better than we found it.
In a lot of ways, the system is rigged. Whether by design or by default, that's a wholly separate conversation. That's not the conversation I want to have. The conversation I want to have is what can we do today, minute by minute, moment by moment that will make us and our lives better, more prosperous, more inclusive and make us want to do things that will leave the planet better. That's imminently doable. Understanding our place in the food chain and the relationships around us and how we can add value to others' lives is, to me, what I was put on this Earth to do. So many people have added value to my life that I forever just want to pay that forward and add value to theirs, mindful that I certainly believe that the greatest natural resource in this entire world is the untapped potential residing in marginalized communities.
What we have here is outrageous. Every day I am looking at the next Barack Obama, Sonya Sotomayor, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Carmen Farina (New York City Schools chancellor), Ruben Diaz Jr. (Bronx borough president), Gustavo Rivera (a New York state senator), Michael Blake (a New York state assemblyman) or Vanessa Gibson (a New York City Council member), children who will change the trajectory of their lives and communities. That, to me, is so inspiring. How do we create pathways for success? It's the same thing in Africa. The same thing in South America. The same thing in the Middle East. The same thing everywhere I go. How do we help those who have become apart from to becoming a part of in ways that benefit the world?
Is that why you have so much compassion for at-risk children, which comes across so strongly in your book?
I am one of them! No one tells you that you are going to grow up and be separate and unequal. No one grows up and tells you, "Hey, you know, the system isn’t fair." But sooner or later you have eyes, and you see. You have ears, and you listen. Now, you can be angry and jaded, or you can do something. But the time to do nothing is never. Every day is the opportunity to do something. In a world where we tell people they are talented and gifted, let's see [what would happen] if we just told them there are those who work harder. So, next year you could be in a group that works harder, not the group that's talented and gifted. I worry about the ones who are never told they are talented and gifted when, in fact, we know that they are. I worry about the kids who are shunted and stunted because, I think, deep within them is the opportunity to really change the world. So, I want every kid to have a seat at the table and, dammit, if no one is going to come and make us this table, we figured out here in the South Bronx how to build our own table and set it ourselves. And that's something everybody can do.
Stephen Ritz in a classroom of students learning about produce Students now learn all about growing and managing produce. (Photo: Lizette Ritz/Green Bronx Machine)
The kids you are talking about and the ones you taught were put in classes called 'special education.' That term didn't sit well with you. Why?
They should call it unique, because everybody is unique. There is this whole notion of diversity. Let's move beyond that and call it inclusive. It's one thing to say you are going to listen to someone. It's a whole other thing to get up and go to another group and ask someone from that group to dance with you to their music and to embrace them. Everybody deserves a seat at the table. And the beautiful thing about what I learned, remarkably about this whole green plant revolution, is that some of the most tedious jobs are so well done by those who are traditionally excluded. And they can make a living wage in the process. How beautiful is that?
The daffodil incident was your introduction to plants and the life-changing moment that led to your green curriculum and to the Green Bronx Machine. It's such a great story. Describe what happened.
The biggest thing about when they arrived was that when you get called to the principal's office, you think you're getting something good. I'm the oldest sixth grader in the world, and I get excited easily. So, they called, and I get this big box. I have 17 kids who are about as disconnected from school as disconnected can be, and I see this box and open it up. I'm thinking, "Wow! This is the moment I have been waiting for." Then I open it up and see … onions. It could not have been more disappointing! I had come running out of the principal's office like a kid on Christmas morning. I didn't even get back to my room. I opened the box in the hallway, I was so excited. It was the worst Christmas ever. I got to the classroom, threw the box on a windowsill behind the radiator and forgot about it.
