Thursday, September 19, 2013


Thank you so much for the encouraging comments you left for the activists that were detained by the Russian Coast Guard, we really appreciate your support. However, I'm writing now to update you on some disturbing developments.

It’s a tense and dramatic moment on the high seas of the Russian Arctic.

Just hours ago, a helicopter descended suddenly on the Greenpeace International ship Arctic Sunrise, where we were protesting against Gazprom’s plans to drill for oil in these pristine and remote waters. Armed officials of the Russian Coast Guard stormed the ship, holding 25 activists - including two Canadians - on their knees at gunpoint. Seconds later, communications from the ship were cut off. We are seriously concerned for their safety, and are demanding that the Russian authorities free all the activists and withdraw from our ship immediately.

Please send an urgent email to the Russian Embassy in Canada demanding they free our activists!

This illegal seizure of our ship and crew comes after two of our activists were arrested early yesterday morning for taking part in a peaceful protest on the Prirazlomnaya Arctic oil platform to stop Shell’s new partner, Gazprom from becoming the first company to produce oil from the icy waters of the region. They were held overnight against their will by the Russian authorities with no charges or legal representation.

Right now, all around the world, hundreds of supporters are flooding the streets outside the Russian embassies in their countries, to demand the release of the people who put their bodies on the line to protect the Arctic from oil destruction. They’re there on behalf of our movement of nearly 4 million, and we cannot allow them to be threatened for standing up for their beliefs.

The Russian authorities have called us “terrorists,” but it’s clear the real threat to the fragile Arctic comes from the reckless oil companies that are determined to profit from Arctic oil -- no matter what the cost. Together we must show we are stronger than than those who want to destroy the Arctic, and will not be intimidated into silence.

Click here to email the Russian Embassy in Canada to demand the immediate release of our activists and an end to Arctic drilling for good.
Please send an urgent email to the Russian Embassy in Canada demanding they free our activists!

Thank you for your unconditional support,

Christy Ferguson
Greenpeace Canada Arctic Campaigner
Attention gentle people:

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Thank you so much for the encouraging comments you left for the

activists that were detained by the Russian Coast Guard, we really

appreciate your support. However, I'm writing now to update you on some

disturbing developments.

It’s a tense and dramatic moment on the high seas of the Russian


Just hours ago, a helicopter descended suddenly on the Greenpeace

International ship Arctic Sunrise, where we were protesting against

Gazprom’s plans to drill for oil in these pristine and remote waters.

Armed officials of the Russian Coast Guard stormed the ship, holding 25

activists - including two Canadians - on their knees at gunpoint.

Seconds later, communications from the ship were cut off. We are

seriously concerned for their safety, and are demanding that the

Russian authorities free all the activists and withdraw from our ship


Please send an urgent email to the Russian Embassy in Canada demanding

they free our activists!

This illegal seizure of our ship and crew comes after two of our

activists were arrested early yesterday morning for taking part in a

peaceful protest on the Prirazlomnaya Arctic oil platform to stop

Shell’s new partner, Gazprom from becoming the first company to produce

oil from the icy waters of the region. They were held overnight against

their will by the Russian authorities with no charges or legal


Right now, all around the world, hundreds of supporters are flooding

the streets outside the Russian embassies in their countries, to demand

the release of the people who put their bodies on the line to protect

the Arctic from oil destruction. They’re there on behalf of our

movement of nearly 4 million, and we cannot allow them to be threatened

for standing up for their beliefs.

The Russian authorities have called us “terrorists,” but it’s clear the

real threat to the fragile Arctic comes from the reckless oil companies

that are determined to profit from Arctic oil -- no matter what the

cost. Together we must show we are stronger than than those who want to

destroy the Arctic, and will not be intimidated into silence.

Copy this letter to Russian Ambassador's around the world.

Dear Ambassador:

 We politely ask that you immediately release our peace and ecology Greenpeace activists. We then politely ask that you put an end to Arctic drilling for good! If you fail to comply we will politely ask for an international censor or your Russian government and a boycott of all Oil based products created by the United States Shell company. Thank you for your immediate assistance!

 On the morning of Wednesday 18 September two activists from Greenpeace

International were arrested as they took peaceful action towards

Gazprom’s off-shore oil platform Prirazlomnaya, to stop the company

conducting oil drilling operations in the Arctic waters of the Pechora

Sea. The following day, September 19, the Russian Coast Guard illegally

boarded the Greenpeace International ship Arctic Sunrise while in

international waters and arrested 25 activists on board at gunpoint. We

are demanding the immediate release of all the activists detained and

an end to the Coast Guard’s unwarranted aggression against our ship and

peaceful protest.

Greenpeace International is in the Russian Arctic to bear witness and

express non-violent opposition towards oil companies’ destructive and

reckless oil drilling plans. Our peaceful protest was met with extreme

and disproportionate force from the Russian Coast Guard, who fired 11

warning shots at our ship, the MY Arctic Sunrise, and threatened our

activists with knives and guns. Now 27 of our activists are being held

by the Russian Coast Guard against their will and without legal


Today we are conducting a peaceful solidarity protest outside this

embassy in support of our activists to demand that they are freed by

the Russian authorities. We urge you to transfer our requests to the

Russian government without delay.

We ask that you:

- Free the 25 activists who have been detained on board the Arctic

Sunrise, and order the Russian Coast Guard to holster their guns and

withdraw immediately from our ship.

- Prioritize investigation into the destructive activities of oil

companies in the Arctic, and not aggressive intimidation of peaceful


- Ban offshore oil drilling in the Arctic for good.

The real threat to the Arctic comes not from Greenpeace International

but from oil companies like Gazprom. In contempt of the urgent need to

protect the Arctic for all life on earth, Gazprom is determined to

drill in its remote, frozen seas for more fossil fuels that are warming

our planet and melting the ice. In the Arctic an oil spill would be

irrecoverable. Such an event would devastate the local environment.

We urge you to transfer these requests to the Russian government in

Moscow immediately to assist us in the swift release of our activists

from the custody of the Russian authorities, and put a end to the

unwarranted aggression and repression of our peaceful protest against

Arctic oil drilling.

Yours sincerely,

Thank you for your unconditional support,

Christy Ferguson
Greenpeace Canada Arctic Campaigner

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