Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Happy Holidays Gentle Readers!

 Every Holiday Season the following Grinch Gang attempts to stuff advertising crap into my old computer. In the past they almost convinced me to buy a new computer...almost! Today is a new day and I would like to thank the Grinch gang of advertisers for forcing me to become a better computer user. For example I am tonight listing all those who attempted to stuff their stuff into my stuff...>
1. re-markable.net
2. dimtron.com
3. adnxs.com
4. Couponarific
5. atargetingadvertiser.com
6. ca.ozto.net/a.php....

 They did temporarily give me a hard time but with the surreptitious use of pop-up blocking and other methods which shall remain nameless, I managed to stop the advertising attacks! You can do it too! Don't be fooled into buying new computers or suffering the rude and intrusive spam advertising they try to stuff into our computers. We outlawed spam years ago and unwanted advertising remains outside the social realm of the internet. Social communication is the basis for the development of the world wide web and it remains a free-for-all system however, it is not a wild west style free for all! Do not allow advertisers to bullshit you into thinking otherwise! If companies want to sell their products that is fine and all they have to do is create their own web sites where they can sell quality guaranteed products. People who need and want to buy those products will find them on the web. However, companies who try to force feed their products into our computers are abusive and will be flagged to the point they will lose more than they gain! Which brings me to the above list. Please feel free to add to the list if you find aggressive advertisers who are bugging the hell out of you! Your security page usually includes a place you can add and ban unwanted web sites. Have a Happy Holiday Season!

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    My Dear Friend: Valdemar Oliveira. I am overjoyed to read your letters! They prove you are alive in this fast changing world  of dynamic...