Saturday, October 26, 2013

Hello gentle readers of this Blog. Just when I was beginning to hope that young Mr. Trudeau, leader of the canadian federal liberal party in Canada, had some basic intelligence, he agrees with the Keystone XL Pipeline. In other words Trudeau is pro-oil and either without ethics or without facts, or both. On the 25th., of October, Trudeau visited the White House to have a head to head talk with President Obama and Al Gore, presumably with Obama judging who wins the debate. Allow me to suggest that Hurricane Sandy was just the beginning of extreme weather events created by burning Gas from Oil into the Atmosphere. The fires in Australia and Colorado and California just the tip of the Iceberg. And speaking of Ice Bergs, the Arctic Ice has melted more in the last ten years than in the last thousand years with NASA pictures to prove it. Trudeau does not have my vote to become Prime Minister of Canada and that is sad because I had, before he chose sides, high hopes for the young man. Signed: Joseph Raglione Executive Director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement. Bravo Al Gore.

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