Wednesday, April 5, 2017

How to plant Mom and Dad.


 Hello Gentle People:

 Death is inevitable! Soon I and millions from my Baby Boom generation will die and the burden of funeral  arrangements will fall to those we leave behind. But why does it have to cost a fortune? We can change the concept a little and plant Mom and Pop in an organic Urn. One that will decompose and grow a Tree or a Rose Bush or wild flowers. We can even place engraved Copper Plaques on the Trees identifying them for future generations. For example: here grows Mom who was our mighty Oak of stability. Dad is the Willow Tree out back!
 And why do we have to stick Mom and POP in a cemetery? Why not plant them in the back yard of the family home where they can grow into beautiful Trees? Of course if you live in an apartment you can simply plant them in a large vase and grow a beautiful plant! I am of the opinion that Grandma and Granddad will be well watered and protected over the years. You might even be able to eat them if you like Tomato Plants. 

 Of course the idea is not original as many large Trees presently grow in Cemeteries where grieving family and friends planted them many years ago to commemorate their departed. The problem is that the concept won't work if too many people die at once which is possible with the Baby Boom generation all nearing the same expiry date!  Trees can grow large and they need plenty of space and Sunshine to grow Tall. Crowding them together in a Cemetery is not a good idea! 

 Now this is not to say we won't have funeral costs. Cremation is a cost. A free lunch for the grieving survivors is a cost. The Urn, however,  is more than reasonable. All you need is Flower and Eggs and a small amount of Clay. You can create your own masterpiece! Bye for now!  

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