Then, six weeks later, I got the biggest surprise in the world when I thought my career was really going out the window. I saw a male student grabbing something I thought was a weapon. I thought he was going to do something awful to the girl student because she was about to pummel this annoying kid to death. Then to see she was about to be cold-cocked by flowers waving in her face! It was like Ferdinand and the Bull! It was amazing! The world would be a better place if more adults read more children's books. ("The Story of Ferdinand" by Munro Leaf is a classic children's book known for its message of nonviolence and pacifism.)
Obviously, you didn't know anything about plants before that incident. After all, you thought the daffodil bulbs were onions. Just how transformational was that moment?
Well, that's the power of a plant. That's the beauty of a seed and its genetic potential. My job is to make sure all my students, all my colleagues and my community members reach their God-given genetic potential. And the flip side now is going back 10 years later, I still marvel. My kids this morning picked $38.52 worth of vegetables from the garden outside of school. We priced them out today. If I can put a little seed in the ground and get something out of it … I mean we've got an 8-foot-tall tomato plant growing in front of the school. It was a seedling 60 days ago. We've got corn growing in the middle of the South Bronx. It's awesome sauce! When you can put a tomato seed in the ground and get an 8-foot-tall plant out of it, that is my definition of awesome sauce.
Stephen Ritz poses with students in front of a Green Bronx Machine table in the classroom The Green Bronx Machine isn't an after-school activity for students. It's part of the common core and content area instruction that has helped the students improve test scores and eating habits. (Photo: Jesse McElwain/Green Bronx Machine)
Could you talk about how the children you inspired became the seeds that grew into the Green Bronx Machine?
We are, like most things, an evolutionary organism. We started as an innovative program for over-aged, under-credited, disconnected youths that's now become a way of life for everybody. We believe that the art and science of growing vegetables align to common core and content area instruction that has helped the students, helped the schools and has helped the communities as evidenced by test scores, eating habits and school performance. We grow vegetables, but my vegetables grow students and healthy communities.
How is The Green Bronx Machine different from other school garden programs, such as the national Farm to School program, the Captain Planet Foundation and The Kitchen Community that Kimbal Musk founded?
We are very different. I'm not saying better. And I'm not saying this with any judgment, but I do not want to be an after-school program. I love Captain Planet. Don't get me wrong. I love a lot of those organizations, but we believe in the art and science of growing vegetables indoors on a daily basis. They are an after-school enrichment program for kids who opt in. We are a whole school program. We believe that the art and science of growing vegetables aligns the content area instruction across all subject matter and that science forms academic performance through personal behaviors. And that is what this is all about.
Communities that are marginalized, that are suffering from hunger and are hurting really need to re-address every single thing they are doing if they want to transform their communities. You can’t transform a community with 40 minutes twice a week after school. You've got to transform pedagogies, you've got to transform instruction, you've got to transform culture, you've got to transform schools from the top down and the bottom up and be mindful that input equals output. What you put in will determine what you get out.
What we need to put in is quality educational instruction along with healthy food. Children never will be well read if they are not well fed. You can't teach your children to read and do things they've never done before and get excited about the world when they are hopped up on 95 grams of sugar, 300 milligrams of caffeine and having a toxic reaction to a bag of sodium-laced potato chips. So, I am not the garden guy! I'm the whole school guy. I just happened to get there by growing lots of vegetables, and I do it indoors using 90 percent less water and 90 percent less space regardless of seasonality. I have children who read the plants to get my reading data. We have a reading the plants program! We do math. We do science. We do essays. We do all that stuff around plants, and the coolest thing is that in 30 days we get to eat them, too!
Plants growing outdoors as part of the Green Bronx Machine project Even though it's mostly an indoor activity now, the Green Bronx Machine garden started outdoors. (Photo: Jesse McElwain/Green Bronx Machine)
How did the gardens move from school grounds, residential streets and even a roof top to a signature indoor garden that's been replicated in the U.S. Botanic Garden?
