Monday, July 18, 2016

A Key medical idea to save time and money.

Hello Gentle People:

 Today, almost everybody knows how long it takes to see a Doctor. It takes much too long! As I was patiently waiting for my Doctor a few days ago, an idea popped into my head which might help cut the time Doctors and secretaries use for doing paperwork.

 Give every patient a small computer memory Key containing his or hers personal medical information. With every visit to the Doctor, the patient hands the Doctor his or her computer Key and the doctor can compare what is on the Key with what he has in his computer. After the Doctor has examined the patient, he updates his computer file and downloads the information to the Key, handing it back to the patient.

 The information on the Key can be transferred to a Hospital or to other Doctors as needed by the patient or by the Doctor. Each patient can review his or her own medical information on a home computer. The Doctor can also keep a Key for his secretary who can access the information quickly and help to halt the need for searching files stored in a file cabinet or on a shelf. This will save time for both the patient and the Doctor and for the Medicare system. It is a Key idea!

Bye for now. Signed: Joseph Raglione.

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