Sunday, June 8, 2014

Gentle readers, if honesty is the best policy, why am I not rich?

From: Ivan Frishberg, ( 
Sent:Wed 6/04/14 7:47 PM
To:Joseph Raglione (
Friend --

Some of the reaction to the President's climate plan from the other side this week has seemed straight-up bonkers.

One group likened it to a terrorist act, the Senate minority leader called it a "dagger in the heart of [...] representative democracy"...

This would all be kind of funny, too, if the opposition wasn't backed with a whole boatload of cash.

The polluters and special interests are prepared to fight this with everything they've got -- right now, we want to know who's willing to fight back.

So, how about you? Stand with President Obama, and support aggressive action to combat climate change.

The nonsense on the other side is no accident. This is their strategy.

Last week, House Speaker John Boehner told a reporter, "I'm not qualified to debate the science over climate change."

But this week, he was one of the first out of the gate to throw a punch at the President's plan, saying that this proposal will cost our country billions of dollars and thousands of jobs. The fact checkers don't agree -- Politifact rated his claims "false."

Here's what it boils down to:

The other side is prepared to spread myths and worse to get their way. We just need people to understand the facts.

If you're proud of the President's aggressive plan to fight climate change, you should help fight for it.

Add your name today to support common-sense EPA standards on carbon pollution:



Ivan Frishberg
Climate Change Campaign Manager
Organizing for Action
A message from Joseph Raglione.
 If choking to death in smog filled cities is your idea of the good life, you have been brain washed by too many TV car commercials created by people who do not care if you choke to death in smog laden cities.
 The rich have alternatives to Oil and Coal. They can place their Billions of Dollars on: electric vehicles, green-house gardens, city gardens, buildings that can be heated and cooled with the sun and the wind, solar panels, water mills that generate electricity utilizing ocean currents everywhere on Earth. Tree planting projects help to save the environment and they create jobs everywhere on Earth.  On the cultural side jazz and dance festivals generate employment for thousands of people around the world. Almost anything we can imagine is possible and the rich will not lose a single dime. In fact they will make more money doing life sustaining projects than it will cost them struggling against the rising wave of change now moving towards those same life sustaining projects.
  The idea of losing thousands of jobs in the Coal mining industry is bogus. Mountain top blasting and the use of Bulldozers and giant shovels have created unemployment for hundreds if not thousands of below ground miners. Why dig holes in the ground when you can simply blow away mountains to expose the Coal veins? Now that the mountains are half flattened, why not place dozens of Wind powered electric generators on those same mountains and give work to local people maintaining the generators?

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