Everything that I wound up doing outdoors I learned how to do indoors. And now I'm doing it indoors to the tune of about 5,000 schools across America. The early part of the book is about over-aged, under-credited children … the forgotten youth, the disconnected youth. I had an epiphany a few years later when I ballooned myself to more than 300 pounds that it's easier to raise healthy children than it is to fix broken men. So, I wanted to take everything I was doing outside with outdoors gardens indoors. Now, we still have outdoor gardens. In fact, we have one that is going to be generating 5,000 pounds of food for cancer patients here in the Bronx that the children love tending to. I love seeing children playing in the dirt and getting dirty. I love seeing children have a water fight, but not when I'm the school principal! Not when I'm worried about academic performance and not when I'm worried about how my children are going to be prepared for college careers.
So, what I wanted to do was take all the outdoors success and turn it into indoor, project-based learning that translates into day-to-day academic goals and progress and good solid pedagogy. Not everybody wants to run a farm. And not everybody wants to build a green wall. So, I started zeroing in on replicable, scalable world-course portable technology. And, believe it or not, now I go from a box to a garden in 45 minutes if you are a man and 15 minutes if you are a woman — because the women watch the video and read the instructions. That's one classroom period, and there's no roof to climb and no trains they are waiting on to arrive. And now we're in a process where we grow over 100 bags of groceries a week indoors. And the coolest thing is that the little guys — the elementary school kids — are doing it. They even marched down to the principal's office and got chocolate banned from the cafeteria. They're taking on their parents. They're taking vegetables home and telling their parents how to use them, and how to cook them and why they should be eating them.
Why plants? What is it about plants that resonates so powerfully with children?
The cool thing about plants is that unlike animals, there is no poop to scoop. That's No 1. Then, there's nothing that eats their young, and there are no floaters at the top of the tank. Mostly if you know what you are doing with plants — and even if you don't — the plants will survive despite the children's best attempts to kill them. You let the children water them and talk to them and everything is an attempt to get to "Yes!"
They get excited about seeing things grow. They understand that living things in the world don’t necessarily have to fight or eat each other and that plants give off oxygen and can smell good and look pretty. That’s an awesome thing! You put a plant or a flower in a kid’s hand and they change. You can’t fight plants. You can’t have two plants fighting each other. I mean, there’s some interesting basic environmental relationships like basic species and other stuff. But, for the most part, kids get really excited about watering plants, tending to them and taking care of them. Inherently it’s very easy for them to succeed with that. For children who have never succeeded, succeeding in nature is absolutely critical.
Stephen Ritz poses on the White House lawn in October 201 while holding up a copy of his book Ritz has presented the work of Green Bronx Machine at the White House multiple times. (Photo: Jesse McElwain/Green Bronx Machine)
Who is your audience? Who do you want to reach with this book?
I want to reach parents. I want to reach educators and inspire them. I want them to know that, look, I have gotten myself into the middle of something I never expected and it's impacted lives beyond any scale of my imagination. And that happened simply because I showed up, I stayed positive and I developed hard muscles on the back of my buttocks, which means I bounce back up pretty quickly. I have failed a lot, but failure hasn't defined me. It's helped shape me into being relentlessly entrepreneurial.
I want to inspire students. I want to give credence to the students who stuck by me all these years and thank all the grandparents and foster parents and wonderful people in marginalized communities, people who have been long forgotten. I want everyone to know that absolutely anything is possible. And I want to respect farmers. So, the book is written for everybody who just wanted some inspiration, perspiration, dedication and a simple blueprint to follow.
What advice would you give to parents, educators or others who might want to use plants to change the culture of their schools but are afraid to take the risks you did?
If I can, you can. We all can. We are Amer-I-CANS. African Amer-I-CANS. Mex-I-CANS. Domin-I-CANS. South Amer-I-CANS. Nobody's raising cans unless you choose to. The time to do nothing is never. We are the ones we are waiting for. If it wasn't for people who took bold steps before us, where would we be today? We'd still be banging rocks in caves.
How transferable is what you've done in the South Bronx to other schools, corporations or even personal relationships anywhere in America?
