Friday, July 4, 2014

Hello Gentle People:
 I've forgotten how long I have been writing on the world wide web. The following article reminded me of why I started in the first place. Today is July 4th., 2014. For all you Americans, have a happy holiday!

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Raglione []
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 9:42 PM
Subject: "sustainable development"

LASTNAME: Raglione
PHONE: 450-627-6810


This message was a reply sent ten minutes ago to the following Liberal minister...I suggest you use it before the Liberal's do...and yes, I am manipulating both your parties as much as is humanly possible at this time...because I am certain you will return to ignoring my suggestions and ideas once you regain power...if you regain power.

Dear John McCallum:

Your use of the words "sustainable development" creates an impression in my mind that the Liberals intend to sustain Canada's industrial development. Industrial development world wide is creating global warming. I suggest the following new catch phrase would be more apppropriate. ( Let us economically protect and enhance and sustain the natural environment, in essence placing economic value on nature, not as a commodity or as a natural resource, but as a life sustaining and life protecting shield against human species extinction.) Industrial development can also be maintained if, like a Doctor's oath, first and foremost it does no harm.That phrase might be palatable to scientists and hard working practical people across Canada. Do not harm life sustaining Mother Nature and we will reap a great abundance...otherwise, we will reap Human extinction!

Signed: Joseph Raglione:
Executive director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement. Affiliated with GreenPeace, The Sierra Club, the WWF, and N.G.O.'s around the world struggling towards peace and harmony with Nature.

Joseph Raglione:

December 30, 2005 | 4:48 PM

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    My Dear Friend: Valdemar Oliveira. I am overjoyed to read your letters! They prove you are alive in this fast changing world  of dynamic...