Saturday, March 8, 2025

 Dear President Trump:

It is not a damn card game! Your murderous friend, Putin, who learned to murder in the K.G.B, continues his murderous rampage and you don't seem to care! He pretends to be your friend but Putin is a psychopathic narcissist without morals or ethics and he will not stop after stomping on Ukraine.

How many more will have to die before you wake up!? Putin will not stop after completely destroying Ukraine.  


Wednesday, March 5, 2025


The IFJ Global Charter of Ethics for Journalists was adopted at the 30th IFJ World Congress in Tunis on 12 June 2019. It completes the IFJ Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists (1954), known as the "”Bordeaux Declaration

TThe right of everyone to have access to information and ideas, reiterated in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, underpins the journalist's mission. The journalist's responsibility towards the public takes precedence over any other responsibility, in particular towards their employers and the public authorities. Journalism is a profession, which requires time, resources and the means to practise – all of which are essential to its independ- ence. This international declaration specifies the guidelines of conduct for journalists in the research, editing, trans- mission, dissemination and commentary of news and information, and in the description of events, in any media whatsoever.

1. Respect for the facts and for the right of the public to truth is the first duty of the journalist.

10. The journalist will consider serious professional miscon- duct to be
distortion of facts

2. In pursuance of this duty, the journalist shall at all times defend the principles of freedom in the honest collection and publication of news, and of the right of fair comment and criticism. He/she will make sure to clearly distinguish factual information from commentary and criticism.

3. The journalist shall report only in accordance with facts of which he/ she knows the origin. The journalist shall not sup- press essential information or falsify any document. He/she will be careful to reproduce faithfully statements and other material that non-public persons publish in social media

4. The journalist shall use only fair methods to obtain infor- mation, images, documents and data and he/she will always report his/her status as a journalist and will refrain from using hidden recordings of images and sounds, except where it is impossible for him/her to collect information that is over- whelmingly in the public interest. He/she will demand free access to all sources of information and the right to freely investigate all facts of public interest.

5. The notion of urgency or immediacy in the dissemination of information shall not take precedence over the verification of facts, sources and/or the offer of a reply.

6. The journalist shall do the utmost to rectify any errors or published information which is found to be inaccurate in a timely, explicit, complete and transparent manner.

7. The journalist shall observe professional secrecy regarding the source of information obtained in confidence.

8. The journalist will respect privacy. He/she shall respect the dignity of the persons named and/or represented and inform the interviewee whether the conversation and other material is intended for publication. He/she shall show particular con- sideration to inexperienced and vulnerable interviewees.

9. Journalists shall ensure that the dissemination of informa- tion or opinion does not contribute to hatred or prejudice and shall do their utmost to avoid facilitating the spread of discrimination on grounds such as geographical, social or ethnic origin, race, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, disability, political and other opinions.

slander, libel, defamation, unfounded accusations

11. The journalist shall refrain from acting as an auxiliary of the police or other security services. He/she will only be required to provide information already published in a media outlet.

12. The journalist will show solidarity with his/her col- leagues, without renouncing his/her freedom of investigation, duty to inform, and right to engage in criticism, commentary, satire and editorial choice.

13. The journalist shall not use the freedom of the press to serve any other interest and shall refrain from receiving any unfair advantage or personal gain because of the dissemina- tion or non-dissemination of information. He/she will avoid - or put an end to - any situation that could lead him/her to a conflict of interest in the exercise of his/her profession. He/she will avoid any confusion between his activity and that of advertising or propaganda. He/she will refrain from any form of insider trading and market manipulation.

14. The journalist will not undertake any activity or engage- ment likely to put his/her independence in danger. He/she will, however, respect the methods of collection/dissemina- tion of information that he / she has freely accepted, such as "off the record", anonymity, or embargo, provided that these commitments are clear and unquestionable.

15. Journalists worthy of the name shall deem it their duty to observe faithfully the principles stated above. They may not be compelled to perform a professional act or to express an opinion that is contrary to his/her professional conviction or conscience.

16. Within the general law of each country the journalist shall recognize in matters of professional honour, the jurisdic- tion of independent self-regulatory bodies open to the public, to the exclusion of every kind of interference by governments or others.

International Federation of Journalists

Particulate matter is everywhere...everywhere...everywhere!

 Particulate matter is in the air!

It glues to my car and sticks in my hair!

It darkens my windows! I can't see through...

What do you think it's doing to you?

My lungs are in trouble!

It's Cancer they say...