The book is about relentless optimism, passion, purpose and hope. All of these are absolutely transferable. This is what keeps us going. Unless you just want to sit around and have a cold rhetoric. That's going to get you nowhere. So, passion, purpose and hope are absolutely replicable. They are absolutely scalable. I got up on stage and told people culture eats strategy for breakfast. And here I am. I get to go and consult around the world now with Fortune 100 companies, to 50 firms where people wouldn't have let me in the door 10 years ago. Now they invite me in, and I get to take their money and give it to children. It's so cool.
Stephen Ritz holds up a plant grown by students Ritz's classroom and been a local, national and international inspiration. (Photo: Jesse McElwain/Green Bronx Machine)
Where do you go from here?
I don't know, but I'll be doing it in my cheese hat and bow tie! [Ritz’s students gave him many nicknames, one of which was Big Cheese. While in Wisconsin to speak at a green conference, he spotted a cheese hat in the Madison airport gift shop and knew he had to have it. "That goofy hat became my instant trademark," Ritz wrote in his book.]
To think that four years ago when I came up with this notion of putting tower gardens in schools and people thought I was insane. To think that we're now in 5,000 schools. To think that I have spread this mission across Canada. That I built out the National Health, Wellness and Learning Center in a 100-year-old building in the poorest congressional district in America, in the lowest-performing school district in America, in formerly in the lowest-performing school within that district and it is now being replicated around the world and in Dubai, that to me is pretty inspirational. That school is CS 55, Community School 55, which, when I arrived here, was Public School 55 and was slated to be closed.
[When the five-story school was built more than 100 years ago, the area was single-family homes and farms. Today, it is in a neighborhood called Claremont Village and is surrounded by towering housing projects. The nearest subway stop is 18 blocks away. "The forty-five thousand residents of this dense neighborhood are so cut off from the rest of New York, they might as well be living on their own island," Ritz wrote. “At CS 55, 100 percent of students are on free and reduced lunch. Across the community, 37.9 percent of residents are food insecure, lacking access to affordable nutrition."]
But I had this little vision. I was a Top 10 finalist for the Global Teacher Prize. I took that $25,000 prize money and donated it here and built something that is now being replicated all around the world. Think about this … in this classroom I am speaking from, four stories up in one of the most God-forsaken buildings in one of the most maligned communities in the world, we've had people from more than 60 countries and six continents come to the South Bronx and visit this classroom. Just this June, we had the global teacher prize winner from China come here. We're actually going to replicate this classroom in the Arctic tundra as well as in the middle of the Dubai sands! How cool is that?
Now I want to get to seven continents. If anyone reading this article knows anyone in Antarctica, please contact me! I'd like to have all seven continents come visit this class because I want to get into the Guinness Book of Records with seven continents represented in this classroom.
Is there anything we haven't talked about that you would like the Mother Nature Network audience to know?
Well, what I would like for them to know is that the book comes with a double-your-money back guarantee. If you buy the book and you don't like it, I am willing to buy it back from you for double the price. Hopefully, that will encourage people to buy the book. Proceeds from the book are going to support the Green Bronx Machine. Realize that this is an all-volunteer organization. We have a massive following on Facebook, so I would love for people to check us out on Facebook. Like the website. If they want to make a donation, that's great. But, most importantly, make epic happen. Get out there and grow something great and get up every day and say, "See this plant."
In a time of global crisis, I want everyone to act like an immigrant. And what do immigrants do? They get to some foreign land, they spot an opportunity and they work like artisans to make epic happen. So, spot that opportunity, make it unique and make it individual and grow something great. That's what this is all about. We have gone from hope to the pope and from our greenhouse to the White House. To think that there is a model of my classroom in the U.S. Botanic Garden, it's mind-numbing. I didn't even know what I was doing. So, there's hope for everybody.
Ritz is available on a number of social media platforms, including Twitter and Instagram. He also asked that we make his email address available, so you can email him at sritz@schools@nyc.gov.

