Wednesday, August 3, 2016



Outside the inner circle
Life's a heavy mop,
Outside the inner circle
You're always eating slop!

Inside the inner circle
You're on a mountain top,
Outside the inner circle
They often let you drop!

Outside the inner circle
You're sleeping in a ditch,
Inside the inner circle
You're a son-of-a ….rich!

Outside the inner circle
Sorry, but you're late!
Inside the inner circle
Please pass the dinner plate!

Copyright: Joseph Raglione. 03-08-2016

Gentle People:
  With all the terrifying bloodshed occurring around the world,  I am forced to remember why I started the non-religious world humanitarian peace and ecology movement. It was after a car accident left me with a chronic and painful disability I decided to smell the Roses...literally. Upon leaving the Hospital which saved my life, I searched for and found a Rose Bush and smelled the Roses. Oh yes, they were pretty but unfortunately genetically modified with zero scent!
  The accident prompted me to view life on Earth as extremely rare and precious and beautiful and something to be protected...not by force but by friendly persuasion using as much logic and science as is humanly possible! Police forces of the world take note! Friendly persuasion works better than a loaded gun! All life includes human life. We humans are part of  Nature which is delicate and beautiful and rare in the Universe and must be gently protected from exploitation by people who believe money and power are all that matters. White collar crime has enormous repercussions on the people who live on or below the poverty line and we need police forces not afraid to look up the social ladder as well as far down below.

  I sincerely hope people working for companies such as Monsanto and Bayer who create genetic experiments and chemical pesticide products which are dangerous to life on Earth, are also reading these words! Have the CEO's of these and similar companies become so desperate for economic and emotional and physical security they have completely lost their sense of Ethics? Are they willing to destroy the natural environment for money and power?                

 It starts with the school systems. Every child should be rewarded for participation within a school system that literally provides the necessities of life. Schools should be productive members of society. They should have school kitchens providing free food for hungry children. Hydroponic Gardens that grow the food. Small Zoos for observing and understanding how other species survive within a living Biology class protected by the students. Science classes that create computers for free distribution to students and for sale outside the schools. Machine and Wood working shops that produce goods for sale outside the schools. There must be every concept imaginable to keep young minds curious and participating within a well structured and government protected school system. Children should love the time they spend within the school system and not fear for their lives as is often happening today!

  When I was in school only a few children with the smartest memories and those who were the best physically fit were rewarded. They used something called credits to reward the smart students and the Athletes were passed through with or without credits. It was Bullshit and most students understood it was Bullshit. We studied and worked hard for credits only because enough accumulated credits allowed us to escape the prison like school system without the humiliating drop-out label. Credits had zero economic value outside the school and we all understood that fact but if we did not appreciate the idea and decided to rebel, we were severely and brutally punished. Myself included. Only a few of the children who had quick memories and who always obeyed the teachers were frequently rewarded. The majority of students encumbered with emotional or psychological or physical problems were often left aside. Many would end up working as hard labor for our corporate industrial society. I became a general handy-man and bounced from company to company learning as much as I could along the road of life, but I had a deep and silent secret. I often read books not sanctioned by the school system. Books that explained secrets most students would never understand. I became a secret intellectual and a handy-man while later my industrial training became good enough for basic survival.

  I was never accepted into the ranks of the middle class.
 In the recent past, economic success and social power was the rallying cry for schools around the world. Many young people were repetitively indoctrinated to believe that money and power were all important tenets of success. Unfortunately, today as adults they are stressed and emotionally unstable and some have given up the struggle altogether and can be found barely surviving on the streets! Many end up in our many prisons and have become dangerous! On the other side of the spectrum, students who became the most successful and richest people on Earth are today often unhappy human beings! Many have become extremely competitive and self-centered and cold-blooded and they know how to accumulate money and power but not how to distribute wealth or create good life sustaining ideas! They do not work for the betterment of all Life on Earth but do however know how to dominate and control the human mind using any method possible! Repetitive hypnosis and peer group pressure as well as Media advertising are social tools often used by clever dominating people to create groups of loyal followers. For examples: political followers, military and police followers, religious followers, fanatic groups of dangerous followers, money oriented company followers and groups of non-profit followers. I prefer groups of friendly Nature followers.

 Today companies of people continue to degrade the natural environment in search of wealth and power and they are dangerously succeeding! They, however, are quietly being asked to change their bad habits and more than a few are using their power and money to help preserve nature and not to exploit what is natural and beautiful. Surprisingly, they are discovering how much fun it is and even, how profitable!

 Money was created as a better method for exchanging goods and services but over the centuries quickly changed to became economic symbols of power representing rulers and governments. People without money were left behind to die in poverty and misery! The extreme rich did not care about the extreme poor until the poor revolted. Unfortunately, that cycle is returning! Today the poor are extremely poor and the rich know how it goes!

 Today, using my old computer, I  attempt to help with free publicity as many non-profit organizations as possible and I do not ask for money. My telephone is connected to the Internet and once a month I pay my phone bill. My pension check is minimal and I am always broke!. Saving Life on Earth without government economic help is an expensive proposition and I do realize why people accumulate money. It is sad that accumulating money helps to destroy Nature. Many people today are desperate for money. The price of food and shelter has gone up and the poor are suffering in miserable poverty. That is the reason we need better social programs and a larger Tax on the extreme rich. We also need a Carbon Tax on those who continue to create pollution. We must make the polluters pay! It is to create an equitable economic distribution system based on clean air and water and clean food!

  It is to give every person a fair chance at survival! It is to maintain and to help all those wonderful people who are care-givers and who work without thought to personal gain, a chance to relax once in a while and to enjoy life! We need more people who are willing to help those in desperate need and who are in emotional stress. We need people who like helping people! We need people who enjoy life on this Earth and who work to protect the natural environment and who absolutely refuse to exploit the environment for personal profit! All of the aforementioned people need protection more than the half insane power brokers and exploiters who now control the economic system of the not-so-free world.

  We have to stop the blood-shed with the only tools that work. Friendship with patience and education. We have to use the care givers credo of ALOHA which is: Ask...Listen...Observe...Help....and Ask again.
 Over decades I was never simply satisfied to write words for their own sake but attempted to create social solutions to help stop the murderous bloodshed created by basically extremely sick and lonely human beings. We need a great many more intelligent imaginative minds to help create solutions. We need to completely revamp and improve our early childhood education systems. One important solution is to break up a Policeman's Eight hour work day into two distinct parts.. During one-half of the day he or she patrols the streets keeping the peace and during the other half of the day the police officer wears a different and non threatening uniform to work with children in parks and play grounds as swimming and sport instructors. He or she can also use the power of the police to work along side social services in order to help the homeless and the drug addicts find safe havens without the threat of incarceration.

 Thanks for reading. I hope these words help you create a better world.
Signed: Joseph Raglione          
Executive director: The world humanitarian peace and ecology movement.

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