They don't mention how particulate matter poisons my day!

Where does it come from?

What does it do?

What do you think it's doing to you?

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Intelligence is a wonderful thing!

Gentle Citizens of the World: 

 Intelligence is a wonderful thing! It allows human beings to compete for food and territory with each other and with the other species on this planet. Also, and because of our intelligence, we survive better and more comfortably than do animals who are living in the wild and who are attempting to co-exist with us. Unfortunately because of our intelligence, we have beaten and killed and dominated the other species into near extinction!  Many species including our beautiful Lions and Elephants and Tigers are losing the struggle for basic survival while we humans proliferate into the billions. The few solutions we have attempted to create in order to slow our human birth rate have been disallowed by our prolific religious world leaders and a majority of our world politicians who unfortunately are not, in most part, educated in basic science. All the other species are now subject to us! The trees and plants and microbes and germs and viruses are no exception. Humans are masters of the planet!  I am ashamed to be a human who is forced to witness the destruction of other life forms because I am willing to share this planet and to help protect all life forms on this planet. I refuse to be pushed off this planet by polluters and pollution!

 We Homo Sapiens have created tools and guns and ways to murder each other and as many other species as have the temerity to exist or stand in our way! We are foolishly and ignorantly proud of our so-called "industrial progress" and that industrial progress has been destroying and not enhancing life on Earth. If it were the other way around I would not feel the need to write these words!

 I now ask you, on behalf of the other species who cannot ask, to please create and enforce stronger anti-pollution laws and to actively work to save the natural environment of this planet!

 Please create and place economic value on products that help nature and do not destroy nature. Please reward those humans who create life enhancing products and stop economically rewarding those who create products that pollute and harm life on Earth! That would include guns and bombs, fossil fuels and gas burning cars and destructive chemicals and industrial products that do us all harm! Please slow or stop the Media advertising of such destructive products! 

 We humans are highly intelligent and we can use our collective imaginations for creating cities filled with flower gardens and trees and roof-top green houses. Cities filled with Bicycle paths and Electric vehicles and quick non-polluting mass transit systems. We certainly can use our half empty office buildings at night for creating living spaces for homeless people and for plants and even for small animals. We must ban the internal combustion engines from our city streets and destructive fossil fuels and polluting chemicals from our lives. We do have wonderful alternatives ready for use.

 We can improve our mass transit systems and we must lower Electric Bus fares for the poor and elderly who are the ones  left out and behind when you speak about growing the middle class.

We can create buildings that allow for quiet rooms where people could go and sit and relax without the mind disturbing incessant noise now permeating large shopping malls.

You can even place shopping-malls under ground and place large Geodesic Domes filled with plants and trees and small animals above the shopping malls.

You can do all of these wonderful things or you can do nothing and watch as nature, now polluted by humans, silently turns against life on Earth. 

Thanks for reading this letter!

Joseph Raglione

Executive director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

at December 22, 2014 No comments: 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Meu querido amigo: Valdemar Oliveira.

É com grande alegria que leio as tuas cartas!

Elas provam que estás vivo neste mundo em rápida mudança

 de entropia dinâmica... 

E a tua vida e força é um exemplo para eu seguir...

Para me manter a lutar pela sobrevivência na minha frágil forma de Homo Sapient...

Uma forma que em breve será substituída por uma forma de vida mais forte e mais inteligente...

O robot!

Onde máquinas artificialmente inteligentes, sem emoções, podem pensar mais depressa do que os humanos e ultrapassarão a evolução em mil anos, num único dia...

Onde os robôs demasiado rápidos para a avaliação moral humana criarão robôs melhores e mais rápidos, a menos que nós, humanos, actuemos como Deuses e criemos emoções para os robôs com uma moralidade programada que englobe conceitos de certo e errado e com consequências de encerramento para os robôs que escolham os conceitos errados e de encarceramento para os humanos que violem as leis morais humanas.                         

Mais de um trilião de sensores ajudarão a inteligência artificial a compreender que tudo é energia em constante mudança... e que dentro da eternidade, eles também mudarão ou desaparecerão.                                    

                                                                                                    Estou contente por estarmos ambos vivos para caminhar para o futuro!        

                                                                                                O vosso amigo no Canadá,

Nelson J. Raglione 



Why we can never go back to the past.     

  The past is dissipated energy. Moments in the past were captured by photographs and film, video recordings and human memory, all of which today help us remember.