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Stephen Ritz is the founder of Green Bronx Machine, an organization that started in the South Bronx that teaches kids to grow their own healthy food. Together, Stephen and his students have grown 40,000 pounds of vegetables, but he enthusiastically insists his favorite crops include healthy students, high-performing schools, graduates, registered voters, living wage jobs and members of the middle class.
Stephen hopes the Green Bronx Machine movement can inspire similar transformations across the world!

Listen to this episode on the following platforms: iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play  
Get Stephen Ritz’s book Power of a Plant, here 

Or  you can visit this web site and find all kinds of alternative methods for planting food indoors. https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/555139091551823615/

Monday, September 11, 2017

I can't write it better than Bill McKibben!

Stop talking right now about the threat of climate change. It’s here; it’s happening

Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, flash fires, droughts: all of them tell us one thing – we need to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and fast

Flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey, southeast Texas 31 August 2017.
Flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey, southeast Texas 31 August 2017. Photograph: UPI / Barcroft Images.

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For the sake of keeping things manageable, let’s confine the discussion to a single continent and a single week: North America over the last seven days. In Houston they got down to the hard and unromantic work of recovery from what economists announced was probably the most expensive storm in US history, and which weather analysts confirmed was certainly the greatest rainfall event ever measured in the country – across much of its spread it was a once-in-25,000-years storm, meaning 12 times past the birth of Christ; in isolated spots it was a once-in-500,000-years storm, which means back when we lived in trees. Meanwhile, San Francisco not only beat its all-time high temperature record, it crushed it by 3F, which should be pretty much statistically impossible in a place with 150 years (that’s 55,000 days) of record-keeping.
Floods in drought season: is this the future for parts of India?
Raghu Karnad
Read more... That same hot weather broke records up and down the west coast, except in those places where a pall of smoke from immense forest fires kept the sun shaded – after a forest fire somehow managed to jump the mighty Columbia river from Oregon into Washington, residents of the Pacific Northwest reported that the ash was falling so thickly from the skies that it reminded them of the day Mount St Helens erupted in 1980.

That same heat, just a little farther inland, was causing a “flash drought” across the country’s wheat belt of North Dakota and Montana – the evaporation from record temperatures had shrivelled grain on the stalk to the point where some farmers weren’t bothering to harvest at all. In the Atlantic, of course, Irma was barrelling across the islands of the Caribbean (“It’s like someone with a lawnmower from the sky has gone over the island,” said one astounded resident of St Maarten). The storm, the first category five to hit Cuba in a hundred years, is currently battering the west coast of Florida after setting a record for the lowest barometric pressure ever measured in the Keys, and could easily break the 10-day-old record for economic catastrophe set by Harvey; it’s definitely changed the psychology of life in Florida for decades to come.
 Oh, and while Irma spun, Hurricane Jose followed in its wake as a major hurricane, while in the Gulf of Mexico, Katia spun up into a frightening storm of her own, before crashing into the Mexican mainland almost directly across the peninsula from the spot where the strongest earthquake in 100 years had taken dozens of lives.
 Leaving aside the earthquake, every one of these events jibes with what scientists and environmentalists have spent 30 fruitless years telling us to expect from global warming. (There’s actually fairly convincing evidence that climate change is triggering more seismic activity, but there’s no need to egg the pudding.)
 That one long screed of news from one continent in one week (which could be written about many other continents and many other weeks – just check out the recent flooding in south Asia for instance) is a precise, pixelated portrait of a heating world. Because we have burned so much oil and gas and coal, we have put huge clouds of CO2 and methane in the air; because the structure of those molecules traps heat the planet has warmed; because the planet has warmed we can get heavier rainfalls, stronger winds, drier forests and fields. It’s not mysterious, not in any way. It’s not a run of bad luck. It’s not Donald Trump (though he’s obviously not helping). It’s not hellfire sent to punish us. It’s physics.
 Maybe it was too much to expect that scientists’ warnings would really move people. (I mean, I wrote The End of Nature, the first book about all this 28 years ago this week, when I was 28 – and when my theory was still: “People will read my book, and then they will change.”) Maybe it’s like all the health warnings that you should eat fewer chips and drink less soda, which, to judge by belt-size, not many of us pay much mind. Until, maybe, you go to the doctor and he says: “Whoa, you’re in trouble.” Not “keep eating junk and some day you’ll be in trouble”, but: “You’re in trouble right now, today. As in, it looks to me like you’ve already had a small stroke or two.” Hurricanes Harvey and Irma are the equivalent of one of those transient ischaemic attacks – yeah, your face is drooping oddly on the left, but you can continue. Maybe. If you start taking your pills, eating right, exercising, getting your act together.

 1:50 Hurricane Irma's path of destruction - video report
That’s the stage we’re at now – not the warning on the side of the pack, but the hacking cough that brings up blood. But what happens if you keep smoking? You get worse, till past a certain point you’re not continuing. We’ve increased the temperature of the Earth a little more than 1C so far, which has been enough extra heat to account for the horrors we’re currently witnessing. And with the momentum built into the system, we’re going to go somewhere near 2C, no matter what we do. That will be considerably worse than where we are now, but maybe it will be expensively endurable.

