Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27, 2014

Gentle People:

 I do not like being trained. In fact I dislike it intensely! However, if you must train people and animals, I suggest you follow the best guidelines.

 I will not be attending your training session but you can use this information as a basis for your new sessions.
  As a web based international journalist for human rights and the environment I believe in freedom with justice and courage, compassion with dignity and tolerance and humour, peace with love and harmony towards all life on Earth.

  I am excellent at what I do and if you want to win the next election, I strongly suggest you follow my example. Protecting and enhancing the natural environment along with human rights and human dignity, must always be a priority for you. Strong new consumer protection laws must be created with better and longer product guarantees. This will create work within your home nation and slow the importation of cheap junk from other countries.
  If you talk about creating environmentally friendly low income housing and public gardens within cities while banning gas burning cars and prioritizing all Electric vehicles: clean public transportation and Bicycle paths, you will win the attention and respect of the people. For example, President Obama espoused humanitarian and environmental concepts years ago and he won the White House! He began to lose public support when he was forced away from his original concepts by the Banks and the Oil and Coal industries and their Republican friends in Congress. Oil based Carbon must be removed from our atmosphere even if that means removing Oil and Coal from our economy. They must be replaced with clean energy creating alternatives which surprisingly, includes new and safer Nuclear Reactors.

 P.S. I can feel you shrugging your shoulders and getting ready to forget I exist. 
 That, I promise, will not work in your best interests. I am, however,  going to place your invitation on my Google blog and maybe it will create some interest for your Montreal NDP training session.

Joseph Raglione.
Executive Director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement. 

Subject: Formations NPD/NDP training sessions
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 16:14:05 +0000


Après la dernière formation en mi-février à laquelle 60 membres ont participé,  l'équipe d'organisation de la section Québec offrira deux autres journées de formation (une en français et l’autre en anglais) aux membres du NPD de la grande région de Montréal. 

La formation en français aura lieu le dimanche 23 mars de 10h à 16h au bureau de la Section Québec.

L’adresse est le 4428, boulevard Saint-Laurent, bureau 300 (entre Marianne et Mont Royal), situé à 10 minutes à pied du métro Mont-Royal. 

Les sujets suivants seront abordés: 
  1. L'historique du Nouveau parti démocratique et ses accomplissements
  2. La structure de la section Québec et rôle d'une association
  3. Le financement
  4. La préparation électorale
  5. Défis et priorités pour 2015

Du café et des viennoiseries seront offerts le matin. Les participants auront une heure pour diner. Vous pouvez apporter votre lunch, ou manger à l'extérieur. Plusieurs restaurants sont proches du bureau de la Section Québec.

Veuillez confirmer votre participation à la formation en français avant le 14 mars à Emilie Beauchesne 

Merci de votre collaboration, 
L’équipe de l’organisation
Section Québec du NPD


Following the mid-February training session in which 60 of our members participated, the Quebec organization team will be offering two more training sessions (one in French and one in English) for members from the greater Montreal area. 

The English training session will take place on Saturday, March 22, 2014, from 10am until about 4pm at the Quebec Section office.

The address is 4428 blvd Saint-Laurent, suite 300 (between Marianne and Mont Royal), about a 10 minute walk from Mont Royal metro station.

 The following topics will be covered:

1.       The NDP’s history and accomplishments
2.       The structure of the Quebec Section
3.       Fundraising
4.       Election preparedness
5.       Challenges and priorities for 2015

Coffee and snacks will be provided in the morning.  Participants will be given an hour to have lunch at one of the many restaurants located near the Quebec Section office. 

Please confirm your participation in the English training session before March 14 by writing to:  

Thank you for your collaboration. 

The Org Team
NDP, Quebec Section

COPE225:JL /  SEPB225:JL

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