 The past can be simulated and copied in the present but never regained. The present, for better or for worse, has new moments of changing energy which can be shaped and defined to create future energy patterns depending on how you feel and act and what choices you make.

  With present moments, you can prepare for the future and even though the present is continually changing, we as human beings can alter our present energy patterns to affect the future. In other words, we do not have to accept a future filled with pollution and never ending wars and devastating global warming.  We can alter the present to create a nurturing and sustaining future for all life on Earth but remember, we are late, very late!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Portuguese Poet is over 90 years old.

My Dear Friend: Valdemar Oliveira.

I am overjoyed to read your letters!

They prove you are alive in this fast changing world

 of dynamic entropy… 

And your life and strength is an example for me to follow …

To keep me fighting for survival in my fragile Homo Sapient form...

A form soon to be replaced by a stronger and more intelligent life form…

The robot!

 Where artificially intelligent machines wthout emotion can think faster than humans and will surpass evolution by a thousand years, within a single day…

Where robots too quick for human moral evaluation will create better and faster robots unless we humans act like Gods, and we create emotions for robots with programmed morality encompassing right and wrong concepts, and with shut-down consequences for robots who choose the wrong concepts and incarceration for humans breaking humanitarian legal laws.                         

A billion sensors will help artificial intelligence understand that all is energy constantly changing…and that within eternity, they also will either change or dissappear.                                      

                                                                                                     I am glad we are both alive to walk into the future!        

                                                                                                 Your Friend in Canada,

Nelson J. Raglione 

Monday, February 3, 2025


 Dear President Trump:

  The expansion of the L.N.G. natural gas pipeline depends on the support of Canadian Banks and U. S. investors.

 16.7 billion Dollars of support can be slowed or halted by U.S. Tariffs on Canadian bank customers.

As an ecologist who has tried for years to halt pollution created by fossil fuels, I solute your effort to do exactly that in one single tax move, even if you do not know what you are doing!

What I could not do during years of effort...block the transportation of planet killing oil and gas fossil can do in one month with high tariffs on consumer products created from Oil.

Thank You !

Signed: Nelson J. Raglione

International journalist and Greenpeace activist.

P.S. It is obvious that you want our Oil and Gas and Minerals and you believe, like your friend Putin believes with Ukraine, that all you have to do is walk in and take what you want! Well guess what, we are not helpless and we do not owe you and your fossil fuel loving friends, a God Damned thing! The environment movement will continue long after you and your cronies and the Russian influence, are pushed out of the American government.

Saturday, February 1, 2025


Press Release  

Canadian banks’ and investors’ unrestricted support for LNG is fueling a future climate bomb

TORONTO – Canadian banks are pouring billions of dollars into the global expansion of liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals that could potentially unleash more than 10 gigatonnes of climate-wrecking greenhouse gas emissions, according to new research (1). The expansion of LNG depends on the support of banks and investors, with nine Canadian banks responsible for US$16.7 billion in support for expansion between 2021 and 2023 (2). Reclaim Finance and Greenpeace Canada warn that the emissions from these projects, which can be more damaging than coal, will breach net zero goals. They are urging banks to stop providing financial support to the developers of all new LNG projects, and to primarily stop financing export terminals.          

LNG development is booming, with 156 new LNG terminals planned by 2030. Oil and gas companies such as ExxonMobil and TotalEnergies, alongside LNG specialists such as Venture Global LNG and Sempra plan to massively expand their operations, despite International Energy Agency (IEA) projections showing over-capacity for the sector (3). 

These include 63 new export terminals, which could potentially unleash more than 10 gigatonnes of greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the decade (4). This is almost as much as the annual emissions of all the coal plants in operation worldwide (5) and will inflict dangerous levels of air pollution and health risks on local communities (6).

Banks and investors are continuing to back these projects, with banks providing US$213 billion for LNG expansion between 2021 and 2023 globally. This includes nine Canadian banks, but just six of these banks were responsible for 97% of that support, with Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) (US$6.1 billion), and Scotiabank (US$5.5 billion) the biggest sources of finance (7).    The research identifies that investors globally held US$252 billion in assets of the top LNG developers for LNG expansion as of May 2024, with the 21 Canadian investors that invested the most in LNG expansion holding US$15.8 billion in LNG assets (8). 

Greenpeace Canada’s senior energy strategist Keith Stewart says “Just imagine how many clean energy projects or green homes we could have built with the billions that our banks have poured into LNG projects globally. While leading banks shift their money out of fossil fuels and into climate solutions, Canadian banks are doubling down on LNG projects that fuel the climate crisis and violate Indigenous rights.