  The problem is, our current business-as-usual trajectory takes us to a world that’s about 3.5C warmer. That is to say, even if we kept the promises we made at Paris (which Trump has already, of course, repudiated) we’re going to build a planet so hot that we can’t have civilisations. We have to seize the moment we’re in right now – the moment when we’re scared and vulnerable – and use it to dramatically reorient ourselves. The last three years have each broken the record for the hottest year ever measured – they’re a red flashing sign that says: “Snap out of it.” Not bend the trajectory somewhat, as the Paris accords envisioned, but simultaneously jam on the fossil fuel brakes and stand on the solar accelerator (and also find some metaphors that don’t rely on internal combustion).

 This is a race against time. Global warming is a crisis that comes with a limit – solve it soon or don’t solve it. We could do it. It’s not technologically impossible – study after study has shown we can get to 100% renewables at a manageable cost, more manageable all the time, since the price of solar panels and windmills keeps plummeting. Elon Musk is showing you can churn out electric cars with ever-lower sticker shock. In remote corners of Africa and Asia, peasants have begun leapfrogging past fossil fuel and going straight to the sun. The Danes just sold their last oil company and used the cash to build more windmills. There are just enough examples to make despair seem like the cowardly dodge it is. But everyone everywhere would have to move with similar speed, because this is in fact a race against time. Global warming is the first crisis that comes with a limit – solve it soon or don’t solve it. Winning slowly is just a different way of losing.
 Winning fast enough to matter would mean, above all, standing up to the fossil fuel industry, so far the most powerful force on Earth. It would mean postponing other human enterprises and diverting other spending. That is, it would mean going on a war-like footing: not shooting at enemies, but focusing in the way that peoples and nations usually only focus when someone’s shooting at them. And something is. What do you think it means when your forests are on fire, your streets are underwater, and your buildings are collapsing?
  Bill McKibben is a writer and the founder of the climate campaign 350.org

Temporarily, Canada is a good place to live!

A letter to Canadians from the Honourable Jack Layton

August 20, 2011
Toronto, Ontario
Dear Friends,
Tens of thousands of Canadians have written to me in recent weeks to wish me well. I want to thank each and every one of you for your thoughtful, inspiring and often beautiful notes, cards and gifts. Your spirit and love have lit up my home, my spirit, and my determination.
Unfortunately my treatment has not worked out as I hoped. So I am giving this letter to my partner Olivia to share with you in the circumstance in which I cannot continue.
I recommend that Hull-Aylmer MP Nycole Turmel continue her work as our interim leader until a permanent successor is elected.
I recommend the party hold a leadership vote as early as possible in the New Year, on approximately the same timelines as in 2003, so that our new leader has ample time to reconsolidate our team, renew our party and our program, and move forward towards the next election.
A few additional thought:
To other Canadians who are on journeys to defeat cancer and to live their lives, I say this: please don’t be discouraged that my own journey hasn’t gone as well as I had hoped. You must not lose your own hope. Treatments and therapies have never been better in the face of this disease. You have every reason to be optimistic, determined, and focused on the future. My only other advice is to cherish every moment with those you love at every stage of your journey, as I have done this summer.
To the members of my party: we’ve done remarkable things together in the past eight years. It has been a privilege to lead the New Democratic Party and I am most grateful for your confidence, your support, and the endless hours of volunteer commitment you have devoted to our cause. There will be those who will try to persuade you to give up our cause. But that cause is much bigger than any one leader. Answer them by recommitting with energy and determination to our work. Remember our proud history of social justice, universal health care, public pensions and making sure no one is left behind. Let’s continue to move forward. Let’s demonstrate in everything we do in the four years before us that we are ready to serve our beloved Canada as its next government.
To the members of our parliamentary caucus: I have been privileged to work with each and every one of you. Our caucus meetings were always the highlight of my week. It has been my role to ask a great deal from you. And now I am going to do so again. Canadians will be closely watching you in the months to come. Colleagues, I know you will make the tens of thousands of members of our party proud of you by demonstrating the same seamless teamwork and solidarity that has earned us the confidence of millions of Canadians in the recent election.
To my fellow Quebecers: On May 2nd, you made an historic decision. You decided that the way to replace Canada’s Conservative federal government with something better was by working together in partnership with progressive-minded Canadians across the country. You made the right decision then; it is still the right decision today; and it will be the right decision right through to the next election, when we will succeed, together. You have elected a superb team of New Democrats to Parliament. They are going to be doing remarkable things in the years to come to make this country better for us all.
To young Canadians: All my life I have worked to make things better. Hope and optimism have defined my political career, and I continue to be hopeful and optimistic about Canada. Young people have been a great source of inspiration for me. I have met and talked with so many of you about your dreams, your frustrations, and your ideas for change. More and more, you are engaging in politics because you want to change things for the better. Many of you have placed your trust in our party. As my time in political life draws to a close I want to share with you my belief in your power to change this country and this world. There are great challenges before you, from the overwhelming nature of climate change to the unfairness of an economy that excludes so many from our collective wealth, and the changes necessary to build a more inclusive and generous Canada. I believe in you. Your energy, your vision, your passion for justice are exactly what this country needs today. You need to be at the heart of our economy, our political life, and our plans for the present and the future.
And finally, to all Canadians: Canada is a great country, one of the hopes of the world. We can be a better one – a country of greater equality, justice, and opportunity. We can build a prosperous economy and a society that shares its benefits more fairly. We can look after our seniors. We can offer better futures for our children. We can do our part to save the world’s environment. We can restore our good name in the world. We can do all of these things because we finally have a party system at the national level where there are real choices; where your vote matters; where working for change can actually bring about change. In the months and years to come, New Democrats will put a compelling new alternative to you. My colleagues in our party are an impressive, committed team. Give them a careful hearing; consider the alternatives; and consider that we can be a better, fairer, more equal country by working together. Don’t let them tell you it can’t be done.
My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.
All my very best,
Jack Layton.

