Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Enough with the doom and gloom. My friend the great Blue Heron is about to catch a fish!

    He may, however, be simply scratching his neck.

Dear Mr. Garon,

CC: The Honourable Steven Guilbeault, The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos

I am writing to you make sure that the Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act(Bill S-5) that will modernize the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) remains a top priority for you and members of your party this fall.  

It has been more than 21 years since CEPA was last updated, leaving people in Canada exposed to toxic chemicals and harmful pollution. This reality — amid the climate emergency, plastic pollution crisis, and inequitable distribution of environmental risk — make strengthening CEPA an urgent priority.  

It is essential that political leaders work together to strengthen Bill S-5 and pass this legislation into a law that better protects the environment and the health of all people in Canada — particularly the Indigenous, Black, and racialized people, workers, and people with disabilities marginalized by successive Canadian governments. 

The passing of Bill S-5 by the Senate this past June was an important milestone that has put us one step closer to recognizing the human right to a healthy environment. While recognition of the right to a healthy environment in CEPA is a significant step forward for environmental justice in Canada, and although Senators made important amendments to Bill S-5, Members of Parliament also have an opportunity to make critical improvements. 

Bill S-5 offers a workable starting point for many much-needed improvements to the Act that ensure that a 21st-century law protects Canadians from 21st-century threats. The bill should be amended to provide further support of the right to a healthy environment by entrenching the principles of environmental justice, non-regression, intergenerational equity, and protection of vulnerable populations. 

I urge you to work with your colleagues in the House of Commons to prioritize Bill S-5, and move to quickly to strengthen the bill and pass it into law. We cannot wait another 21 years for this important law to be up to the task of protecting us from everyday threats.  






1.    Who is going to win this combat to the death? 

2.    Can mass extinction of life be avoided? 

3.    How fast can we transition to a non-polluting Green economy?

4.    Will a Green economy be possible?

5.     Why was human population growth never honestly

        regulated with better education and birth control methods?

6.     How can we deliver clean air and water to cities in trouble?

7.     How do we explain to millions of industrial companies that they have to stop creating products that pollute the environment and transition to products that enhance nature.



1.  A mass extinction of life is possible. Our current political and industrial paths are creating dangerous climate change today, as I write these words. The evidence is absolute.

2.  It may be possible to reverse and avoid climate change with tremendous effort on the part of governments and world industrial companies. Presently the process is extremely slow.

3.  If Two Billion people plant one Tree each tomorrow, that will be Two Billion trees more for the planet. Early education is important towards this goal and world schools should prioritize Nature and Botany and Biology. In other words...how to grow and plant Trees inside and outside school buildings. Fruit trees are fun to grow! 

4. A Green economy is possible with government incentives. Paying people to plant Fruit Trees and Vegetable Gardens and Flowers everywhere will help redirect our present out-of-control industrially polluting economy. It is also possible to recycle office buildings into Hydroponic vertical Gardens and to remove Salt from Ocean water.

5. Religious beliefs based on traditions and not on science has sadly blocked scientific progress for centuries. Birth control remains a controversial subject and that does not bode well for our Homo Sapient species. Education is the key. If you begin to feel sick, whom do you visit first, a priest or a doctor? Answer: A Doctor.

6.  We have to pump water from our Oceans to our cities and also to irrigate our farm lands. Pumping water to irrigate forests will help to clean the air we breath as larger forests will provide more Oxygen. To do this governments must create incentives to build large pumping stations, preferably powered with Solar Panels or Wind and/or Water powered turbines. Stations that have the duel purpose of pumping water from our Oceans and removing Salt from the water are desperately needed in places like Ethiopia. 

 7. We explain to world companies that they no longer have a choice. Life has priority over money. Companies can transition from making useless products to creating life enhancing products. They can also make a profit by producing life enhancing products. Go Green or go broke!

8. Recycling Bio waste is good business for farmers and gardeners, however, recycling plastic and metal and paper is more difficult even if it is absolutely necessary. With government incentives, recycling metal and plastic and Biomass will become profitable businesses.

 Sending clean H2O into our cities and towards our farm lands and forests has now become a priority for governments around the world. We should transition much faster away from Oil and towards the production and delivery of clean water from our Oceans to the most arid parts of our planet. 

We should have started producing Salt removing  pumping stations long ago. 


Kind regards,

Nelson Joseph Raglione

The World Friendly Peace and Ecology Movement.



Sunday, September 4, 2022



1.    Who is going to win this combat to the death? 

2.    Can mass extinction of life be avoided? 

3.    How fast can we transition to a non-polluting Green economy?

4.    Will a Green economy be possible?

5.     Why was human population growth never honestly

        regulated with better education and birth control methods?

6.     How can we deliver clean air and water to cities in trouble?

7.     How do we explain to millions of industrial companies that they have to stop creating products that pollute the environment and transition to products that enhance nature.



1.  A mass extinction of life is possible. Our current political and industrial paths are creating dangerous climate change today, as I write these words. The evidence is absolute.

2.  It may be possible to reverse and avoid climate change with tremendous effort on the part of governments and world industrial companies. Presently the process is extremely slow.

3.  If Two Billion people plant one Tree each tomorrow, that will be Two Billion trees more for the planet. Early education is important towards this goal and world schools should prioritize Nature and Botany and Biology. In other words...how to grow and plant Trees inside and outside school buildings. Fruit trees are fun to grow! 