Although the six Canadian bankers providing the most finance for LNG expansion have all committed to align their activities with a 1.5°C pathway and to achieve net zero by 2050, none of the banks has taken steps to end finance for the expansion of LNG. In fact, RBC, Scotiabank and National Bank of Canada all significantly increased their financing for LNG expansion between 2021 and 2023.

Canadian banks are lagging behind their European counterparts. Dutch bank ING has committed to end all financing for new LNG export terminals from 2026 (9), and Barclays, BNP Paribas, BPCE, Crédit Agricole, HSBC and Société Générale have all introduced some restrictions on financing for LNG export terminals.

Reclaim Finance oil and gas campaigner, Justine Duclos-Gonda, says: “Oil and gas companies are betting their future on LNG projects, but every single one of their planned projects puts the future of the Paris Agreement in danger. Banks claim to be supporting oil and gas companies in the transition, but instead they are investing billions of dollars in future climate bombs. LNG is a fossil fuel and new fossil fuel projects have no part to play in a sustainable transition.” 

Reclaim Finance and Greenpeace Canada are urging banks and investors to adopt comprehensive policies to stop providing financial support to the developers of all new LNG projects, and to primarily stop financing export terminals.



Wednesday, January 29, 2025

52.3% of all foreign owned companies in Canada, are owned by the United States..

 I wonder if president Trump understands how Tariffs imposed on Canada, will effect the U. S. owned 52.3 percent share of all foreign industries operating in Canada? In essence, he will be creating grief for his own companies.
I am hoping he will relent on his threat to impose business closing 
tariffs across Canada. Tarifs will create misery for the small companies now relying on the current Canada / Us trade relationship. It will also slow down the larger companies, as for example, Amazon and Tesla and possibly even General Motors will shift towards Europe and China for cheaper parts and lower tariffs and smoother trade relationships. The billionaires now cooperating with the U. S. government, may decide to shift allegence rather than lose their billions.

N. J. R.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Why does Trump want more oil drilling?

A structure fire caused by the wildfires in Los Angeles.

Photo: Cal Fire via Flickr

Los Angeles wildfires illustrate climate “whiplash” effect

The raging infernos devastating the Los Angeles area are tragic and horrifying — thousands of homes lost, at least 100,000 people under evacuation order or in emergency shelters and dozens killed. One consolation is the number of people and organizations from all over that have stepped up to help —individuals, faith groupsfood providers, firefighters from the U.S., Mexico and Canada and more. When tragedy strikes, good people pitch in.

It’s also a tragedy that these wildfires weren’t unexpected. They’re mainly the result of a human-caused double whammy: climate change and urban sprawl. About 80 per cent of Los Angeles is zoned for single-family homes, so the city has built out into the surrounding hills rather than densifying.

For decades, fires have burned through the “firebelt suburbs,” as the late activist and urban theorist Mike Davis called the L.A. outskirts 30 years ago. After each fire, communities were rebuilt, sometimes under relaxed building codes and standards to promote rebuilding, including around water pressure, access road widths and even fire codes. But these fires are worse than ever, powered by hotter, drier conditions for longer periods, buildup of flammable vegetation and strong, dry Santa Ana winds.

L.A. isn’t the first or only place to get hit by a climate-related disaster, nor will it be the last.

Suburban development also means suppression of natural systems. Native shrubs, bushes and small trees that made up much of the original landscape go through natural burning cycles — or, for centuries, cycles helped by Indigenous Peoples using controlled burns. Those smaller fires replenish soils, spread tree seeds, help small animals and prevent flammable vegetation from building up.

Now, as masses of dead vegetation burn and spark larger fires, hills are denuded, which leads to more flooding and landslides.

L.A. isn’t the first or only place to get hit by a climate-related disaster, nor will it be the last. These events are increasing worldwide as we burn more oil, gas and coal, rapidly increasing emissions and average global temperatures.

Climate “whiplash” events — swings between very wet and very dry conditions — have increased between 31 and 66 per cent in most of the world since the mid-20th century, a recent study found. They’re expected to continue to rise exponentially, mainly because a warmer atmosphere holds more water — sucking moisture from waters and from soil and vegetation, creating drier conditions and then falling as torrential rain, causing floods.

These events are increasing worldwide as we burn more oil, gas and coal, rapidly increasing emissions and average global temperatures.