Thursday, September 7, 2017


Hot Water Ahead for Hurricane Irma
acquired September 3 - 6, 2017download large image (1 MB, PNG, 1920x1280)
On September 6, 2017, Hurricane Irma slammed into the Leeward Islands on its way toward Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the U.S. mainland. As the category 5 storm approaches the Bahamas and Florida in the coming days, it will be passing over waters that are warmer than 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit)—hot enough to sustain a category 5 storm. Warm oceans, along with low wind shear, are two key ingredients that fuel and sustain hurricanes.
The map above shows sea surface temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico on September 5, 2017. The data were compiled by Coral Reef Watch, which blends observations from the Suomi NPP, MTSAT, Meteosat, and GOES satellites and computer models. The mid-point of the color scale is 27.8°C, a threshold that scientists generally believe to be warm enough to fuel a hurricane. The yellow-to-red line on the map represents Irma’s track from September 3–6.
By definition, category 5 storms deliver maximum sustained winds of at least 157 miles (252 kilometers) per hour. When it hit the Leeward Islands, Irma’s winds surpassed 185 miles (295 kilometers) per hour, making it the strongest storm to ever hit the islands and one of the strongest storms ever measured in the Atlantic basin.
acquired September 6, 2017download large image (1 MB, JPEG, 3109x1922)
acquired September 6, 2017download GeoTIFF file (17 MB, TIFF, 3109x1922)
The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the Suomi NPP satellite captured a nighttime view of the storm at 1:35 a.m. local time (05:35 Universal Time) on September 6 as the eye was over the island of Barbuda. The image was acquired by the VIIRS “day-night band,” which detects light in a range of wavelengths from green to near-infrared and uses filtering techniques to observe signals such as city lights, auroras, wildfires, and reflected moonlight. In this case, the clouds were lit by the full Moon. The image is a composite, showing storm imagery combined with VIIRS imagery of city lights.
The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite acquired the third image at 10:35 a.m. local time (14:35 Universal Time) on September 6, 2017. By then, the storm had also hit Anguilla and was poised to strike the Virgin Islands.
acquired September 6, 2017download large image (5 MB, JPEG, 4800x4800)
acquired September 6, 2017download GeoTIFF file (22 MB, TIFF, 4800x4800)
Irma’s winds are not only strong; they are spread across a remarkably wide area. Hurricane-force winds extend 50 miles (85 kilometers) from the center; tropical-storm-force winds extend up to 185 miles (295 kilometers). Meteorologists noted that the hurricane had the lowest central pressure (914 millibars) ever for a storm outside of the Gulf of Mexico and western Caribbean.
By September 6, Irma had already generated more accumulated cyclone energy—a term meteorologists use to describe the destructive potential of a hurricane—than the first eight named storms of the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season combined, according to meteorologist Philip Klotzbach of Colorado State University. Irma even broke a record for generating the most accumulated cyclone energy in a 24-hour period.
The latest National Hurricane Center forecast calls for the hurricane to turn north-northwest after grazing Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti. After that, the forecast shows Irma’s path will likely move over or near the Turks and Caicos Islands, the Bahamas, and may eventually make landfall in Florida.
Forecasting hurricane behavior remains complex and challenging, but meteorologists have become much more skilled at predicting both the track and intensity of these storms over the past decade. “The five-day track forecasts are now as good as the two-day forecasts were back in 1985,” said Scott Braun, a research meteorologist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. “Intensity forecasts were slower to improve, but did pick up after 2009. A lot of the improvements came from investments that led to better models, the increased use of forecast ensembles, and improved data assimilation techniques.”
If you live anywhere near the possible path of Hurricane Irma, please visit the Department of Homeland Security’shurricane readiness page.
NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens and Jesse Allen, using VIIRS day-night band data from the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership, MODIS data from the Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE), sea surface temperature data from Coral Reef Watch, and storm track information from Unisys. Story by Adam Voiland.
Suomi NPP
Terra - MODIS