4. A Green economy is possible with government incentives. Paying people to plant Fruit Trees and Vegetable Gardens and Flowers everywhere will help redirect our present out-of-control industrially polluting economy. It is also possible to recycle office buildings into Hydroponic vertical Gardens and to remove Salt from Ocean water.

5. Religious beliefs based on traditions and not on science has sadly blocked scientific progress for centuries. If you begin to feel sick, who will you visit first, your doctor or your priest? Most educated people will answer, my Doctor. 

  Birth control remains a controversial subject and that foolish controversy does not bode well for our Homo Sapient species. Education is the key. Biology and Botany must have first priorities within our school systems and Sex should never be treated as a taboo subject. If you are a young and healthy man or woman, ask your doctor about good birth control methods.

 6.  We have to pump water from our Oceans to our cities and also to irrigate our farm lands. Pumping water to irrigate forests will help to clean the air we breath as larger forests will provide more Oxygen. To do this governments must create incentives to build large pumping stations, preferably powered with Solar Panels or Wind and/or Water powered turbines. Stations that have the duel purpose of pumping water from our Oceans and removing Salt from the water. 

 7. We explain to world companies that they no longer have a choice. Life has priority over money. Companies can transition from making useless products to creating life enhancing products. They can also make a profit by producing life enhancing products. Go Green or go broke!

8. Recycling Bio waste is good business for farmers and gardeners; however, recycling plastic and metal and paper is exceedingly more difficult even if it is absolutely necessary. With government incentives, recycling everything could become a more efficient business.

 Sending clean H2O into our cities and towards our farm lands and forests has now become a priority for governments around the world. We should transition much faster away from Oil and towards the production and delivery of clean water from our Oceans to the most arid parts of our planet. 

We should have started producing salt-removing  pumping stations long ago. Today, Solar Panels and off-short Wind Mills can help produce the electricity needed to power pumping stations. 


Monday, August 22, 2022


March 2-6: Wandering in the woods

Filatyev’s exhausted convoy was ordered to push ahead to storm Mykolaiv and Odessa, though the Russian campaign had already begun to stall. Filatyev described how his unit wandered in the woods trying to reach Mykolaiv, about 40 miles away. He recalled asking a senior officer about their next movements. The commander said he had no clue what to do.

The first reinforcements arrived: separatist forces from Donetsk, mostly men over 45 in shabby fatigues. According to Filatyev, they were forced to go to the front lines when many regular Russian army soldiers refused.

A discarded military uniform remains by trenches that Russian soldiers dug to defend their position outside Vynohradivka, Ukraine, in late March. (Michael Robinson Chavez/The Washington Post)

Diary of a Russian soldier.

 Feb. 24: Rolling into war with no plan

At about 4 a.m. I opened my eyes again and heard a roar, a rumble, a vibration of the earth. I sensed an acrid smell of gunpowder in the air. I look out of the truck and see that the sky is lit bright from volleys.

It was not clear what is happening, who was shooting from where and at whom, but the weariness from lack of food, water and sleep disappeared. A minute later, I lit up a cigarette to wake up, and realized that the fire is coming 10-20 kilometers ahead of our convoy. Everyone around me also began to wake up and smoke and there was a quiet murmur: ‘It’s started.’ We must have a plan.

Feb. 25: Collecting corpses from the road

Somewhere around 5 in the morning they wake everyone up, telling us to get ready to move out.

I lit a cigarette and walked around. Our principal medical officer was looking for a place to put a wounded soldier. He constantly said that he was cold, and we covered him with our sleeping bags. I was told later that this guy had died.

We drove on terrible roads, through some dachas, greenhouses, villages. In settlements we met occasional civilians who saw us off with a sullen look. Ukrainian flags were fluttering over some houses, evoking mixed feelings of respect for the brave patriotism of these people and a sense that these colors now somehow belong to an enemy.

Diary of a Russian soldier.

Aftermath: Remaining silent no longer

I survived, unlike many others. My conscience tells me that I must try to stop this madness. … We did not have the moral right to attack another country, especially the people closest to us.

This is an army that bullies its own soldiers, those who have already been in the war, those who do not want to return there and die for something they don’t even understand.

I will tell you a secret. The majority in the army, they are dissatisfied with what is happening there, they are dissatisfied with the government and their command, they are dissatisfied with Putin and his policies, they are dissatisfied with the Minister of Defense who did not serve in the army.

The main enemy of all Russians and Ukrainians is propaganda, which just further fuels hatred in people.

I can no longer watch all this happen and remain silent.

Diary of a Russian Soldier.

Feb. 15: Gearing up before the invasion

I arrived to the training ground [in Stary Krym, Crimea]. Our entire squadron, about 40 people, all lived in one tent with plank boards and one makeshift stove. Even in Chechnya, where we only lived in tents or mud huts, our living conditions were organized better. Here we had nowhere to wash up and the food was horrible. For those who arrived later than the rest, me and about five other people, there was neither a sleeping bag, nor camo, armor, or helmets left.

Feb. 23: Bracing for something serious

The division commander arrived and, congratulating us on the [Defender of the Fatherland] holiday, announced that starting from tomorrow, our salary per day would be $69. It was a clear sign that something serious is about to happen. Rumors began spreading that we are about to go storm Kherson, which seemed to be nonsense to me.

From the DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION. Positive possibilities!

Climate and biodiversity solutions offer endless positive possibilities There’s no real reason for the climate and biodiversity crises to ha...