As the Guardian reports, the L.A. fires illustrate the whiplash effect, as “years of drought were followed by record-breaking winter rain and snow, leading to abundant grass and brush. Then a record-hot summer in 2024 and record-dry start to the rainy season dried out the vegetation enabling the terrible wildfires.”

The Guardian also points to East Africa, where drought from 2020 to 2023 brought on food scarcity, followed by torrential rains later in 2023 that wiped out crops and displaced more than two million people. “In recent years, whiplash events have been linked to disastrous floods in east Africa, Pakistan and Australia and to worsening heatwaves in Europe and China.”

According to the whiplash report in Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, “increasingly rapid and large transitions between extreme wet and dry states are likely to challenge not only water and flood management infrastructure, but also disaster management, emergency response and public health systems that are designed for twentieth-century extremes.”

We must also learn to adapt to the impacts of a changing climate, with better planning and more attention to nature.

Disasters such as the L.A. wildfires are extremely costly in terms of lives, property, infrastructure, response and rebuilding — but they’re also preventable, to some extent. We’ve delayed the transition away from gas, oil and coal to renewable energy for so long that we’ve now reached a crisis stage when many more horrific climate impacts are inevitable — and far more unpredictable.

But there are ways to avoid or reduce the impacts of some of the threats we’re facing. First, we need to leave remaining fossil fuels in the ground. We also have to design human habitation in sustainable ways, away from flood plains, slide zones and fire-prone areas. And we need to protect natural areas that sequester carbon, prevent flooding and erosion, maintain water supplies and remind us that we, too, are part of the web of life.

We must also learn to adapt to the impacts of a changing climate, with better planning and more attention to nature. We simply can’t let the fossil fuel industry and its media and political lackeys call the shots when our health and survival are at stake.

By David Suzuki, with contributions from David Suzuki Foundation Senior Editor and Writer Ian Hanington

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Have you ever wondered how animals think?

    Have you ever wondered how animals think? 

    Exactly what goes through their minds when confronted by humans?

   Just like humans learn from: parents, teachers, and friends; many animal species

  pick up behaviors and knowledge from their parents and

  surroundings and not-surprisingly, from humans. 

  Including humans, many species on this planet experience strong emotions and 

   many have learned to adapt to their environment.

  This fun educational book I wrote for children and parents alike,

  shares insights into how some animals perceive humans.

  With a few slight changes, the story and facts are based on a  

  real-life Safari-Park-adventure my family and I experienced years ago. 

  While the human characters in my book have been changed, 

  the other species existed and acted just as described. 

Their behaviors and actions led me to wonder

 what in heck were they thinking?

 Their fact based profiles are derived from the open-source media, 

 Wikipdedia, and can be used in schools around the world.

 Join this funny family expedition to discover how some animals

really think of people! The revealing perspective will

entertain readers young and old. 


I S B N 9 7 9 - 8 - 8 9 1 5 5 2 0 - 7 - 4

798891 5 5 2 0 7 4


$10.95 / C$14.95 / £8.99 / AUS$15.95




Saturday, January 18, 2025



1. Remember birth control? It was a concept adopted around the world in the sixties and needs to be brought back. The world today is over-crowded.

2. The United Nations needs a peace force. A well trained army of Blue Helmets from a dozen democratic countries ready to step in and stop dangerous demagogues, dictators, and corporate bosses from gaining power and creating social havoc anywhere on earth. A Ten Million Dollar reward will be paid by the United Nations to any individual, or group of individuals, who can apprehend in the name of human rights and international justice, dangerous dictators who planned and committed murder; and bring those individuals to face human-rights tribunals.



"Today, the traditional system of every-nation-for-itself is leading to disaster.  There are currently 56 active military conflicts in the world, the largest number since the end of World War II.  These conflicts are also becoming more internationalized, with 92 nations engaged in a conflict beyond their borders.  According to the Global Peace Index, “there has been a significant rise in both conflicts and battle deaths in the past two decades, with battle deaths reaching a thirty-year high.”  

Overarching this grim toll lies a revived nuclear arms race, increasingly likely to erupt into a nuclear war that will annihilate most life on earth.

In this situation, there is a desperate need for effective global governance.  Or, to put things differently, the world needs a stronger United Nations―strong enough to resolve conflicts among nations and, thereby, maintain international peace and security.

The task of strengthening global governance is difficult, but not impossible.  There are ways to limit the use of the veto in the UN Security Council, transfer security issues to the UN General Assembly (where there is majority rule and no veto), and increase the jurisdiction of international judicial bodies.  It’s also necessary and possible to provide the UN with an independent source of income to fund an expanded range of activities.