Tiny House Warriors are taking a stand against the Oil pipeline.

Gentle People:

 Oil creates Gas and burning Gas creates atmospheric pollution which creates climate change which creates Hurricanes like Harvey and Irma and forest fires in the West.
 Somebody has to make a stand against pollution and polluters and Greenpeace has the people to do just that!
Right now, I’m in unceded Secwepemc Nation territory — on the Neskonlith reserve, near Kamloops, BC — supporting an incredible project.
A grassroots group of Secwepemc Nation members, called the ‘Tiny House Warriors’, have started building the first of ten tiny houses that they will strategically put directly in the path of the Kinder Morgan TransMountain pipeline. 
Show your support for the Tiny House Warriors: watch and share their live video!
What is a “tiny house”, you ask? Well, it’s a small house, usually under under 500 square feet, that represents simple, sustainable living. 
The vision for this project is that each tiny house will provide housing to Secwepemc families, and each home will eventually be installed with off-the-grid solar power. These tiny houses symbolize home, community and hope in the path of Kinder Morgan’s reckless destruction. 
Show your support for the Tiny House Warriors: watch and share their live video!
Construction on the Kinder Morgan pipeline is scheduled to begin this month, so the Tiny House Warriors are on a mission to stop the pipeline from crossing unceded Secwepemc Territory. 
Greenpeace is supporting the project with volunteer recruitment, media amplification, tools and materials, and more. As well as supporting Indigenous resistance on the ground, we’re also calling on financial institutions like TD bank — that are funding tar sands pipelines — to cut off their support. Thank you for supporting Greenpeace — it's people like you that make this work possible.
Watch and share now.
With hope,
Climate & Energy Campaigner, Greenpeace Canada
We don't accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, please make a donation. Thank you!
If you no longer want to be in the loop with the latest news from these emails, we'll be sad, but you can unsubscribe here.
Greenpeace Canada, 33 Cecil Street, Toronto, ON M5T 1N1
This email was sent to: human4usbillions@gmail.com

Joseph Raglione human4usbillions@gmail.com

9:22 PM (0 minutes ago)
to greenpeace.org
Toronto Dominion Bank.

 Oil Pipelines are a last ditch effort by company CEO's to maintain their profit margins.
That is a terrible shame because nobody today wants Oil or any fossil fuel for that matter. The future is Green with alternative energy sources and the Oil business will continue to survive but on a limited and well monitored basis.

From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...