Friday, August 1, 2014

Gentle readers of this newsletter:

 Here are solutions to our social problems.
 As many as I could remember.
1. Plant Trees and Gardens everywhere, even on
 roof-tops and within tall buildings.
2. Build water desalination plants and pump the
 water to our farmers and to our cities.
3. Protect Bio-diversity everywhere on the planet.
4. Buy an all electric vehicle and use it as a Taxi.
You will become rich within ten years.
5.  Put Solar panels on your roof.
6. Double insulate your home. Never destroy a
 forest to build a house. Recycle paper.
7. Put electricity producing Wind and Water
 generators on and in the Ocean and allow the
wind and the ocean currents to produce
8. Allow Medicare to exist because sooner
 or later, rich or poor, you will need a doctor.
9. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Grow your
 own vegies as they taste better.
10. Make love, not war!
11. Give the United Nations a powerful army
 of Ethical peace keepers and send them into
conflict zones specifically to arrest the leaders
of the conflicts. Do not exclude European and
Western leaders who commit war crimes. 
12. Arrest polluters, no matter how rich and
 powerful they are and stop utilizing fossil fuels.
13. Protect the planet and have a  happy life!
You will face death with courage.

 Signed: Joseph Raglione Friday, August 1, 2014


ICYMI: They're actually suing the President!‏

Abby Witt, 


To: Joseph Raglione
Yesterday, Speaker Boehner and House leadership did something that's 
never been done in American history: They voted to sue the President. 
What's certain is that this is an utter waste
of time and millions of taxpayer dollars.

But it gets crazier -- this opens the door
 for extreme voices in Congress to call
 for impeachment.

I wish that was as unbelievable as it sounds.
 But look at John Boehner's track record:
He let an extreme minority shut down the
government, gave them more than 50
votes trying to derail Obamacare, and now
 he's letting them call the shots over a
wasteful lawsuit.

This isn't going to stop unless the American
 people demand it --
right now, add your name to tell John Boehner
 you're fed up with this nonsense.

As grassroots organizers who are working for real
 change that actually helps people, what's most
frustrating is that political stunts like this lawsuit
only make it more unlikely that they'll get
something meaningful done.

John Boehner is the Speaker of the House.
That's a job that should mean something --
 the chance to fix problems and tackle the
 issues that the American people sent you
there to do.

Instead, he's one of the biggest reasons
 this is the least productive Congress
in modern history.

That's pretty shameful, and what just
happened yesterday on Capitol Hill is
making matters worse.

Add your name to tell John Boehner to
knock off the political games and get
something done:



Abby Witt
Deputy National Director of Issue Campaigns
Organizing for Action

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.

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