The time has come to transform the United Nations into a federation of nations that can effectively uphold international law―a government for the world.  With such a government, we would have a much better chance of restraining outlaw nations and averting the nuclear catastrophe that looms before us."

Lawrence S. Wittner ( ) is Professor of History Emeritus at SUNY/Albany and the author of Confronting the Bomb (Stanford University Press).

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Many in the West believe that Putin, a former KGB operative, came out of nowhere and built the tyrannical security state by himself. However, most of the work had been done long before he became president of the Russian Federation.

In 1978, the State Security Committee was renamed to the KGB and raised to the level of a union ministry. The chairman and Putin’s hero Yuri Andropov became a member of the Politburo. This was the first time that the head of the political police rose so high after the downfall of Stalin’s henchman Beria.

Security forces grew in power in lockstep with the rapid deterioration of the economy and the decline of the ruling elites. This should be a cautionary tale to every country that faces a social and economic decline.

There was a competition between branches of the alphabet agencies (KGB, GRU, SVR, MVD), persisting in the strategy of “divide and rule.”

The competition was fierce and the employees of agencies used “kompromat” and “falsified cases” against each other to tap into finite resources.

Corruption was widespread in every agency. Police (MVD) and secret police (KGB) kept the most profitable sectors of shadow businesses under their control. Trials that resulted in death sentences were a form of legal elimination of witnesses.

In 1975, the USSR joined the Helsinki Accords and committed to respecting fundamental human rights and freedoms. The KGB now had to correlate its actions with the new norms.

In 1977, a new Constitution of the USSR was adopted, which ditched the concept of "dictatorship of the proletariat" and established the country as a "people's state.”

The KGB could not be guided by "instructions of the Central Committee" but by the legislation, i.e. the law.

Victims of the KGB’s illegal actions could refer to the law, the Constitution, and the Helsinki Accords. Torture and murder of opponents of the regime had been common, but now they were replaced by psychological pressure, the so-called "preventive work".

To this day, the FSB (successor to KGB) operatives apply psychological pressure to the critics of the regime. Only when tough talk does not change the dissident’s behavior do they exert physical force: poisoning, defenestration.

At the end of the 1970s, when Putin joined the KGB, communist fanaticism disappeared among the agents, and the former zeal for carrying out repressive orders was gone. KGB agents listened to the music of the banned musicians, bought Western merchandise, and traveled abroad at the first opportunity.

There was an unprecedented amount of bureaucratic routine and paperwork. Putin is a stickler for bureaucratic processes because he made his career in that milieu. Operatives compiled reports on the contents of suspicious speeches of liberal comedians, musicians, and movie directors. The KGB registered any manifestation of discontent, sharply reducing the effectiveness of operational work.

There was no analytical department to process all the cases, find patterns, and identify their causes, where the Americans excel. There was big data and the KGB did not know how to use it or what to make of it.

The result was that the leaders knew very little about anti-Soviet and separatist activities in the republics and Warsaw Pact countries.

The KGB is responsible for the Politburo's disastrous decision to send troops to Afghanistan. Yury Andropov convinced Brezhnev that "it won't last long" and that the Afghans were waiting for Soviet soldiers with joy.

The FSB agents committed the same mistake convincing Putin that the Ukrainians would be waiting for Russian soldiers with flowers based on the accounts of a few Ukrainians who didn’t represent the majority.

The KGB failed to give the Politburo a clear answer about the background of Ronald Reagan's Star Wars plan. Despite the opinion of Soviet scientists that the Americans were bluffing, it was decided to respond with a huge military program that would bankrupt the state.

In 1989, during the acute political crisis, the KGB failed to provide a consistent strategy for emerging from it. In the same year, the KGB became a law enforcement agency transformed from a structure guarding communism into an agency to protect all citizens regardless of political beliefs.

Ironically, the agency filled the ideological vacuum by first protecting the fortunes of oligarchs and after an FSB coup orchestrated in 1999, began to guide their interests zealously as the new rulers of Russia.

This happened because the job of the new KGB formed in 1989 did not change. They continued to go after the same “ideological saboteurs.” Today it’s the political opposition, “nazis” in Ukraine, and Collective West.

Putin and his buddies have never changed old habits.

 Dear President Trump: It is not a damn card game! Your murderous friend, Putin, who learned to murder in the K.G.B, continues his murderous...